Page 74 - DAIS Insignia 2022-2023
P. 74

A visit by Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School,                                                                                                                  History Lab - A Round Square Collaboration
        Australia                                                                                                                                                     From 28th November to 12th December 2022, six students from Grade 9 along
                                                                                                                                                                      with Ms. Sunandita Dey attended three sessions of RS Virtual Collaboration hosted
        On the 24th of February 2023, DAIS was ecstatic to welcome Mr. Matthew O'Brien,
        Head of Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School and Ms. Cathy Elliot, their Round Square                                                                             by the Shri Ram School Aravali in India, the Cadet College in Pakistan and the
        Representative. DAIS had hosted an exchange student from Bunbury Cathedral                                                                                    King's Academy in Jordan. The aim of the collaboration was to educate and share
        Grammar School earlier in 2018 for eight weeks. While this experience was cherished                                                                           heritage from around the world. Over 20 schools participated in the collaboration,
        by the student, the current visit by the Head of the school after the pandemic was to                                                                         allowing the students to interact with and learn from many students. The first of
        foster new opportunities for collaboration between the two schools.                                                                                           the three sessions and was themed 'Ancient Architectural Marvels'. For this session,
        Our guests witnessed glimpses of student life at DAIS as they visited classes, whether it                                                                     the delegates chose to share the Victorian Gothic Ensembles of Mumbai, including
        was the pre-primary classes demonstrating yoga, students humming notes in Western                                                                             the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus and the Flora Fountain. The second
        Music lessons or students playing during break time. They immersed themselves into                                                                            session was themed around 'Ancient Trade Cities and Ports'. The delegates chose to
        the Instrumental Jugal Bandi, a duet, with the sitar and tabla by our Indian music                                                                            share the examples of the Port-town of Chaul and the Revdanda Fort in
        faculty. The students from Grade 6 presented a short skit “Where's the talent?” to                                                                            Maharashtra, cities that specialised in trades of spices, cloth and metal. The third
        highlight the DAIS motto - 'Dare to Dream, Learn to Excel'.
                                                                                                                                                                      session, was on the theme 'Ancient Cities and their Vibrant Cultures', the delegates
        Our guests interacted with the Heads, faculty members, a few Student Council                                                                                  chose to speak about the city of Chandigarh and how planning was impacted by
        members, and other students at DAIS. It was extremely rewarding to hear the                                                                                   the remains of the Harappan Civilisation. Overall, the collaboration highlighted the
        description of our school as quoted by Mr. Matthew O'Brien, "You have a special group
        of staff and students in a very beautiful school that obviously has an impact on students                                                                     significant role that architecture, trade and culture play in our society.
        and the wider community." In a short span of two hours, our guests experienced the                                                                            Reflections: “Getting the opportunity to share our country's exquisite architectural
        happy, welcoming, warm, and vibrant culture at DAIS. Our guests departed with                                                                                 marvels with global participants was a moment of pride for us. Learning about
        promises to continue partnerships between the schools, to foster cultural exchanges for                                                                       varied architectural paragons internationally deepened our understanding of the
        both teachers and students.                                                                                                                                   subject greatly.”
                                                                                                                                                                      DAIS Delegates: Eesha Gheewala, Ikshu Shinde, Vihaan Dadbhawala, Daksh
                                                                                                                                                                      Bhatt, Anhad Gill and Saanvi Agarwal
                                                                        Doon School - Virtual
                                                                        Language Exchange
                                                                                                                               Mathements - Birla Public School, Pilani
                                                                        १५वी फरवर  को धी भाई अ बानी                            On 29th April, 2022, the Birla Public School, Pilani hosted a Round Square Collaboration
                                                                        अ तरा  य  व यालय क छा   ने दन  कल                      themed 'Mathements: How math is involved in the construction of monuments'? Around
                                                                        क छा   क साथ शहर   व श टता को बढ़ाने                    150 delegates across Grade 6-8 from 22 schools participated in the event. The goal of the
                                                                        म   वरासत क  भ मका पर वाता लाप  कया |                  event was to identify the concepts of mathematics used in ancient and modern monuments.
          ११वी क ा स इशानी बदाला, आ या ग ता, सहानी चौधर , ओजस बजाज और हषवधन शाह ने लघ नाटक क मा यम                             As a pre-task, DAIS delegates had explored the Raigad Fort in Maharashtra to understand the


          स मंबई क अनेक  वरासत  थल  पर जानकार   दान क , और उनस स ब धी अपनी याद  पर भी चचा  क  | दन                             application of math in its construction, the positioning and strategic architecture of fort built
                                                                                                                               by the Marathas.
           कल क  वधा थय  ने अपनी   ततीकरण म  एक अ तरा   ए  तर पर  वरासत के  उदाहरण  दए |  नो तर के  दौरान

