Conference Day 2
Discover Yourself
The Treasure Hunt started with the
rush to organize the clues in a given
order to reach the “treasure”. This
soon turned into a frantic rush that
spread through 5 floors of the school.
Gone were the shy and composed
delegates, organised barazza leaders
who led fruitful discussions, as all
delegates ran back and forth around
staircases and classrooms. Screams
of joy were heard once one clue after
another were deciphered as each
delegate seemed enthralled by their
main goal: to finish the treasure hunt.
The treasure hunt had each delegate
scrambling for the next clue, through
a series of riddles and activities. Each
activity posed a different obstacle for
the groups. The excitement of the
delegates and facilitators and the
exhilarations on their faces as they
returned to the auditorium, were proof
of the bonds the groups formed.
All in good spirit and
camaraderie, the air of
competition between the barazza
groups fuelled each delegate’s
race to the proverbial gold at the
end of the rainbow. The
importance of teamwork,
communication, problem solving
skills and building conference in
each were only some of the few
key values everyone walked (or
wearily shuffled) away with. In the
final analysis, the treasure was
the experience that participants
would never replicate.
The carpe diem activities were designed to build trust and collaborative skills, as well as ecnourage delegates to be creative and think outside the box.
Keynote Speaker
Mr. Akul Tripathi
Our Keynote speaker for today, Mr. Akul Tripathi ( or just Akul ), is a maverrick, with a flair for making unconventional choices, be it in his career path or larger issues of everyday life. In keeping with this we chose to turn the so called key note address in to an interactive session with a smaller and later a larger body of students.
He spoke extensively of choosing and following one's passions however off the beaten track they may be and later dealing with the consequences that these choices may throw up. As an avid wanderer, who also anchors a travel show " Ekant" he shared several anecdotes from his advertures around the remote yet historically significant corners of india. Whether it was the heady excitement of filming under dangerous conditions or being deeply moved by the kindness of strangers who once offered haven to hapless strangers, these anecdotes kept the audience enthralled ! expecially notable were his comments on respecting multiple historical narratives and daring to find the truth oneself.
Mr. Tripathi stressed on his lifelong tryst with challenging existing structures and eking one's own path. he believes that established societal norms are often limiting. while he acknowledged that his privileged postion in society helped him to follow his dreams, yet he emphasized that no one should lose sight of their unique goals, however modest or humble they may be.
Mr. Tripathi's casual style of communication and holding up the role of passion in driving one's life, struck a deep chord with the young audience. More importantly, we felt deeply inspired by his success in combining his passion with his profession!