Page 25 - DAIS Digital School Diary-2024 - 2025
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student body can benefit through a multi-pronged approach of strengthening the
connect with the alumni and parents, and by expanding the network with individuals
and institutions, far and wide, with educational relevance.
With clearly articulated objectives, strategies, measures of success, resources needed,
lists of people responsible, timelines, and evaluation plans, the strategic plan 2023-
2028 envisions DAIS achieving its objectives in a culture of excellence and in pursuit of
school improvement that is on a continuum. A complete version of the strategic plan is
shared on the school website.
The DAIS Curriculum Model
The learner is at the heart of our curriculum model, thereby our resources, expertise and
commitment are directed towards providing an excellent and holistic education to
every child in our care. We endeavour to develop in students sound values, and
an appreciation of their own culture and that of others. Our guiding statements
comprising our vision, mission, motto, values and objectives set the context for our
school culture and provide a fertile ground for children to blossom to their full potential
and shape their character. Our focus is on providing an environment that is safe and
child-centred and one that cares for children's well-being, so the learner is inspired to
excel and develop holistically. Students experience the joy of learning as they explore
and engage enthusiastically in a wide spectrum of academic, co-scholastic, sports, and
co-curricular activities. The key pillars of our pedagogy are learning through inquiry,
conceptual understanding, differentiated instruction, and technology integration. Our
pedagogy aims to develop in students a broad range of knowledge, skills and attitudes,
offering alternate pathways to students with varying needs, capacities and aptitudes,
and supporting inclusive education. The emphasis on academic rigour and
engagements beyond the classroom is integral to our educational philosophy and