Page 207 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 207

Mon Amie  No Planet

 Mon  amie  s'appelle   “Save the planet, save the planet,” haven't we heard this               ુ
 Sakina.  Elle  a  treize   phrase like a gazillion times. Yes, we have. Well, everyone     મ  યો ની આદતો,
 ans.  Elle  est  vraiment   thinks the same one line over and over again, "What            પયાવરણ ને બગાડ

 gentille et drôle. Elle a   effect can I have on such a big planet". That, my friend, is
 les  yeux  noirs  et  les   what we are thinking wrong. Terri Swearingen once said,            અને બચાવે
 Cheveux mi-longs. Elle   "We are living on this planet like there is another one to              ુ  ુ
 est  petite  mais  elle   go to." What does that mean? It means we have just this      આપણી આ બા ની  વ છતા આપણા
 court très vite. Sakina   one planet to live on, hence each and every one of us        હાથમા છ. - ફ ત  લોકો  કવા   ું  બધં
 adore les chocolats et   needs to make amends in our way of living to change the        કર  તો પણ આ પયાવરણમા િનરોગી

 les  bonbons  et  elle   world as a whole. You might ask how to begin. We can             લોકોની સ યા વધી  ય અને
     make  small  changes  by  reducing  the  use  of  plastic.
 aime  la  couleur  lilas.                                                                   પયાવરણ બચાવી શકાય.

 Elle joue également au   Plastic, what we consider convenient and super effective
     for everyday use, creates havoc in the marine life as well                                   ટયાના દલાલ
     as in the land animals.
 Preetha Wadekar   We  use  plastic  in  so  many  forms  that  sometimes  we
 Myrah Ratnani                                                                           Our Mortal Paradise
     ourselves overlook its danger, that is in plain sight. For
 Under the water,   મ  યો ની આદતો,   example, how hard can it be to carry a bottle from home?   Isn't it bliss to wake up to the
 Over the Sea     પયાવરણ ને બગાડ    But no, we must buy a water bottle from a store and   picturesque view of the Swiss Alps?

     drink. You may think that it's just one bottle, but there are
 What are we leaving for our future generations?  અને બચાવે    zillions of people, who are thinking just like you. "Just   Or to find yourself encompassed by
 Will the future generations be able to inherit the Earth?   one bottle." This, in turn, is letting this plastic junk enter   evergreen trees, where the koala
 We don't have a Planet B.   ખાણકામ જયા જ ર હોય  યા જ કર   ું  our system. We have to realize that what enters a system   naps.
 જોઈએ અને વીજળ થી ચાલતા  ં  needs an exit too. Well, what's the exit? We dump plastic    Won't it be paradise to find
 Imagine waking up and looking out of the window and   વાહનોનો ઉપયોગ કરવો જોઈએ.          yourself deep, deep down in the
 seeing garbage piled outside our homes!  bottles, plastic bags, wrappers in the seas and oceans?   Pacific Ocean?
 Imagine going for a walk and treading over wrappers and   આ ષ મા  ુ  During a high-tide, storm, or tsunami for a matter of fact,   Gayatri Srivasatava   Encircled by the alluring coral and
 food that has been thrown away carelessly!   the seas and oceans give us all the garbage we threw in it
     back. Yet, we act indifferent about the catastrophe it has                          Away from your city life
 Well, that's what marine life has to deal with every day.  Warrior of the Wild  caused.  There  was  a  stunning  installation  by  a   commotion.
 If we keep treating our planet and oceans in this way and   Singaporean  artist,  Tin  Zi  during  2016,  which  was   भगवान की दन
 polluting our life giving waters by dumping garbage marine   And then the mane moves,  displayed to raise consciousness about how our actions     ा ह भगवान की दन?   Wouldn't it be miraculous to chase
 animals will start to get extinct quickly. So many animals are   And out emerges the lion child,     are polluting the oceans at a large scale.   यह आप पछ सकत ह,   the aurora borealis under the

 already endangered such as the star turtle. Our actions will   Standing tall like a warrior in the wild.  सि  ही तो बनाई, यह कह सकत ह।   midnight sky?

 not  only  impact  future  generations  of  humans  but  also   It was displayed in such a manner that people who stood   Or to visit the Canadian Rockies
 destroy natural habitats of marine animals.  He valiantly stands there,  under this mesmerizing installation felt and realised how   सबस पहल सय बनाया,   and never have to say goodbye.

