Page 31 - DAIS Digital School Diary-2023 - 2024
P. 31

•    An Effort Grade is awarded in each subject based on the descriptor. This
                    focuses on the qualitative inputs which include the level of engagement and
                    work habits displayed by the student in the subject.

               •    The Final Grade comprises of 60% weightage of the exam grade and 40%
                    weightage of the assessment grade.
            However, for ICSE Classes (VIII-X) a weightage of 80%/20% for exams and assessments
            is taken for the final grade.

            The achievement grading scales for students in Classes VIII-XII are aligned with the
            scales of the examination boards followed at DAIS.

            Students in the ICSE programme (Classes VIII-X) receive marks as percentages.
            Students in the IGCSE programme (Classes VIII-X) are graded on a scale of A* - U, with
            A* being the highest.

            Students in the MYP (Class VI-VII) and IBDP (Classes XI-XII) are awarded grades of 7 - 1,
            with 7 being the highest.

               Reporting on Approaches to Learning

               •    Classes VI to XII except ICSE: Through Approaches to Learning students
                     develop general and disciplinary-specific skills that have relevance across the
                    curriculum  and  that  help  them  learn  how  to  learn.  These  skills  set  the
                    foundations for lifelong learning. Subject Teachers and students report on
                    specific skills that were explicitly developed and practised in the term.

               •    In the Primary classes Approaches to Learning skills are mapped to and
                    reported on each unit as well as in the term report.
               •    Effort  grade  reflect  the  student's  industrious  nature  and  diligence  with
                    respect  to  homework,  projects  and  class  participation.  These  include  IB
                    affective  skills  (perseverance,  persistence,  resilience  and  self-motivation),
                    organizational  skills  (preparedness,  time  management,  punctuality)  and
                    collaboration  skills  (teamwork,  contributions).  Effort  grades  are  given
                    subject-wise at the end of the term based upon the level of consistency of
                    performance by a student.

                    Students receive a progress report at the end of each term which consists of a
                    final grade, effort grade, ATL progression and subject comments by each
                    teacher. Students also reflect on their performance. Parents are encouraged
                    to reflect and review each progress report with their child and may reach out
                    to the respective offices if needed.
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