Page 219 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 219

Ma saison préférée

 VIII  Ma saison préférée est l'été. L'été dure trois mois. Il commence le 22 juin et termine le
     22 septembre. Il fait très chaud et il y a beaucoup de soleil. Le soleil est fort et la
     plupart des personnes transpirent. La température à Mumbai est d'environ 30-35
     degrés C. Le ciel est bleu.
 A   En été, il y a des vacances de l'école. Il y a deux mois de vacances – juin et juillet. Mon
     anniversaire est aussi en 'été – le 28 juin. Généralement, mes amis et moi allons à la
     piscine pour beaucoup d'heures. Nous jouons aussi au volley sur la plage, au football
     et badminton. D'habitude, ma meilleure amie, Aanya et moi allons au cinéma.En été,
     je porte des vêtements en coton. Quand je suis dehors, je porte des lunettes de soleil,
     un chapeau ou une casquette. Je porte un tee-shirt, un short, une jupe, ou une robe.
     Je porte des sandales ou des savates.
     Je fête mon anniversaire avec mes amis et en famille en été. Je fête la fête de la                Manas Agrawal
     musique le 21 juin. Dans mon quartier, il y a de la musique presque partout – surtout
     dans les jardins et les parcs. Dans mon immeuble, il y a de la musique jazz. Mes amis   Diwali 2020
     et moi jouons à des instruments de musique comme le clavier et la guitare dans le
     jardin. C'est très amusant et marrant.                              2020  was  something:  the  pandemic  had  halted  life
     Pendant l'été, j'adore manger la glace à la vanille et  au chocolat. Je bois l'eau de la   everywhere, and the world had gone topsy-turvy in just a
 Inequality  noix de coco et du coca. Je mange beaucoup de fruits comme la pastèque et la   day.  In  the  beginning,  festivals  were  the  last  thing  on
     mangue. C'est délicieux. En été, je regarde aussi les films comiques à la télé. J'écoute   anybody's  mind.  But  somehow,  we  managed  to  sustain
 “No two leaves are alike, and yet there is no antagonism                ourselves, to adapt, to learn, to change. When Diwali came
 between  them  or  between  the  branches  on  which  they   de la musique et chante des chansons. J'adore la saison d'été parce que je m'amuse   around the corner, we were excited.
 grow”  ~ Mahatma Gandhi  beaucoup, je fête mon anniversaire et la fête de la musique, et je passe du temps avec
     mes amis.                                                           The sad part was that we couldn't meet our extended
 Five thousand years ago, when the first conqueror claimed
 his first piece of land, he treated the people living on this land   Kiara Maniar   family, we couldn't go on a holiday, and our big Diwali
 as his inferiors and devastated their lives by claiming a share         feast was courtesy Swiggy and Zomato, not Dadi and Nani.
 of  their  crop.  He  legalized  violence  only  for  himself  and      This was no way to celebrate Diwali; it wasn't even Diwali.
 provided very little in return to them. Those were the origins          It was a Friday night masquerading as Diwali.
 of inequality among mankind. Since then, almost twenty
 thousand kings have ruled, all trying to build their empires,           The only sights and sounds and smells were the faces of
 furthering the reaches of inequality.                                   the same four people you had seen all year and the blaring
 Anika Garg                                                              of the TV. The smell of sanitizer wafted through the air. But
 Since the days of old, the human mind has been wired to   Vivaan Bhatia
 further itself in wealth and social standing. This persists in          then  we  cleaned  the  house  (like  we  hadn't  been
 today's modern society. The person in a black limousine with   Mon monument   obsessively  cleaning  for  the  past  six  months),  made  a
 a chauffeur is treated differently from the beggar sitting with   हमार   क त   Rangoli  on  our  doorstep  (albeit  minus  the  very  artistic
 his face encased in his palms on the sidewalk. Both of them   préféré   friend telling us that we were doing it wrong), and made at
 are human beings with a high mental capacity, yet one is                least five hundred kilos of Mithai. Only to then realize that
 respected, the other shunned. Inequality is not caused by any   ओज़ोन क  क बल म   लपट  हई या,   Mon  monument  préféré  est  la   Madhav Arora  Vivaan Bhatia  no one else could eat it. Then on Diwali, we were dressed

