Page 16 - DAIS Admission Brochure 2023-24
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IB Primary Years Programme (PYP): Classes I to V
                                                                                                                                   The  Primary  Years'  students  are  engaged  in   abilities. We offer a wide range of curricular and
                                                                                                                                   team and individual sports to nurture a sense of   co-curricular  activities  that  help  instil  in  children
            At DAIS, the Primary School - Classes I to V - offers  an   experiences that support and strengthen the skills         team spirit and community, as well as individual   confidence  and  self-management  skills.
            exciting  and  creative  experience  within  the     of collaboration and communication.                               effort  and  accomplishment.  Students  are       The  focus  on  developing  social  skills  and
            International  Baccalaureate  (IB)  Primary  Years   The  DAIS  environment  utilises  space,  resources               encouraged to participate in inter-house cultural   identity  while  working  with  others  allows  for
            Programme (PYP) framework. The IB Learner profile   and people to create learning opportunities that                    and  sporting  events.  Specific  weekly  sessions   individual  expression,  respect  and  appreciation
            attributes, along with the DAIS guiding statements,   are  relevant  and  challenging.  Technology                     provide opportunities to further their passion and   for diversity.
            work together to develop learners who value and   integration  further  enhances  experiences  and
            embody international mindedness and take action   promotes  creative  and  critical  thinking  skills.
            on their learning to make the world a better place.
                                                              Throughout their Primary Years, students build on
            Through  a  transdisciplinary  approach,          their  coding,  problem-solving,  and  thinking
            acquisition  of  knowledge,  development  of      skills, with the introduction and mastery of Scratch
            conceptual  understanding  and  mastery  of  skills,   Jr, Scratch and Minecraft.
            students  build  a  strong  foundation  within  and   Field  trips,  excursions,  activities,  projects  and
            across disciplines.
                                                              presentations  provide  experiential  learning
            Our  written  curriculum  has  been  developed  to   opportunities. As students observe and engage
            meet  the  needs  of  holistic  education.  Academic   with  the  world  around  them,  they  wonder
            rigour, social-emotional well-being, and values and   and  question  to  make  connections  to  their
            attitudes  come  together  to  provide  a  balanced   learning.  Student  engagement  in  community
            experience  for  students  in  a  strong  learning   service  activities  from  Class  I  onwards  sensitises
            community.  The  inquiry  process  allows  for    them to the community's needs, within local and
            individual,  small-group  and  whole-group        global contexts.

               Core Subjects              Languages                    Arts                  Movement

                   English                   Hindi                    Drama               Physical Education

                Mathematics                 Marathi                    Music                    Yoga

                   Science                                           Visual Art                 Dance

                Social Studies

                                                    PSHE, Technology

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