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Pre-Conference Tour
Pre Conference Service project visit and Mumbai Darshan Dates
5th October to 9th October 2014 (optional)
Date Time Pre-conference Activity Details
5th October   Arrival to India and Registration Delegates to be registered/ give the conference kit/ hand over to host parents.
6th October 9 am Village Kumbhargarh Host parents to drop delegates to school.
  12 noon Patalganga: Settling in the guest house. Lunch Break up into smaller groups for the planned activities
  4 pm to 7 pm Work at Kumbargarh  
  8 pm to 10 pm Dinner. Lights out  
7th October 8 am Breakfast  
  9 am

Leave for the Village project after Breakfast

  10 am to 4 pm Commence work at the village  
  5 pm Return to the Guest house  
  8 pm Dinner  
  10 pm Lights out  
8th October 9 am Leave for Village after Breakfast  
  10 to 12 noon Continue work at the village  
  1 pm Return to Guest house/ Lunch  
  2 pm Leave for Mumbai after lunch.  
  5 pm Reach Mumbai  
  5:30 pm To be picked by Host parents  
9th October 9 am Arrival at school  
  10 to 3 pm Mumbai Darshan ( Mumbai Sight Seeing Tour) Lunch Included  
  4 pm to 5 pm Flag bearers march practice of all schools To practice with all school in the alphabetical sequence
  5 pm to 5:30 pm Change into party wear/ costumes  
  5:30 pm to7:00pm Cultural performances by all schools  
  7 pm to 8 pm Evening Dinner with Delegates  
  9 pm To be picked by Host parents  


Conference Itinerary
9th October to 12th October 2014
Date Time Activity Details
9th October 9 am onwards Registration for arriving delegates  
  4 pm to 5 pm Flag bearers march practice of all schools To practice with all school in the alphabetical sequence
  5 pm to 5:30 pm Change into party wear/ costumes  
  5:30 pm to 7:00 pm Cultural performances  
  7 pm to 8 pm Evening Dinner with Delegates  
  9 pm To be picked by Host parents  
10th October 8:00 am Flag bearers march practice of all schools To practice with all school in the alphabetical sequence
  9:00 am Inauguration Lighting of the lamp
  9:20 am to 10:00 am Opening Ceremony Cultural performance
  10:00 am to 10:30 am Conference photo  
  10:30 am to 11:00 am

Key Note Speaker (I)
Ranjan Biswas

  11:00 am to 11:15 am Audience Q & A  
  11:15 am Disperse to Barraza groups / rooms  
  11:30 to 12:00 Barazza GD  
  12:00 Board buses for MNPS  
  12:00 to 12:30 pm Enroute MNPS  
  12:40 pm Packed Lunch to be served at MNPS  
  1: 15pm to 
3:00 pm
Walk around Mah Nature Park to see the sustainability of the green patch within the heart of Mumbai  
  3 pm Departure for school  
  3:45 pm Arrival at school  
  4:00 pm Dispersal  
11th October 6:30 am Arrival at school of all delegates  
  7:00 am Departure for Sanjay Gandhi National Park  
  8:00 am to 11:30 am Arrival at SGNP Break up into 2 groups for  these activities
1) Short trek around the Kanheri Caves
2) Visit 4 to 5 caves
(Packed Breakfast to be served)
  11:30 Group moves to the main cave for the key note speech  
  11:30 to 12:30 Key Note Speaker (Sunjoy Monga) and Audience
Q & A
  12:30 Boarding buses  
  12:45 Departure for DAIS  
  1:30 Arrival at DAIS  
  1:30 to 2:30 pm Lunch at School  
  2:30 to 3:10 pm Barraza  
  3:10 to 4:00 pm Social Interaction/ Reflections  
  4:00 pm Dispersal  
12th October 8:00 am Arrival at school  
  8:15 to 10:15 am Planting Clearing of the ground behind the school and plantation activity along the entire stretch of road. 
  10:15 to 12:00 Back to school for Art Divide the delegates into smaller groups for the activity
  12: 00 to 12:45 Lunch Break  
  12:45 to 1:45 Presentations 2 mins each
  2:00 to 3:00 Certificate distribution / Conference statement and farewell Declaration of Statement by the conference President and distribution of certificates
  4:00 onwards Dispersal for Homeward bound travel