Page 220 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 220

Sustainability and Gender Inequality                                                                                            Gender Inequality

                                                             Sustainability means the escape from the exhaustion of natural resources to                                                     Gender inequality is something we see very often happening
                                                             manage  an  ecological  balance.  Simply  put,  it  is  the  capacity  of  the                                                  around us but overlook it, as it does not concern us. But do we
                                                             biosphere and human civilisation to co-exist. The principles of sustainability                                                  ever think about those experiencing it? If we dig deeper into
                                                             are the pillars of its idea - economy, society, and environment. Once there is                                                  our  own  country,  we  can  find  that  the  labour  force
                                                                                                                                                                                             participation rate for women in India was only 28.5% in 2017.
                                                             development brought about in these pillars, the world would be relatively                                                       On average, women earn 30% less than men do! At some
                                                             close  to  attaining  complete  sustainability.  Sustainability  is  an  essential                                              workplaces, women are promoted less often than men. Often,
                                                             concept  because  working  towards  it  would  change  our  world  for  the                                                     parents wish to have sons, and if they beget daughters, neglect
                                                             better.  It  will  protect  our  natural  environment,  human  and  ecological                                                  is the daughters' companion.  You must have heard “Women
                                                             health.                                                                                                                         belong in the kitchen” quite often. Even when women are just
                                                                                                                                                                                             as able as men, a married woman is often expected to become
                                                             To  reach  maximum  sustainability,  the  United  Nations  Development              Suvanshi Lakhotiya      Suvanshi Lakhotiya
                                                             Programme has set 17 goals as a call to action to end poverty, protect the                                                      a housewife and not a doctor or an engineer! Even today, it is
                                                             planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.                                                           hard for certain narrow-minded people to accept that women
                                                                                                                                                                                             can play sports, become doctors or lawyers.
                                                             These goals are called the Sustainable Development Goals or Global Goals.   Luck…and How it Helps
                                                                                                                                                                                             There are so many talented women and girls in this world who
                                                             These 17 SDGs are integrated, meaning that a change in one area will   Luck.  It's  considered  to  be  one  of  the  key  factors  to  having  a  successful  life.
                                                             affect all other sections. All United Nations Member States adopted these   I  personally  do  not  understand  the  concept  of  being  lucky  to  be  successful.   we must not overlook. Look at Malala Yousufzai, for instance-
                                                             goals in 2015. These goals replaced the Millennium Development Goals.                                                           she fought for girls' education. As terrorism ran rampant in her
                                                                                                                            I, for one, believe that the only way to succeed is to work hard towards your goals.   hometown  and  girls  were  stopped  from  going  to  school,
                                             Varun Gupta
                                                             One of the goals is to attain gender equality. Gender inequality is a social   Over many years I have heard people say things like, “He was born lucky” or “She   Malala, determined not accept this outrageous dictate, fought
                                                             construct in which men and women are not treated equally. It is most                                                            against  it.  Women  in  sport  fields  have  defied  gender
     Les effets du confinement                                prevalent in under-developed and developing countries such as Yemen,   only got where she is today because of luck.” It is true; some people may have been   stereotypes  and  social  norms  in  various  ways  and  are  an
                                                                                                                            born with a gifted voice or a genius brain. But even these gifted people don't
                                                             Pakistan and Syria. Gender discrimination can be seen in many forms such                                                        inspiration  to  many!  Serena  Williams,  an  American
     Le COVID-19 est une maladie infectieuse qui se propage lorsqu'une                                                      suddenly shoot to the top of the ladder. Even they have to put in some amount of
                                                             as  unequal  access  to  education,  lack  of  employment  impartiality,  job                                                   professional tennis player, who has won 23 Grand Slam singles
     personne  infectée  expire,  tousse  ou  éternue.  C'est  une  maladie                                                 hard work to achieve their goals. That's the problem most people have.  Instead of   titles and is an idol to a large number of people. We have so
     dangereuse  et  à  cause  de  cela,  tous  les  pays  ont  dû  entrer  en   segregation, societal mindsets, social stereotypes and many more. Society   looking at the struggles people have been through to get where they are today,   many talented, bright, devoted and indefatigable women to
                                                             believes that females are the weaker gender. They often tell boys to 'man
     confinement.   Même s'il y a des impacts négatifs, tout n'est pas                                                       society only notices your success. Imagine, putting in hours of work, tons of your   revere! This inspires so many young girls these days. However,
                                                             up' or 'be a man' or 'don't cry like a girl!' This makes men think that they
     mauvais. En fait, cela a des impacts positifs sur l'environnement.                                                     time and effort only to hear something like, “Oh, so you got lucky!”   we still see gender discrimination occurring in so many places!
     Comme tout le monde est à la maison, les émissions de carbone des   cannot show emotions or be open about their feelings. On the other hand,                                            Job segregation is another one of the main causes for gender
                                                             women are made to feel as though they are weaker than men, reinforcing   I agree that in some cases luck should be considered a very prominent factor, such
     véhicules ont diminué. Le ciel est bleu et l'air est clair. L'utilisation de                                                                                                            inequality  as  there  is  simply  a  belief  that  men  are  better
