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About the Conference
The planet earth inherently is a green planet. Its inhabitants are biologically dependent on their green environment to survive. We all use natural resources throughout our lives without giving a thought to the fact that these resources are limited! That they will exhaust one day! What we have today has to be sustained for the generations to come.

The rapid scale of development should not be at the cost of creating an imbalance in our natural environment. That would be a recipe for disaster!

The rapid scale of development sees many a disasters when the balance in nature has been upturned. The more developed the nation the more it needs to understand the need to maintain the balance in their environment.

We have already seen that many nations are taking active action to sustain their natural resources.

Efforts are made to co-exist with nature and ensure that there is a balance created. These measures towards sustainable development are based on the realization that there is a certain cyclical movement of the progress towards maintaining and sustaining the earth’s natural balance.

The resources are running out but by practicing sustainable development we can ensure that they last longer and also encourage find of alternate sources for our sustenance.

Our generation next is already on this crossroad where in they may have to choose a path of environmental disaster or sustainability.

And it is up to us to guide them to choose the right path for their future.

The 3S conference thus aims at making the generation next aware of the power they have to make this world a better place through sustained efforts to Save! Sustain! Survive!

Purpose of the conference

  • To make the generation next aware that all is not lost!
  • We still have ways and means of helping in conservation efforts that make it possible for co-existence of nature along with modernization / development.
  • To demonstrate that even in a metro like Mumbai it was possible to sustain the ‘green lungs’.
  • Highlight benefits of these ‘green lungs’ especially in metro scenarios.
  • To empower them with means of creating the similar balance in their own environment.