 We can do the smallest things to help conserve our planet,   Rooted to the ground,  the marine life gets affected by our apathy and sheer   रोशनी दन क िलए।   Won't it be a dream come true to
 like avoiding using disposable plastic bags and using cloth   As his eyes scan the Savana for the   disregard  of  our  actions.  Marine  life  gets  affected  by   ओस पर पड़ती ह, जब पहली िकरण,   behold the jaw dropping beauty of
 or paper bags instead. So many animals are dying because   native's hound.  plastic debris as they might ingest it, causing suffocation   मन  खल उठता ह,   the Fuji gardens?
 of plastic bags.   and other health hazards. There are cases where plastic   जस गम  म ठडी पवन।

 Under the watchful eye of his dad,                                                      To be in a tranquil, colorful place
 Plastic may seem harmless and useful to us but inside the   bags have been found in the stomachs of marine life such   with no pardons.
 ocean, they are being ingested by marine life and killing   He is safe till the core,  as fishes, turtles, sharks, and many more aquatic lives.   और बनाए च मा,
 animals  such  as  turtles,  seals  etc.  Plastic  is  also  non-   Now he can play in peace,  What is the solution you might ponder. Well, for starters,   रात क उजाल क िलए,   From the highest tip of Burj Khalifa
 biodegradable, which means unlike food or paper that   As lurking dangers fail to tease.  let's step up and realize that each one of us is responsible   िटमिटमात तार,   to the deepest point in the Marina
 eventually  decompose  into  the  soil,  plastic  does  not   Freeyah Golia  for the sustainability of our planet. We need to find bio-  मानो जस हज़ारो र    Trench,
 decompose.   Meha Sanghvi  degradable  options  for  our  usage,  reduce  the  use  of   नीला अबर और चहकती िचिड़या,  Every place is beautiful, let it be
 We  can  also  try  and  spread  awareness  among  people   plastic, educate ourselves and people on the hazards of   रग-िबरगा इ धनष,   Indian, Mexican or French.
 through simple ways. These days almost everyone is on   एका बी ची कहाणी   "uses of plastic”. Simple everyday things like opting for   We need to preserve planet Earth
 the Internet and social media. So it is very easy to spread   cloth bags, water carried from home and much more can   और  खल खलाती पखिड़या  ँ  or its charm will decay,
 the message effectively .  एक बी लावल  ं  helps us live sustainably.  लहलहात पड़ और छलछलाता पानी,  Keep Earth clean and green and its
 In situations like these we cannot just empathize with the    ाला पाणी घातल  ं  दहाड़ता शर और नाचती मोरनी।   charm will stay.
 animals and talk how polluted the oceans are. We need to    ाला अकर आला   To conclude, all I can say is that Earth is our home planet   भगवान न ही बनाए हमार माता-िपता,
 actually do something. Even the smallest actions can help    ाच रोपट झाल  ं  and the same immaculate and pristine way in which we   िजनका करग हम आदर सदा।  Kaira Desai

 sustain our planet.   take car of our homes must be extended to it because   और करना ह हम आदर सि  क हर वरदान का,

 SO ACT NOW!    ाला ऊन लागल  ं  there is No "Plan"et B.  िजयो इस तरह िक पीढ़ी आन वाली भी जी सक।
 DO NOT USE PLASTIC    ाच झाड झाल  ं  Vaniya Lalwani
 SAVE LIFE ONDER THE WATER    ाला फल आल ं                    गाय ी  ीवा वI
 SAVE LIFE OVER THE SEA!  फलाच फळ झाल  ं
 Meha Sanghvi
 फळ गोड लागल  ं
  ा ातल बी ठवल  ं
 त जागो-जागी परल  ं
  ाला पाणी घातल ं
 छोटी छोटी रोप आली
 वा यासग डोल लागली
 रोप मोठी झाली
 फल फळ दऊ लागली
                                                                                 Alisha Patil
 अशी या बी ची गोड कहाणी!
 झाड लावया आिण
 िनसगासाठी  म वाढवया

 Vaniya Lalwani
 अि  ा पािट    201                                                                                        202
 Kaira Desai                                                     Freeyah Golia
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