Page 223 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 223

Gender Inequality

 VIII  Gender inequality is not a women's issue, it's a human rights violation. The Covid19
     pandemic has unleashed one of the worst humanitarian crises, and unfortunately, women
     globally have been worst hit both emotionally as well as economically. As we recover from
     these unprecedented times, it has become even more urgent to encourage ourselves in
 B   shaping a more equitable, inclusive, and diverse world.
     If we want a gender-equal world, men and boys must become an integral part of the
     struggle to end gender inequality. We can advance the cause of gender equality by making
     men more responsible in their behavior on how to treat women both at home and at the
     workplace. Men must encourage other men to end gender-based violence and sexual
     harassment. At the same time, boys and men need to understand that women do not
     need our protection, but instead, they are looking for a partnership to make this a more
     gender-equal world.
     I dream of living in a world, where men stand in solidarity with women to create a bold and
     united front for gender equality. I hope to live in a world that is safe for all girls and
     children; a world where both boys and girls have the same opportunities to fullfil their
     dreams; a world where there are no biases against any gender. We together can initiate
     change in the world. The time for change is NOW.
 Gender Equality                                             Varun Bakshi
 Gender is not a choice, so why do we punish people for it? Gender inequality is an issue plaguing our world.
 It is not just a fight for women, but a fight for equality. We want our world to be a developed, beautiful place,   Milee Jain
 but will that be possible if we ignore half the population of the world? Men claim to be more superior than
 women, but a woman is as capable as a man. It is a fight for equality, women getting the same rights as men.   Gender inequality is not a female fight,
 We are all equal. Gender is a small distinction, yet it has been made such a huge barrier. If both men and   it is a human fight!
 women work together, they can combine all their strengths and take the world to a new peak. Neither men,
 nor women should feel inferior, both genders are equal. Only then will the world be a fair place.  It is undeniable that gender bias exists in different forms all around the globe.
 Arav Jalan                                               We may not recognize these prejudices, but they can be one of the most
 Ananya Shah                                              impactful notions. Even though with time, people can change, their mindsets
                                                          stay  firm.  It  is  a  sad  reality  that  as  a  girl  my  capabilities  are  repeatedly
                                                          questioned, and I am asked, "Will you be able to do it?"
 को वड महामार  और ऑनलाइन  श ा                             ‘Males’ and ‘females’ are two separate entities but they are human after all. If a
                                                          man can rule the world, why should not women be given the opportunity. The
                                                          distinction between gender does not affect the morals and standards one has.
  व व भर म  कई महामा रय  का ज म हआ ह। जस  क, H1 N1
                                                          The majority of the society will probably always be run by men, but the one
 महामार , कोलरा महामार  पांड मक आ द। पर आज जो को वड महामार
                                                          thing that doesn't abide by the majority rule is a person's conscience. A man
 का ज म हआ ह, वह उन महाम रयो क जस ह  खतरनाक ह। इस         plays many roles, be it for his work or his personal decisions. But what we don't
 महामार  ने द नया म  बहत हाहाकार मचा  दया ह िजसक साथ कई    realise is that women also play the same number of roles as men, if not more.
 सम याएँ भी खडी हई ह । उनम  स एक सम या  श ा का संचालन ह।   Men and women are two futile terms that are used to create barriers between
                                                          them. Gender inequality is not a female fight, it is a human fight, for the
 महामार   क  कारण  पाठशालाओ  को  बंद  करना  पड़ा,  िजसस  हम
                                                          fundamental human rights of a person regardless of gender.
  व या थय  क  लए बड़ी सम या उ प न हई |

 Anousha Singi                                                                                        Soumya Sanghai
 ऑनलाइन  कल ने हमार जीवन को बहत सरल बना  दया ह और इसक
 Sexism: see it, speak up, stop it    मा यम स  श ा का आदान- दान चलता रहा और हम पर  ा भी  लख    “ Gender is not a choice,   “
                                            Nivedita Jha                                        so why hold it against me?

