Page 204 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 204

                                                                                                                                   दषण रोको!                 Value what you have
                                                                                                     VI                           दषण रोको,  दषण रोको!       Terri Sweringen once said “We are living on this planet as if there is another one to go to.”
                                                                                                                                 मानव सोचो, मानव सोचो,
                                                                                                                                                             This couldn't be truer. I experience it first-hand every single day. It is easier to get wi-fi, than to get clean,
                                                                                                                                     समाधान खोजो,            drinkable water. My waters are choking with hazardous plastics, my fish are dying, my beauty is getting
                                                                                                                                                             destroyed. If that isn't enough to bring about a change, I don't know what is. You do not see the things I
                                                                                                      B                         वाय को श  करन की सोचो।       see, so you humans do not understand. Schools of fish, shivers of sharks, herds of sea turtles are all dying
                                                                                                                                                             because of one foolish mistake. I'd like to see a day where my waters will flow free, my inhabitants happy
                                                                                                                                  पड़ लगाओ, पड़ लगाओ,
                                                                                                                                                             and healthy, my beauty restored. I'm not so sure I'd even live to see an hour like that, let alone a day.
                                                                                                                                धरती को बजर होन स बचाओ!
                                                                                                                                मानव सोचो, समाधान खोजो,      Ha! The things I see: men in the shower complaining about a drought, not enough water for children to
                                                                                                                                 कित क िनयम को अपनाओ।        drink, people eating plastic instead of fish. This is all just a taste of what's going to come. Just yesterday, a
                                                                                                                                                             little girl walked by my waters and tossed a chocolate wrapper as if it was nothing. An hour later a
                                                                                                                                   य  करो, उपाय करो,         gorgeous gold fish washed up dead on my shore. Just because your children know how to speak, and
                                                                                                                                     जल न न  करो!            mine can't, doesn't mean that they don't deserve a chance at a better life. If you still don't think it's
                                                                                                                                मानव सोचो, समाधान खोजो,      important, think about your children. Will they have enough water to survive? Think about tourists
                                                                                                                            अम  जीवन, अनमोल  ा  को सीचो।     visiting India from far and wide to see its magnificent sights and culture. Would they really want to see
                                                                                                                                                             contaminated, dirty seas, oceans and rivers? I think not. Every day is the same, 1,00,000 marine species
                                                                                                                                मानव सोचो, समाधान खोजो,      and 1 million sea birds die because of plastic each year. I am fading away. Don't forget, you too can make
                                                                                                                                  दषण रोको,  दषण रोको!       a difference. Just by not tossing 10 wrappers into my waters, 20 lives of innocent fish are saved.
                                                                                                                                      या गोिलया              If someone takes your i-pad or phone away, you think the world has come crashing down. You have no time
     Ma Famille                                        મ  યો ની આદતો,                                                                                        for miniscule problems like droughts and contaminated water. You have no time to think about the lives you
                                                                                                                            Ma maison                        are endangering or the futures that you are ruining. No sir, not you. There's always Mars as a backup. So, go

     Dans ma famille, il y a quatre membres- ma mère,   પયાવરણ ને બગાડ  અને બચાવે                                                                            back to your YouTube, video games and what not.
     mon père, mon frère et moi.                                                                                            Ma maison est à Khar à Mumbai. Il y a   Mark my words, you will never understand how much
                                                       લા  ટક નો વ   ુ પડતો ઉપયોગ ન કરતા ં
                                                                                                                            treize pièces.   Dans ma maison il y a   I am worth until all the wells are dry.
     Ma mère est grande et belle. Elle a les yeux châtains   કાપડ તેમ જ કાગળ નો વપરાશ વધારવાથી                              quatre chambres, cinq salles de bains,

     et les cheveux noirs, raides et mi-longs. Elle aime    પયાવરણ    ુ  થશ.ે                                               une salle à manger, un salon, un balcon                 Gayatri Srivasatava
     cuisiner et tricoter.                                    અયાના બારાઇ                                                   et une cuisine.

