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About the logo
How it all began
On a sunny summer afternoon, our students of classes 5th to 7th, armed with their Art material spread out in all corners of the school to explore the idea of developing the logo integrating the conference theme. After a briefing on the technical elements needed to make a logo, children set out on the task.
As we believe in providing windows of creative output to all equally, 180 children applied themselves to the cause
What emerged was a fascinating array of designs, ideas, concepts very creativity executed. Each design had a story and each one was executed with the belief that we are going to make a difference to our world. It made our task of choosing the logo for the theme even more challenging. Finally, through the parameters set for selection, we made our decision of choosing our conference logo.
The Logo
This logo exemplifies the very desire expressed by all students that they have to practice the 3 S’s of SAVE and SUSTAIN in order to SURVIVE.
It beautifully integrates this thought in the Round Square logo as if to substantiate the RS philosophy that is echoed in its tag line
"The World Is In Our Hands"
Note : This logo is designed by Shreya Goenka (7A) of DAIS.