 human invention such as money; rather the most prominent   पड़  क स दय स  खलती हई।   Statue de la Liberté. C'est un grand   in our finery (finery could also refer to any clothes other
 yet unnoticed form of inequality begins at birth! The child of   फल  क  महक स सजी हई या,   monument. C'est la  statue est une   All the Waves in an Ocean  than the same t-shirt you had worn forever, but it was
 a peasant will have different opportunities than that of an    ट  क  इमारत स दबी हई।   statue  d'une  femme  avec  une   finery all the same.) We did our Puja at home, with our
 actor. A peasant's child will spend his childhood in a village   torche. Elle porte une couronne et   I wish I could sail on a boat that could never sink,  grandparents chanting the prayers on Zoom. We ordered
 school, often not knowing what a computer is until he sets   ह रयाल  क  चादर ओढ़    elle tient une tablette en pierre. A la   Or spread my wings and fly as soon as I fall into
 off on his own feet. Even after that, chances are that he will   the earth.  the same food from the same place, pretending as though
 lead  an  uneventful  life,  often  pursuing  his  parents’   यह  हमार  प वी ह।   base, il y a les chaines cassées.   Or see a sunflower bloom day and night.  we  were  eating  together,  and  our  holidays  turned  to
 profession. On the other hand, the actor’s child will be sent   इस स भालो इस संवारो,   La torche symbolise la sagesse et le   As the fallen soldiers breathe another life.  watching Netflix travel shows and pretending we were
 to the top schools, exposed to foreign literature, and privy to   यह  माँ  क त ह।   chemin vers la liberté. La Statue de la   there.
 a luxurious life. He will go to the top universities and will   L i b e r t é   e s t   u n   m o n u m e n t   I wish I could swim freely in the clouds,  Even though this was our 'celebration', the Diwali magic

 pursue success in his field of choice. My question is, 'What   मर   सफ़ इतनी ह कामना,   d'importance historique. En fait, la   Or climb a hill without falling down.  and spirit burned just as bright. As the diyas lit, hope shone
 had the peasant's child done to be born to a peasant and the    व छ हवा का हो संचालन,   statue est un cadeau! La couronne à   Or win a battle without bloodshed or burn
 actor's child to be born to an actor?'    Or reach success without the hurdles that come.  within us, of a brighter next Diwali where we would not be
 हर जीव, हर जीवन का हो पालन,   sept  pointes.  Elles  symbolisent  les   stuck at home. Instead we would be with our family, in a
 Inequality is found in every nook and cranny of civilization,   यह  हमार  सं क त ह।   sept océans et les sept continents.   I wish I could dance away from agony and pain,  Ranveer Nangre Patil
 and why not? Every human being has some form of ambition   Or escape the tangled knots in my brain.  safer and happier world. But until then, we will spend our
 and wants to propagate himself above the others; it is in his    ववान भा टया   Les  chaines  cassées  symbolisent  la   Or gift each citizen of this world,  time eating the five hundred kilos of Mithai that we had
 nature.  We  cannot  do  anything  that  will  remove  birth   liberté.  Dreams that come true of bliss and gay.  made.
 inequalities  from  civilization,  but  we  can  combat  other   En 1885, les Français ont donné la      Neerja Desai
 disparities  such  as  gender  and  professional  inequalities.   statue  aux  Anglais.  La  statue  est   If happiness could rain from the sky,
 However,  there  are  some  places  in  this  world  where   située à New York, aux États-Unis. La   We would have no tears left to cry.
 inequality among humans has almost vanished. Amongst   statue est verte, mais à l'origine elle   The poor will be rich and the ailing will cure
 the  tribes  of  the  Andaman  and  Nicobar  islands,  there  is   était brune. La statue de la Liberté   And all our worries will be locked out of the door.
 oneness amongst their members. The humblest gatherer is
 given the same meal, bed, and respect as the bravest warrior.   est  faite  en  cuivre.  À  la  base  de   The sky will be pink
 Only the chief is treated in a different manner, as he is under   statue,  il  y  a  une  inscription.   Every grassland would sing.
 an oath to protect the tribe until his last breath. The people   L'inscription  dit:  “Liberté,  Egalité,   Every runner would win the race,
 of these tribes are like the leaves and branches of a tree, each   fraternité”. La statue est creuse. Le   As the good and the evil would embrace.
 has a role. Some guard the tribe, some build the huts and   monument est un site de patrimoine   But a firefly won't light the sky
 beds, and some feed the others. They have   mondial.   Without the hurdles in its way.
 learned  to  repress  the  ambition  inside  of   A rainbow won't shine so bright
 them and lead fulfilling lives.  Aditya Ramanathan   Unless the storm hits the bay.
 Jiana Shah
  Neil Garodia
 213                       Myeishaa Chhablani      Niti Jhunjhunwala           Nastassia Bokdawala        214
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