Page 202 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 202

Staying Awake                                                                મ  યો ની આદતો,   પયાવરણ                        મ  યો ની આદતો,                                                  Christmas Gift

     Inter House Creative Writing Competition Winner from the Lions                     ને બગાડ  અને બચાવે                       પયાવરણ ને બગાડ                                                  One night, Millie was up late reading in bed. She finished

     We see it, we've heard about it, and we know about it. Oceans have a major impact on our lives, but                             અને બચાવે                                                   the book she was reading (The Story of Ferdinand) and
     if you ask a group of people, 'What are you doing to save the water on this planet?', majority of   દર ક ઘર ભીનો અને  ક ુ ો કચરો ભેગો કર  છે,                                               looked over to her shelves to see what else she might
     them will not reply because they are not doing anything. Nowadays, many people say that we   એટલે જયાર  આ કચરાને બાળ એ ક  દાટ એ                                                             read before she went to bed. Right there on her shelf was
     should be taking small, baby steps to help sustain the environment, and they teach that in lessons.    યાર  એમા ં રહલ   ા ં  લા  ટકનો નાશ થતા ં વષ ના ં  કોઈપણ  કાર   ું   ષણ-  લા  ટક,     something  she  had  never  seen  before.  It  was  a  blue
     These people continue saying it and telling you to help the environment, but it's grown old. We   વષ  લાગે છ   પયાવરણને  બ ૂ  જ  ક ુ સાન   અવાજ ક  ગદં ક  ફ લાવવાથી પયા વરણને               bottle. The blue bottle was about as tall as a small book,

     don't need to take baby steps any longer. It's time to take giant sized leaps, and every single human   કર  છે. એના ં કરતા ં જો આપણે આપણો ઘરનો    ક ુ સાન થાય છે.  એના ં કરતા ં જો આપણે     had a round bottom, and a thin neck. In addition, while
     being on this planet must take these leaps, or the outcome of just doing what we do today will                          દર ક  કારના   ષણ રોકવા ક  એના  ં
                                                                                  કચરો ભીના અને  ક ુ ા કચરામા ં  ુ  દો- દો ભેગો                                                                  the bottle looked as if it were made out of glass, Millie
     destroy everything and everyone.                                                                                          માટ ના નાનામા નાના  ય ન કર                                        could not see through it. Millie got out of bed and went
                                                                                      કર એ તો એકલો ભીનો કચરો ખાતર
     There are several posters put up around places we go to with sayings such as, 'Stay Awake!' or 'Help                     ત ૃ તા ફ લાવીએ તો આપ   ું પયા વરણ                                  over to the bottle. She picked it up, carefully, afraid that it
                                                                                           બનાવવામા કામ આવ.
     Mother Earth!' or even 'Save The Oceans!'. I feel out of all of them, the first one should be                                      બચી  ય.                                                   might break. She was surprised at just how heavy it was.
     accomplished first, since the very reason these topics are still being preached about is because the   વીર ગેહરો ા                                                                           Certainly heavier than any other bottle this size she had
     entire human population is asleep. We're fast asleep, dreaming of our picture-perfect lives and                                 રાજ ી ચ વ દ                                                 ever before lifted.
     pretending that nothing, absolutely nothing is wrong, but really, how long will this pretence go on?
     We simply cannot continue with our lives when our resources, which help us live our lives, are every                                                     Rudrakshi Suryawanshi              She looked down into the bottle, but it was too dark
     single day being depleted even further. Going back to our picture-perfect lives, I think that everyone                 The Story of Buddha                                                  inside  to  see  anything.  So  she  shook  it.  She  heard  a
     should ask themselves, 'We're a community, we human beings are one, but who are we trying to                                                                                                rattling sound. There was something inside! She turned
     please by living a flawless life?' We should ask ourselves this question because, we need to decide                     One night when the moon was high,                                    the  bottle  upside  down  and  shook  it  again  to  see  if
     what's more important – being picturesque or living healthily? I think we all know the answer deep                     Stars lit up the dark evening sky.                                   anything would fall out. Something almost fell out and
     down inside ourselves, and it's that living healthily is much more important.                                          A young prince stepped out of a life of luxury,                      then it didn't. Whatever was inside was now stuck in the
     Why? Why though? We're living how we want to live now, so what's wrong? What is wrong is our                           Leaving behind his beautiful wife and baby son to make history.      bottle's  neck.  Millie  shook  harder  and  harder.  Finally,
     planet. It's dying slowly and slowly, and its heartbeat is lessening. We are the Earth's heartbeat.                    His story was written years ago when the young prince was born as Siddhartha,  something small fell onto the floor. It was a ...
     Imagine if your heartbeat is becoming so conceited that it forgets you entirely and concentrates on                                                                                         Minor figurine of Ferdinand (the bull from the story she
     itself. What happens next? You proceed to die, slowly, and you know it. You know that you're going                     To mother Maya and King Shudhodhana,
     to die, and everything inside you is going to die too, but you can do nothing. The thing that must                     That he would leave them all and make his destiny!                   was reading). She looked into its deep red ferocious eyes
     save you is gone, and therefore you cannot save yourself and what's inside you from the impending                      Was it easy to leave it all behind,                                  and was flabbergasted, as it was the one gift she wanted
     doom. That is, as a matter of fact, how the Earth is at this very moment, so we should stop trying to                  And to answer all the questions that tormented his young questioning mind?  for Christmas! She was though way too tired to think
     pretend it's not. How can everyone walk on the streets and feel as though there is nothing we owe                                                                                           about who gave it or how, so she jumped onto her bed
     to our home. Which is not our actual cement and brick house, it's the Earth. We are living like there's                “Father, 'What is death? What is disease? Why do we emerge when in the end we   and slipped under her thick duvet. The next morning, she
     a substitute, but there really is not. There's not another source of water we can drink water from.                    all have to die?                                                     woke to the mellow glow of the rising sun and sweet
     There are not more trees we can get oxygen from. There's not another planet in which we can live in                    What is the meaning of it all?                                       chirping  and  melodious  singing  of  the  birds.  As  she
     if this one gets destroyed by our actions. We impact every single thing on this planet. You see, our                   Why this suffering?                                                  scrunched her eyes to yawn and opened them wide, she
     actions control everything.                                                                     Priyaana Jhaveri       Why this strife?’”                                                   was stunned. The minor figurine had grown to a life-
     We try to tell each other that the environment is perfectly alright, but the fact of the matter here is                Shudhodhana: “Alas my son, I locked you up in a false paradise,      sized statue!

