Page 21 - DAIS Admission Brochure 2023-24
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ICSE Programme: Classes VIII to X
interacting with others, whereby students are contributing to the same. This is reflected in the
The Council for the Indian School Certificate elective subject from among Computer able to expand their understanding of the world outstanding results our school has achieved and
Examinations offers the ICSE (Indian Certificate Applications, Art, Physical Education, or Technical and develop diverse cultural perspectives. the new benchmarks of excellence that our
of Secondary Education) Programme. At DAIS, Drawing Applications. students have set, year after year.
Over the years, our school has been constantly
the ICSE curriculum is designed and delivered
The ICSE Programme is delivered in a way such that developing the depth and breadth of the ICSE For more details about the ICSE Programme, visit
to prepare students for the future, with the
students acquire deep knowledge in the core Programme, with our teachers significantly
requisite knowledge, skills and values. Application
subjects while developing skills of critical thinking,
of knowledge and development of analytical
creativity, communication, and collaboration. This
skills form an integral part of the Programme.
gives them the foundation to transition seamlessly Subjects offered for ICSE Classes IX and X
It helps students to become responsible citizens
into any national pre-university programme or the
who will make positive and meaningful
IB Diploma Programme. The wide range of co-
contributions to society.
curricular opportunities that the School offers helps Group I Group II Group III
In Class VIII, which serves as a preparatory year for develop students into well-rounded individuals.
Compulsory Subjects Compulsory Subjects Any one Subject
ICSE Classes IX and X, students study English as the They participate in Dance, Drama, Fine Arts,
First Language; French or Hindi as the Second Western Music, Indian Music, Yoga, Model United
Language; Marathi as the Third Language; and Nations (MUN), Round Square, Robotics, and other
English Mathematics Computer Applications
Mathematics, History, Civics and Geography, activities. By organising and participating in inter-
Science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) and house cultural and sports events, students develop
Computer Studies as core subjects. leadership skills and team spirit.
Second Language Science (Physics,
In ICSE Classes IX and X, students study English as They have rich and meaningful interactions
Hindi / French Chemistry & Biology)
the First Language; French or Hindi as the Second with international students while participating Physical Education
Language; Marathi as the Third Language, and in several exchange programmes, which foster
Mathematics, History, Civics and Geography, and in them the attributes of global citizenship.
History, Civics & Environmental Science Technical Drawing
Science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) as Community Service is an integral part of learning, Geography Applications
compulsory subjects; ICSE Class X students will also with students actively involved in various service * Environmental Science offered only
in Class X in Academic Year 2023-24
study Environmental Science till the academic year projects. School trips and excursions are
2023-24. Students are required to opt for one opportunities for experiential learning and for Students will be required to study Marathi as a compulsory Third Language.
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