Page 30 - DAIS Digital School Diary-2024 - 2025
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Students absent from internal school examinations will not be re-examined except
in the case of a verified medical condition, students’ participation in academic,
sports and co-curricular events with prior permission, or any other extenuating
circumstances on a case-by-case basis. In cases of unexcused absence from
examinations, such students will be excluded from academic awards. For
ICSE/IGCSE/IBDP Classes VIII to XII, Board exam regulations will prevail.
e) Grades and Reports
In Secondary School, report cards will be issued at the end of each term. Students
and parents can view the progress of each unit on Toddle.
Reports will also include student reflections on academic approaches, areas for
growth and areas of strength.
Students from Classes VIII to XII receive Assessment, Exam, Effort and Final Grade at
the end of each term for each subject:
• An Assessment Grade consists of all the Tests and Rubric Based assessments
that take place during the term. This grade is based on the weightage provided
for the respective assessments and the grade boundaries set in the subject.
• The Exam Grade in each subject reflects the attainment level in the end of
term examination for each subject. This may be based on a single or multiple
exam paper/s in which case weightage is given. There are grade boundaries set
in each subject to generate the corresponding exam grade.
• An Effort Grade is awarded in each subject based on the descriptor. This
focuses on the qualitative inputs which include the level of engagement and
work habits displayed by the student in the subject.
• The Final Grade comprises of 60% weightage of the exam grade and 40%
weightage of the assessment grade.
However, for ICSE Classes (IX and X) a weightage of 80% / 20% for exams and
assessments is taken for the final grade.
The achievement grading scales for students in Classes VIII-XII are aligned with the
scales of the examination boards followed at DAIS.
Students in the ICSE programme (Classes IX and X) receive marks as percentages.
Students in the IGCSE programme (Classes VIII to X) are graded on a scale of A* - U,
with A* being the highest.
Students in IBDP (Classes XI and XII) are awarded grades of 7-1, with 7 being the