Page 56 - DAIS Digital School Diary-2024 - 2025
P. 56

24. Students must not bring dangerous, disruptive or anti-social implements such as
                     guns, knives, catapults, explosives, laser pens, etc., to school. The school has a 'zero
                     tolerance' policy with respect to possession of such implements.

                     Violation of this policy will be subject to severe disciplinary action, which may
                     include expulsion from the school.

                 25. The school has a 'zero tolerance' policy in respect of possession, supply or use of
                     illegal  drugs,  narcotic  substances,  tobacco,  e-cigarettes,  alcohol  or  any  other
                     socially unacceptable substances both in school, on school trips, or in any public
                     space.  Any  student  found  to  be  violating  this  policy  will  be  subject  to  strict
                     disciplinary action, which may include expulsion from the school.

                 26. Any incident of theft will be subject to strict disciplinary action, which may include
                     expulsion from school.

                 27. Any form of trading /gambling including playing cards, video games, in school / on
                     buses / on school trips is prohibited. Any student found to be violating this policy
                     will be subject to strict disciplinary action which may include suspension from the

                 28. The school has a 'zero tolerance' policy towards any form of bullying, including
                     ragging and electronic abuse. Any student found indulging in such practices will be
                     subject to strict disciplinary action, which may include expulsion from the school.

                 29. Vandalism of any kind will be subject to disciplinary action. Students guilty of willful
                     damage will be punished and charged for any necessary repairs / replacements. In
                     cases of group vandalism where individuals cannot be identified, the charge will be
                     levied on all students known to be present during the vandalism.

                     Every  student  shares  the  responsibility  of  informing  the  appropriate
                     Head / Deputy Head should they see others violating the above-mentioned

                 Dress & Appearance

                 30. Students  are  expected  to  dress  and  behave  in  a  manner  appropriate  to  the
                     expectations of the school and are required to be neat and clean in their general
                     appearance. During virtual school students should be in school uniform while
                     attending classes.

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