Page 183 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 183

Dear Diary
 IV  Can you believe that yesterday was my tenth birthday? My big special 10. Can you believe that it
     actually happened? The day that I have been planning and dreaming for months. I am officially
     DOUBLE DIGIT now! And it was everything I could wish for and more.
     I'm sure you remember reading the dozen lists I wrote to you about exactly what type of camping
 A   sleepover themed party I had dreamt of and every inch and detail all the way, from who will enter
     first to which room they will sleep in at night. But you know how sad I was because of corona
     right? But guess what? It turned out better than I had expected in every way.  When I woke up, to
     my surprise, my mum had filled the house with balloons and my baby pictures, and I had my
     favourite  coffee  and  cinnamon  bun  from  Pret-A-Manger.  I  was  pampered  with  a  parlour
     treatment to do my hair. And my most favourite person in the whole wide world K Mami took me
     for a special slice of pizza followed by blue bubble gum ice cream for lunch. I did not know that
     Blue Bubble Gum ice cream even existed. Did you know it existed?
     When I entered home, I couldn't control my joy; it was a dream in reality. Have you ever felt like that?
     There were four beautifully decorated tents and my friends came home to enjoy the day with me. My
     grandmother even made me a rainbow cake at home. I couldn't believe it! Diary, please mark this   GROW YOUR OWN FOOD! -
     page, as this is the page that would make me feel happy, when I am sad. More later.              AARJAVI MALLIK
                                                                 Naisha Kanodia य द म    प ी होता

                                                                                 म    खल आकाश म   वतं   प स उड़ता। जब मझ
                                                                                                                    े ु
                                                                                      े ु
                                                                                 भख लगती तब म    अपना मनपसंद भोजन खाता। म
                                                                                 आसमान स सार  द नया पर  तरह स दख पाता
                                                                                  य  क म    दश  क  सीमाओ स न बंधा होता।  बना
                                                                                  कसी पासपोट और वीज़ा  म    द नया घमता।

 MENTAL PEACE  REACH OUT TO HELP                                                 य द म    प ी होता तो म    पड़  पर बठकर गाना गाकर
                                                                                 हर मन य को मर  मीठ  आवाज़ स खश करता। म
                                                                                 अपने पंख  क साथ कह ं भी आ और जा सकता था।
                                                                                 म    सभी फल  क पड़ स मीठ फल खाता।
                                                                                 म    मानव और दसर जानवर  स  म ता करता। म
                                                                                 सभी मन य  को  यार स समझाता  क सभी प  य
 EAT HEALTHY  The 4A Wellness Café  GO ORGANIC  HEALTH IS WEALTH - NIVAAN SHETH  DURGA MA BY NANDIKA RAMCHAND  और जानवर  को म त होने क  आव यकता ह। म
                                                                                 हमशा  वतं   प स उड़ना पसंद क ँगा।
   Get a berry punch or carrots to munch,    ં પયાવરણ    યાન રા    ં                                     इलान कपा ड़या

 Drink some soup or spin some hula hoops,
        મારા ઘરનો ભીનો અને  ક ુ ો કચરો અલગ રા   ું  .   ં ર તામા ં કચરો ફ કતી નથી અને જો ફ ક લો
 Take a deep breath or shake a leg,  હોય તો ઉપાડ ને ડ બામા નાખી દ   .    ના કપડા ને મોટા કરાવીને પણ પહ ં  .ં  અમે ઘરમા ં  Virtual Evening School
 INNER PEACE   Eat a healthy meal and crack a deal.   BE GRATEFUL   લા  ટક વાપરવા   ું બધં  ક   ુ છે અને કાગળની કોથળ  વાપર એ છ એ.    Our Virtual Evening School is almost here,
                                    અન યા મહત   ા                                 We can't wait to celebrate and cheer!
 Date, number and time all matter,                                                We might be cooking something yummy,
                                                                                  So make sure you empty your tummy!
 When you're cooking up a healthy batter.                                         Keep some art materials ready,
       A Scuba Diving Adventure                                                   Because fun awaits,
 Run, walk, and cycle all you can,   “Myra,  are  you  coming  or  not?”  Irene  shouted   All your friends will be there to play,
 EXERCISE  It helps to be fit amongst your clan.   HEALTHY LIFESTYLE  angrily. “Yes, I am here now.”  So don't leave early to log off.
       Tom, Irene, Myra, and Leroy were going to the beach                        Of course you won't,
 Like a tiny seed to a healthy plant,   for scuba diving. Of course, anyone would be excited   Make sure you stay!
 Create a life full of extravagance,.  if it was their first-time going scuba diving! They got   Oh my! Night school is hours away,
       into their swimsuits and went to get the gear. “Now                        I wonder what we'll do that day.
 Be calm, peaceful and clear your mind,   we're  ready”,  said  Myra  grinning.  Slowly  and   Online games, art, cooking?
 Inner peace for sure you will find..  steadily, they submerged themselves into the clear   Coloured clothes or just jabbering away?
 AVOID WASTAGE  BE AWARE  turquoise water. It felt good.                          I can't wait to get to 5th grade,
                                                                                  Though I'll miss 4th grade too,
       Leroy tried to speak, but only bubbles came out of his                     But come on! We're going to middle school!
       mouth. The guide showed them different coral reefs,                        Don't you think that'd be much more cool?
       fish with lines, squiggles and dots and fish that were
       colourful.  But  the  most  unreal  and  glorious  thing                                         Kimaya Jagtap
       they  saw  were  oysters  with  pearls!  “That's  rare,”
 BE KIND  MEDITATE  Irene gasped. She was tempted to take one out and   STAY HEALTHY, STAY FIT -

 Health and wellbeing is important for you,  keep  it  safely,  but  she  didn't.  Next,  they  spotted    ં પયાવરણ    ું
 Grow your own plants, it's healthy too.  sharks!  Their  silvery  gleaming  bodies  swimming   MYRA BAIJAL   યાન રા    ં
       leisurely, not far away. Spotting them knocked the
 Now all that's left to do is spread the word,  living  daylights  out  of  Tom.  Sharks  scared  him  to
 And make sure that it's not unheard..                                                               શાકાહાર  બનવાનો
       death. Next, the guide took them to see the jellyfish.                                       ય ન ક  ું  .ં  અનાજ નો
       They were interesting to watch, slimy and of course                                          બગાડ નથી કરતી.
 THINK POSITIVE  STAY CALM  jelly-like jellyfish! Now, this time Myra got a bit too
       excited. Irene gave her the 'warning look' to calm                                             અયાના દ સાઈ

       down. Finally, it was time to leave. They changed and
       got dressed. On the way home, Leroy told Tom, that
       the  sharks  are  used  to  people  coming  and  they
       generally don't harm humans. They luckily had some
       good pictures of Tom with the sharks. They couldn't
 SAVE FUEL  EAT A RAINBOW MEAL  SAVE NATURAL RESOURCES  HAPPY THOUGHTS  stop laughing and teasing him. What an adventure!
                                  Ananya Mehta
 177                                                  OH WHAT FUN IT IS TO ROLE PLAY! - HEIDI PLAY        178
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