Page 55 - DAIS Digital School Diary-2024 - 2025
P. 55
14. All students are required to behave courteously at all times, conform to the norms
of good conduct and respond readily to requests concerning proper behavior from
any member of the school community.
15. All students are expected to contribute to a positive learning atmosphere in the
class for the benefit of their own learning and that of others.
16. Chewing gum or similar substances must not be brought into school.
17. Students should treat the school campus and facilities with respect.
18. The school provides students with electronic access to local, national and
international networks. Accessing of material not meant for students is strictly
prohibited. Every student has the responsibility to respect and protect the right of
every other user on the network, including those related to confidentiality and
intellectual property.
19. Students are not permitted to loiter outside classrooms or laboratories. When using
staircases and corridors, students are requested to keep to the left. However is case
of emergency evacuation students need to come down in a single file keeping to
the right leaving the left open for emergency services.
20. As per the state government policy students from Class VIII to Class X must not
bring their phones to school. Students of Class XI or XII can carry their phones to
school but must deposit them with the security at the time of entering school. Any
phone found in the school will be confiscated along with the SIM card for a period
of 6 months.
21. Students are expected to demonstrate appropriate behaviour and overt public
display of affection or the use of obscene or vulgar language is prohibited.
22. Students are expected to show due courtesy to all, especially those who are
physically challenged or are much younger in age, especially in the use of common
23. Any form of malpractice in connection with any exam session will be dealt with
strictly. Any such malpractice will be reviewed by the Heads and consequnces will
include awarding of zero marks for the subject, along with suspension, possibly
leading to expulsion from the school.