                                                                                                                               The delegates heard keynote speeches by Mr Vikramjit Singh Rooprai and Ms Preety
          हमने अपने   य  वरासत  थल  क बार म  बात क , और उनके  संर ण के   लए कई समाधान  योजनाओ ं पर भी                          Tripathi, connecting monuments from Indian history with mathematical concepts to further the
          चचा  क  | इस अनभव ने कवल  वरासत और  व श टता पर जानकार  ह  नह ं, पर भारत क अ य शहर  क  भाषा                           students' understanding of the event's theme. Every delegation was allocated three places to
          और बोल  क बार म  भी हम  बहत कछ  सखाया | अतं  म  दोन   व यालय  के   श कगण के  सख-श द सनकर भी हम                       research on for the collaborative meeting. The DAIS Delegation had chosen the Jantar Mantar from

          अपने  दशन पर   तपि ट  मल  | यह एक यादगार स मलन था, िजसस  ा त  व या को हम अपने जीवन म  आगे                            Delhi, Glory of Soviet Science from Russia and the Allianz Arena from Germany to discuss as
                                                                                                                               examples of architectural marvels using elements of mathematics.
          भी उपय त कर सक   गे |
                                                                                                                               The collaboration was a wonderful learning experience as delegates reflected on the use of math
                                                                                                                               in around 60 monuments around the world. They were provided with insight on complex
                                                     DAIS Round Square Collaboration:                                          mathematical concepts such as the Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio. All in all, the event
                                                                                                                               provided students with a new perspective into the making of the monuments that are well
                                                     Ethnomathematics -                                                        known through the lens of mathematics.
                                                                                                                               DAIS Student Delegates: Sohrab Daver, Neil Agrawal, Samay Gulzar Sandhu, Iknoor Gill and Kavya Mangal.
                                                     St. George's School, Peru
                                                     On 6th December 2022, 18 students from grades 9 and 11 attended a
                                                      Virtual RS Symposium hosted by St. George's School, Peru, on the theme
                                                      'Ethnomathematics'. The purpose of the Symposium was to draw                                                               TECHNOVATION 2023 - Chittagong Grammar
                                                      connections between math and culture.                                                                                      School, Bangladesh
                                                      The Michael Ham School from Argentina discussed Tessellation and their                                                     The Chittagong Grammar School, Bangladesh hosted Technovation
                                         real-life occurrences such as in Guaranies Basketry. The Gimnasio Campestre School from                                                 from 10th to 13th February 2023. Five DAIS students from grades 8 to
                                         Colombia spoke about Colombian Calendars, Monuments and the Number System through                                                       9 along with Ms. Kamal Kaur participated in this event attended by
                                         the lens of Colombian culture. Finally, the St. George School spoke about Yupana, an ancient                                            over 200 delegates from all over the world. Technovation provided the
                                         Peruvian calculator, and the benefits of a concentric ring layout in planting vegetation.                                                delegates an opportunity to utilise their creativity and technological
                                         Through the Symposium, the delegates gained exposure to the different approaches to math                                                 prowess to create games, posters and more. The delegates
                                         and the role that it plays in various cultures. Finding it thought-provoking and enriching, the                                          participated in over four events: Master Coder, Game Jam, Ingenious
                                         activity allowed students to gauge the importance of Mathematics through history and     Geniuses and Poster Picasso. The event introduced delegates to new concepts and inspired them to pursue STEM through the
                                         diverse cultures through of the world.                                                   keynote segments. CGS Technovation was a wonderful experience for the children. Having no previous learning experience, they
                                         DAIS Delegates: Angad Tathgir, Anoushka Poddar, Vikkraman Jatia, Shreya Arora,           went into the collaborative event to gain knowledge into the world of STEM. The segments gave them an insight to using C# coding
                                         Ranveer Sharma, Arzoo Maheshwari, Tara Kamble, Vivek Ramesh, Lehar Goenka,               language to create a game, using Python as a coding language to create elaborate codes, using of Digital Art and understanding
                                         Ninad Atale, Advay Pradhan, Ziya Sheth, Aneesh Kumar, Hrishita Shah, Dev                 how business pitches proceed. The delegates described these sessions to be tremendously thought-provoking and eye-opening.
                                         Choudhary, Rhea Kothari, Aditya Krishnan and Ami Metha.                                  DAIS delegates: Ishaan Surve, Aryan Pai, Aryan Sharma, Apoorv Gupta and Saanvie Sheth.
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