     plastic. We haven't realised it completely yet, but the more plastic products grow, the faster they are    म कोरोना वायरस  ।  But these questions raise their snake-like heads.”            That  was  surely  what  she  had  wanted  for  Christmas,
     going to overwhelm us and the planet. We are going to get trapped, trapped under the products                          What is ordained, how can we mere mortals fight?                      though she had a small house which could not fit any
     that we have made. It's our very own handiwork that is going to imprison us. Someone once said   लोगो का कहना ह, िक कोरोना महामारी न हमार जीवन
     that 'Actions speak louder than words.' That is true, because this essay isn't going to change the fact   को बदल कर रख िदया ह, म भी इसस सहमत   |   How would this journey to discovery be?  more  than  her  cozy  family  of  3.  She  rushed  to  her

     that oceans are going under the plastic, little by little. Someone also said, 'A single action means   लिकन मरा मानना ह, िक जीवन म  सभी चीजो की तरह   Would he find what was wrong and what was right?  parent's room bouncing up and down on the bed to

     more than the greatest grand intention.' One can say that one is going to become plastic- free, but                    Travelling like an impoverished mendicant,                           wake them. She told them exactly what had happened

     only once they do something in that direction will it happen. Now isn't the time to say, 'Oh, I'm old   कोरोना महामारी क भी अपन दो पहल ह | यह सच ह  ै                                       sparing no detail. They too were shocked and decided to
     anyway – the younger generation will take care of it.' That is an attitude we must change, because   िक यह महामारी का सभी पर कठोर  भाव पड़ा ह |   The prince crossed rivers, plains, forests day and night.  sell it. They rushed out of their house opening a little
     every living human being can do something and can contribute, if we just spread awareness. You   कछ  लोग  इस  शोक    महामारी  क  कारण  अपन  े  Until he arrived tired and defeated in the city of Bodh Gaya,  wooden stall on the opposite street, and started their sale



     see, we humans need to wake up from our deep slumber and need to break free out of our prison.   जीवन  क  िलए  सघष  कर  रह  ह  ।    उ   आिथक   There seeking refuge under a dense fig tree,  at a low price too. Though, as time passed not a soul
     We feel that we rule the world and can rule whatever we make, but that is one of the biggest lies   म  लो का सामना करना पड़ रहा ह और ब त लोग   The prince fell into a deep meditative trance.   passed their stall, and it was as though someone had cast
     that we feed ourselves. Plastic, even if we don't know it, is ruling us. It is, again I say, our own   बीमारी क कारण अकलपन स जझ रह ह।   For 49 days he sat in introspection,                a spell!
     handiwork that is severely undermining us, and will undermine our home if we don't stop it. The                        Constantly plagued by wild animals, serpents and demons threatening to break the
     truth is, if our actions eventually do destroy the planet, we will cease to live. Whatever lives will cease   हालािक अगर हम इस महामारी को नयी नज रय स  े  meditation.                       Then Christmas neared and Millie surely would not have
     to live, and everything will get destroyed.                                 दख तो हम इस प र  थित म भी रोशनी ज र िमलगी                                                                       enjoyed it with such a burden over her head. Then on



