Student Initiative
The conference is the first of its kind at DAIS, unique as it is totally student-driven. The conference has been meticulously planned and put together by DAIS students, and has been designed to ensure a memorable and enriching few days for all delegates. While teachers advised us on organizational and logistical aspects, the creative force behind the conference was completely student-led. By allowing students to make decisions and take charge of the event, vital skills of leadership and organization were instilled in us.
The proximity in age of the student organizers to the participants means that the conference is bound to be an especially memorable and relevant experience for all delegates!
Students involved in organization were divided into several committees, each of which were responsible for a different part of the conference, including each of the workshops that will be conducted over the course of these four days. These have been developed largely by students, who brainstormed and shared ideas that shaped each workshop, with help from the teachers. Each workshop consists of fun and relevant activities that connect to the theme of the Conference, all designed to help delegates Explore, Experience and Empower .