                                                             the belief that men are somehow 'superior' to them and that they must   as in a board game or in a lottery. However, I believe that in most cases the same   equipped to handle certain jobs! On an average in America,
     fossiles combustibles a été réduite. Les niveaux de pollution sonore   listen to men and never contradict them. In many workplaces, women are   does not apply in the real world. Certain people fail to see this. I have also seen
     ont considérablement baissé. Dans l'ensemble, je pense qu'il est                                                                                                                        women are more educated than men. Nevertheless, when it
                                                             paid less than men and are believed to be less skilled. Sometimes, women   people believing in lucky charms or rituals to boost their luck. They do this just to re-  comes to jobs and pay, women earn lesser than their male
     évident que cette pandémie a laissé des effets négatifs, mais elle a
                                                             cannot even take up certain jobs which require "big, burly men." A large   assure themselves that they'll succeed in whatever they're doing. I strongly believe   counterparts! We can thus derive that gender inequality is a
     également donné à la terre un rafraîchissement bien nécessaire et   number of families don't even allow females to go to school because they   that instead of having a bracelet or a keychain to tell you that you'll succeed, you   huge problem.
     en a fait un meilleur endroit où vivre.
                                                             need to master household chores and get married. In rural India, child   should be able to learn from past successes and failures to achieve your dreams.   We can do our bit and help reduce this monstrous injustice by
                                            Tanisha Joshi    marriage is a common practice.                                 Don't depend on luck to get you out of a tight spot.             empowering mothers, as only then will they believe in their
                                                                                                                                                                                             daughters and educate them. We can promote gender equality
                                                             It is necessary to overcome these inequalities because empowering women   Some people may have had a huge sum of money handed to them. This doesn't
                                                             and girls to work and learn is not only a fundamental human right but also   necessarily mean that they're lucky. In reality our world is very skill based and   at our own homes by sharing daily household chores and not
                                                             helps  bolster  economic  growth  and  development.  Bridging  the  gap   requires brain-power. If a person with a large sum of money doesn't make the right   expecting the women of the house to complete them. We must
                                                                                                                                                                                             also  support  the  idea  of  working  mothers  and  not  expect
                                                             between men and women is crucial for a more sustainable future. UNDP   investments, the sum will go to waste. However, even if you start with a small sum   women to stay at home. We must help women gain power by
                                                             has worked to achieve gender equality. Now there are more girls in schools   and take the right path by working hard, you can end up with double the money!  voting for female candidates who have the same capacities as
                                                             than there were 15 years ago. Most regions have reached gender equality                                                         the male candidates.  The list goes on, but all we have to do
                                                                                                                            Success is not something that is be handed to people because they have a special
                                                             in  primary  education.  Although  the  status  of  women  has  increased                                                       now is put our thoughts and words into action.
                                                             drastically, there are still a lot of women in many areas who face such   talent. Usually all people, gifted or not, have to put in the same amount of work to   Nastassia Bokdawala
                                                             discrimination. Women are denied the same work rights as men, they are   succeed. This is something we need to keep in mind moving forward. We need
                                                             paid  less  and  plenty  of  women  are  faced  with  domestic  violence  and   to stop believing in scraps of metal to secure our future and start believing in
                                                             exploitation every day. Factors such as the unequal division of unpaid care   hard-work and determination. Rise above all your limitations and maximize your
                                                             and domestic work and discrimination in public office yet remain huge   potential. Now that is the true secret to success.
                                                             barriers.                                                                                                         Varun Gupta
                                                             Once gender equality has been achieved, the world would be able to move
                                                             forward in the other goals. Goal 8 (decent work and economic growth)                                                            Mauurya
                                                             would be somewhat fulfilled because there would be an increase in the                                                               Desai
                                            Roli Mohanka
                                                             workforce.  We  would  also  be  close  to  achieving  Goal  10  (reduced
                                                             inequalities) because gender inequality would have been overcome. Since
                         क त  या ह?                          the number of people working would increase, so would the number of
                                                             ideas,  and  hence  we  would  be  closer  to  achieving  Goals  9  (industry
                       सरज क  खबसरत  करण ,
                                                             innovation and infrastructure) and 11 (sustainable cities and community).
                   घास पर  गर  ओस क  जगमगाती बंद .           More doctors would mean better medical care, and so Goal 3 (good health
                         गील   म ी क  महक,                   and well-being) would be attained. Similarly, more teachers would mean
                         सावन क  ठडी हवाएँ.                  better quality of education, thus accomplishing Goal 4 (Quality Education).                                                                                Neil Goradia
                                                             Women would also be earning money and hence it would bring us a step
                    फल  र ग तान पर दर-दर तक रत ,             forward in reaching Goal 1 (end poverty in all forms). Lastly, since everyone
                        पहाड़ पर होत  हमपात,                  in the family would be working and the income would be increased, there
                    चार  ओर  नराल  म  यह  क त ह,             would be a cutback in the state of hunger and therefore Goal 2 would be
                          यह  क त ह हमार .                   fulfilled.
                                                             In conclusion, it is crucial to raise awareness about gender inequality and
                        मत चोट पहँचाओ इ ह ,
                                                             discrimination to work towards a better living environment and achieve all
                       य ह  हमार  सख क   करण .
                                                             Sustainable Development Goals.

                            हषवधन जवेर

                                                             Tanisha Joshi                                      215         Sanaaya Bhandari             Manas Agrawal                                                            216
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