     There is a reason that so many books, movies, television shows, podcasts and more are made on this   |इस   थित न हम जीवन क िलय एक नया  ि कोण   But at the end of the tunnel, shone divine light,  Christmas Eve, she was too bummed out for anything
     topic, and it is we that make them, but why don't we practice what we preach? We claim that through   िदया ह | इस किठन समय न मझ जीवन की छोटी-छोटी   And from there emerged Gautama Buddha, the wise and Enlightened!  else, so she rested her head on the hard, wooden table-
     the media and through our words, we spread a message to our audience, but if we don't do what we   बातो क मह  को महसस कराया ह और साथ ही मझ  े                                 Uma Shukla    top of the stall and dozed off into dreams of celebrating a
     tell them to, why on earth should they listen to us? It's not as though saving the planet is impossible to   आभारी होना िसखाया ह | हम मन  की इ ाए और                                        joyful Christmas. Then as her eyes twitched and she rose,
     do. Why, the word 'impossible' says 'I'm possible.' We shouldn't just give up. It's determination we   ज रत बढ़ती रहती ह | इस   थित म मझ अपन आप स  े                                         she heard jingles and saw LED lights everywhere. There


     need, and it’s determination we should get. 'Where there's a will, there's a way.' That saying is a popular   सत  होना िसख़ाया ह। इस   थित म मझ जीवन क हर                                    were snow crystals falling too. As she tried to walk home,

     one, and an extremely true one. We can do something if we believe in ourselves and think we can.   पल  को  सजोना  िसखाया  ह।  इस  समय  न  मरी                                               she crossed paths with a sledge and reindeers riding it.
     Imagine the world at a standstill. There is not a single vehicle on the road, not a single tree flapping in   मानिसकता और      को ढालन म मरी मदद की                  મ  યો ની આદતો,          She hopped onto that sledge and the reindeers took her

     the air, not a wave crashing on the seashore, but the land exists and occasionally, a fire flames, and                                                                પયાવરણ ને બગાડ          to a different home which was huge and gorgeous. Her

     creates more like it, until the world gets overwhelmed. The buildings and structures exist, but it's just   ह। इस महामारी न मझ खद को  ितिबिबत करन और                                        parents were inside and waved to her.
     that, nothing else, and the reason is that the world is airtight. There are no trees anywhere, and   िफर स अपन आप स जड़न का समय िदया ह, िजस म  ै                         અને બચાવે
     therefore there is no oxygen. There is no water, therefore no replenishing living beings' systems, and   अब खदको बहतर तरीक स जानती  । इस महामरी न  े                                        She ran into the house and from the foggy window she
    due to all of this, we do not exist. This is what the world will become if we continue our lives the way   मझ नयी चीजो को आजमान क िलय  ो ािहत िकया                    પે ોલ અને ડ ઝલ વાહનો   had a quick glimpse of an elated Santa. He told her that

    they are. We impact every single thing, and if this continues, well, our heartbeat will pause, and we will   ह। अपना समय िबतान क िलय मन कई उ ादक                    વાપરવાથી પયાવરણ  બ ૂ  જ   due to her good deeds this year he gifted her a house so

    get imprisoned. Staying awake is what we need to strive for, and staying awake is what we need. We   तरीक सीख ह और मन ब त सार ल  पर िकय ह ।                          વ છ થઈ જશ. રાજક ય  તર    she  could  keep  her  Christmas  gift  in  it!  She  couldn't


    also need to appreciate everything in our lives and anything that has been done for us.   इस महामारी न मझ अपन प रवार क साथ बधन का                                   સોલાર બળતણના વપરાશ માટ    believe her eyes, as their family
                                                                                                                                                                             ય નો થવા જોઈએ.
                Most importantly, though, we need to stay awake every single moment in our lives   अम   समय  िदया  ह  और  सबस  खास  बात  इस                                                      sat  at  the  table  with  jubilant
                from this moment on.                                             महामारी न मझ सकारा क  ि कोण िदया ह।                                                            રાહ લ શાહ        faces enjoying their wholesome
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Christmas dinner…
                                                                   Aanya Thakur
                                                                                  सना मलसरा                                 Varenyaa Jain
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Aashna Singh
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