Page 13 - DAIS Admission Brochure 2023-24
P. 13
Academic Programme
Post-Secondary Programme
International Curriculum
Classes XI and XII
Secondary Programme Secondary Programme
National Curriculum International Curriculum
Classes VIII to X Classes VIII to X
Middle School
Classes VI to VIII
IB Primary Years Programme
Classes I to V
Teaching and Learning
PYP (Early Years)
IB Primary Years Programme
Students are at the heart of teaching and learning • happens through inquiry, conceptual understanding, in the Early Years
at DAIS. An inquiry-based and concept-driven differentiated instruction and use of technology.
approach across all subjects will empower students
• develops critical thinkers.
with skills essential for success in the 21st century.
Our academic programme is enhanced and • nurtures creativity, research and innovation.
enriched by a wide range of complementary
• fosters collaboration and effective communication.
activities that support and augment students'
learning experiences. • provides experiential learning in local and global
contexts. DAIS is a candidate school for the
Our definition of High Quality Teaching and International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary
• incorporates formative assessment, summative
Learning (HQTL) encompasses a broad set of Ye a r s P r o g r a m m e a n d p u r s u i n g
assessment and self-assessment to inform
guidelines where learning: authorization as an IB World School.
teaching and learning. IB World Schools share a common
• is holistic to meet the intellectual, physical, social, • inculcates the values of integrity, empathy, and philosophy—a commitment to improve the
and emotional needs of learners. compassion. teaching and learning of a diverse and
inclusive community of students by
delivering challenging, high-quality
• takes place in a safe and supportive environment. • creates self-directed learners.
programmes of international education
that share a powerful vision.
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