     Mon père est très grand et mince. Il est homme                                                                         Ma chambre est grande et belle. Dans
                                                                                                        Kyra Mahindru
     d'affaires. Il aime le trekking et les fruits. Ses yeux   What is Sustainability ?                                     ma chambre il y a un lit, une armoire, un
     sont noirs et ses cheveux sont courts, raides et noirs.                                                                nounours,  une  commode  et  des
     Mon  frère  est  petit,  jeune  et  mignon.  Il  aime  le   The year imagine 2499. In Australia: Fires blazing, trees burning and entire cities in ashes.   posters, Ma chambre est bleue. J'aime
                                                                                                                            ma chambre !
     football et les échecs. Ses yeux sont bruns et comme   In Japan: Tsunamis occurring every day, the ocean leaving waste everywhere, bringing
     mon père ses cheveux sont noirs, courts et raides.   floods to the cities, and tearing down houses. In USA: Tornadoes whirling through the   Il y a une grande table avec six chaises et         Alisha Patil
                                                  country, leaving people stranded and without homes; the start of the second Great   un buffet dans ma salle à manger. La
     J'adore ma famille !
                                                  Depression. The Earth: Barren forests, oceans grey because of the garbage in them, and   cuisine  de  ma  maison  est  grande  est
                                  Alisha Patil    birds, animals and people nowhere to be seen. Because men didn't live sustainably.   belle.  Je  prépare  des  gâteaux  et  des
                                                                                                                            pâtisseries  dans  ma  cuisine.  Il  y  a  un
                                                  What is sustainability? The act of using less things? A law enforced upon mankind? Or a   grand  balcon  dans  ma  maison.  Mon
                                                  skill to practice every day? Scientists have a agreed on one thing: Sustainability means   balcon  a  beaucoup  de  plantes.  Mon
                                                  using things that we absolutely need, not things that we want. But they also know   balcon est ma pièce préférée.
                                                  another  thing:  If  we  don't  start  living  sustainably  right  now,  we  won't  have  Earth
                                                                                                                            Ma  maison  est  belle  et  confortable.
                                                                                                                            J'aime beaucoup ma maison.
                                                  Greta Thunberg went on a boat from London to New York. She wanted to set an example
                                                                                                                                               Aryana Barai
                                                  for people: You don't have to use planes all the time; use boats and live sustainably. She
                                                  stopped  buying  new  clothes  so  she  could  live  sustainably  but  others  are  doing  the
                                                  opposite of that. Trees that have been here longer than us are cleared away because we   A Roman Holiday                       Myra Ratnani
                                                  humans need paper and wood for our furniture. Because we don't live sustainably, the   There is one place I will never forget! The place I got lost in. It all started in the middle of
                                                  amount of garbage we produce is a lot, and if it's burned, it pollutes the environment and   April 2016. My family and I had been planning for the summer break and wondering which
                                                  contributes to global warming. A lot of our garbage finds its way into clean pure water-
                                                                                                                            destination to choose. One day as we were watching a program on the television, my dad
                                                  bodies that were once home to thriving ecosystems but now all fish are choked, all whales   came into the room and announced - 'We're going to Europe'. Well, what do you all think?
                                                  have microplastics in them, and the coral reefs are dead. Tin Zi's symbolic art, “Under the   As a 7-year-old my thoughts revolved around all the pizza that could be eaten -the thought   Vaniya Lalwani
                                                  water, Over the Sea” shows how the oceans have become a dumping ground for us but
                                                                                                                            was  amazing!  But,  my  dad  wanted  to  go  somewhere  in  Rome,  somewhere  royal,
                                                  our non-sustainable way of living will eventually come back to harm us. Scientists have   somewhere that had many paintings crafted centuries ago. We thus settled for the Vatican   Try these when you're
                                                  proved that all fish contain plastic in them, and since non-vegetarians eat fish, they   City. I wondered if it was a country!
     Aryana Barai                                 contain plastic too. We kill animals to eat them and to make things out of their fur, which                                                          feeling anxious or stressed
                                                                                                                            We walked into this country, which is also a city, and my dad told me that the Pope lived
                                                  results in an imbalance in the food chain. We are also causing many species to go extinct   there. I was confused as to who the Pope was. When I saw the Sistine Chapel, it looked so   1. Take a time-out
     મ  યો ની આદતો,                               because of this.                                                          beautiful and like the stairway to heaven or the pathway to live an eternal life. That day I   2. Eat well-balanced meals
       પયાવરણ ને બગાડ  અને બચાવે                  But there is a way we could change our fate, by changing ourselves. Using the three R’s   learned a lot. Soon I got pretty bored and sat on a chair. A little after, to my dismay, I   3. Limit alcohol and caffeine, which can

                                                  (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), we could reduce the waste we produce by buying fewer things.   discovered I was lost.                                        aggravate anxiety and trigger panic attacks
     જયા- યા કચરો ફ કવાની આદત આ  હને ગદં ો   કર  છે.   We should only buy new clothes if our old ones don't fit us anymore, and do the same   I started crying but the security guards came to my help. They asked for my name and took   4. Get enough sleep
     લોકો દ રયા  કનાર  ફરવા  ય   અને ગદક  ફ લાવ. પણ                                                                         me into a room. Then on the loudspeaker, a voice boomed,'Akaash's parents please come   5. Exercise daily to help you feel good and
                                                  thing with shoes. We should reuse things we have like plastic bags, boxes, cups and
     હવ લોકોમા   ત ૃ તા આવી રહ  છે, તેથી દ રયા  કનારાની                                                                     to SR 3'.                                                                    maintain your health
                                                  plates. We should recycle everything that's useless such as plastic wrappers (instead of
     સફાઈ ચા   ુ કર  છે. પરં   ુ જો આ  ણ 'આર' -  રડ સ ૂ ,
                                                  throwing them, we should give them to recycling centers).                 My parents came running and hugged me tightly. We went out and got ice cream and I took   6. Take deep breaths
      રસાઈકલ અને  ર ઝ ુ    ું પાલન કડક ર તે થાય તો આપણો                                                                                                                                                7. Count to 10 slowly
                 હ હક કતમા ફર  એકવાર સ વો માટ     It should be our aim to change ourselves, and then people around us to live sustainably.   away something from this adventure. - Pay attention.      8. Do your best
                રહવ   ા લાયક થઈ  ય.               After all, we have only one planet to live on.                            After this incident I never got lost again.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Akaash Das                Tiana Dalal
                                     િ યા કોઠાર
                                                  Rhea Bhatia
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