 Gender stereotyping is a significant complication that presents a problem in   सक।  सफ पढ़ाई नह ं हमार सार  शार  रक  वकास क  क ाएं भी इस   Arushi Bhandari
 achieving REAL gender equality and falls into gender discrimination. Gender   मा यम स चलाई जा रह  ह ,  य  क इस समय डॉ टर  का कहना ह  क    Why this Discrimination?
 stereotypes are preconceived ideas that limit one’s talents. Imagine yourself   हम   व थ और तंद  त रहना चा हए। इस बदलाव म   यादा समय नह ं
 working in the field of your interest and being denied permission to get a   लगा और हमार  पाठशाला ने कई सार नए श  क  ोत भी  दए, जो हम   Women nurture civilization and yet have faced injustice for   “ If a boy can do it, a girl can
 promotion as a CEO, despite your outstanding credentials, solely because you    व या थय  क  लए बहत फायदमंद रह। े  centuries. Without women this world would cease to exist.   do it. Actions don't belong

 are a WOMAN!. Being denied educational and professional experiences as   ु  The future is in her hands. She is aware of her strength and   to any gender, don't shame
     power yet she gives and gives, never a word, a silent sufferer.                            someone  for  doing  what
 well as life opportunities based on your sex is very common around the world.
 माना  क हम  सबह उठकर ६:३० घंट लपटॉप पर  बताने पड़ और हम  यह   We all like to believe that gender inequality is not prevalent in   they love.
 Statistics have shown the difference in pay grade between women and men                                  Diva Kumar
 to be around 74.7 percent. These ridiculous deeply engraved attitudes and   याद करना चा हए  क यह मौका हर ब चे को नह ं  मलता ह और हम    our current society, but it is. Why are female actors paid less
 values that are upheld by people, prejudices against women. These sexist   पाठशाला का श गजार होना चा हए  क हम  उ ह ने यह वरदान  दया।   than male actors? They work equally hard. How is it that most
 attitudes are holding back the advancement of women worldwide, and we   सं ेप म  यह कहा जा सकता ह तकनीक  ने ऑनलाइन  श ा का  वक प   Disney princesses have their life sorted only after marriage.   “ Put  your  full  attention
 need to stop it! If a woman is speeding and gets a ticket by the cops, that's   हमार सामने रखा और हम अपनी पढ़ाई इस क ठनाई क समय म  जार    Why  should  they  become  damsels  in  distress?  Is  this  the   where you are rather than
                                                                                                dreaming  of  where  you
 NOT sexist. If a woman cuts a line and is stopped, that is NOT sexist but if the   रख पाए। माइ ोसॉ ट ट म क ाओ को रोचक एवं  ानवधक बनाने म     future we want our young girls of tomorrow to emulate?   could be.  “

 vigilantes  are  ignoring  men  committing  the  same  infractions,  then  IT  IS   मददगार सा बत हआ। हम  व यालय कई मह वपण   त पधा ओ को भी   Awareness is crucial but not enough, we must take proactive   Heya Sanghvi
 SEXIST. People often mistake sexism for punishing a woman. No! Sexism is   ु  steps to ensure that discrimination of gender and colour are
 इस मा यम स आयोिजत कर सक और इस दौरान हम कई नए एप भी   truly notions of the past. We are the fortunate few who get
 punishing her because she is woman. It is the sad truth that this happens
 all around the world, and it is a serious matter that all countries should   सीख पाए। य  कहा जा सकता ह  क तकनीक  ने इस क ठन प रि थ त    access to a good education and an equal environment but not
 address. Despite the alarming preconceptions, I assure you   म  हम सबक  मदद क  ह। ै  everyone  is  as  fortunate.  Unitedly  we  should  spread
     awareness and make a change to make this world a better
 that feminism is not a hoax conjured out of thin air for our

 personal gain. Its not a fight, it's a right.  पा थव  ीरामन
 Drishti Agarwal  217                   Prisha Israni                          Sara Wadhawan              218
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