Page 228 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 228

Inter House Essay Competition Winner
      हद  और म
                                                                                                                            Panther House
     मर  और मर   हद  क  पहचान नई नह ं ह। मरा  हद  स ठ क स पहल  बार प रचय
                                                                                                                            Art is not a mirror to reflect reality but a hammer with which to shape it
     १० साल पहल हआ, जब मरा प रवार दबई स भारत आया। म     हद  को समझती
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                                                                                                                            Imagine a jellyfish; a bio-luminescent, glowing orb, its tentacles swirling the currents of
     नह ं थी,  य  क दबई म   यादातर लोग अ ज़ी म  बात करत थे। वहाँ  व व क
                                                                                                                            the water around it, pulsating metronomically as it propels itself forward. Now you may
     कोने-कोने स लोग आकर बस थे और बातचीत क  लए अ सर अ ज़ी का ह
                                                                                                                            be wondering, how on Earth does this relate to the role of art in sustainability? Well, let
     उपयोग करत थे। जब म    भारत आई, तब मझ  हद  समझने और बोलने म  काफ                                                        me provide this aquatic mirage with a caption - Zurritopsis Dohrnii, most likely better
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     क ठनाई हई और  हद  भा षयो म बात करने म  डर लगा। १० साल और  व यालय                                                       known as the immortal jellyfish. Zurritopsis has quite an innovative way to achieve this -
     म   हद  सीखने क बाद भी, म    आ म व वास क साथ  हद  नह ं बोल पाती, और अब                                                 whenever it feels that it is under mortal threat, at risk of starvation or physical injury, it
                                                                                                                            simply reverts, almost back in time, to a younger version of itself! It literally becomes akin
     भी अपने आस-पास क लोग  स  हद  म  आसानी से बात नह ं कर पाती।
                                                                                                                            to one of its young. Let me put that into context. A similar analogy would be a butterfly
     मरा प रवार मर  तरह नह ं ह । वह  हद  को बहत अ छ  तरह स जानता ह।                                                         simply never perishing, but rather ensconcing itself in a cocoon and beginning its life
      व यालय क  पर  ा म , मर  मौसी हर बार १०० म  १०० अक पाती थीं और अब                                                      afresh. Immortality. The ultimate analogy for sustainability. What better way to be truly
                                                                                                                            sustainable, truly self-sufficient than to retain one's mind, one's feelings, one's structure forever, and live in harmony with one's natural environment?
     कभी-कभी  व या थय  को  हद  भी  सखाती ह । जब म    उनक साथ  हद  सीखने

                                                                                                                            This, in my opinion, is the true, all-encompassing definition of sustainability. It is not simply about planting more trees: we must create sustainable,
     बठती हँ, मझ े हर श द सोच-सोच कर बोलना पड़ता है और म    अ सर डर जाती हँ  ू                                               immortal systems that continuously provide nourishment, care and positive outcomes without producing toxic, interrupting by-products.
      क कह ं म    गलती न कर दँ| वह मेरे लेख  म  ऐसी गल तयाँ  नकलती ह  िजनपर
                                                                                                        Samika Jain         In that case, how must we inspire the creations of such systems that provide us a with a sustainable planet? The answer is quite simple: media. To this
     मझ भी हँसी आती है। म    सोच म  पड़ जाती हँ  क मझसे ऐसी गलती कै से हई। मेरे                                              date, art may well be the world's oldest calendar! Is it not through art, that we learned about the wanderings and exploits of our hunter-gatherer
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     मौसा जी  हद  क  कहावत  और क वताओ क उ ताद ह । वे हर वा य म  एक                                                          forefathers? Is it not art, that great forebearer, that indefatigably brought us the spectacles of the world's greatest civilisations? Is it not art, once more,
     महावरा डाल लत ह  और फटाफट क वताओ क  झड़ी लगा दत ह , िज ह  समझने                                                         that inspires and cultivates generations upon generations of individuals to tirelessly persevere? Art and our history are a pair of vibrant hues, hopelessly
     क  लए मझ कछ समय लगता ह। मर मामा जी इ टा ाम पर फोटो ाफ  क साथ-   Mis planes                                             intertwined by the tapestry that is our destiny. To put it in another light, art is, and has always been, the ultimate influencer, the medium by which the
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     साथ  हद  क  क वताएँ  लखकर पो ट करत ह , जो कई लोग पढ़त और पसंद करत  े                                                    people may be educated and convinced of the path to a better future. The 'Red Polar Bear', for example, is an eye-catching work, that instantaneously
                                                                       futuros                                              strips the problem of climate change bare before its viewers. How then, must this ancient, pivotal gift be wielded? What ideals must be inspired?
     ह । मेरे नानाजी  च कार थे और  च कला के  अ यापक थे और साथ-साथ बहत
                                                                                                                            To better explain this, I must devote a few lines to explain my belief that the different forms of sustainability are, but seeds of the same fruit. Any positive
     सरल और स दर क वताएँ भी  लखत थे, िज ह  पढ़ना मझ बहत अ छा लगता ह।   En el futuro quiero ser feliz                         reform, any beneficial change made to one form of sustainability inevitably metamorphoses the others into better versions of themselves.
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     मर माता- पता भी  कसी स कम नह ं ह । मर  माँ हमार  सोसाइट  क  आर. ड ल.  ू  Quiero borrar el mal,
     ए. क  जनरल स टर  थी और अभी सोसाइट  क  लए काफ  काम करती ह । वह   y quiero amar más.                                     Therefore, art must encourage the one form of sustainability that reforms all others. Personal sustainability. Now, what does this mean? Personal
                                                                                                                            sustainability, in a nutshell, is the maintenance of one's physical, mental and emotional well-being, and being able to co-exist with other such
                                                                  Quiero ayudar a los demás,
     अपने कई सार सोसाइट  क औपचा रक प   हद  म   लखती ह  और उ ह  पढ़कर                                                         sustainable systems as well as the environment. It is pivotal for us to realise that personal sustainability will exponentially change our environment, our
                                                                     y quiero tener paz.
     सोसाइट  क वासी और आर. ड ल. ए. क सद य गव महसस करत ह । वे अ सर                                                           relationships, our productivity for the better.

                                                                 Quiero enseñar a los demás.
     उनक पास  हद  म  औपचा रक प   लखवाने आत ह । उ ह  यक न ह  नह ं होता  क
                                                                  Que el amor a la felicidad,                               As a race, we have never been more economically advanced and efficient. Every individual's goals seem to be to work for more hours, skip meals,
     कोई  हद  म  इतने  भावशाल  प   लख सकता ह । मर  पता जी क  मातभाषा    es lo más.                                          sacrifice relationships, skimp on sleep and pop anxiety pills to ensure more and more productivity. Why do we do this, you may ask? Perhaps, we truly
     बांगला ह, पर त वे  हद  बहत अ छ  तरह स समझत और बोलत ह । उ ह ने                                                          want to see mankind become the most advanced, the most efficient species? Of course not. We do this, and quite naively, might I add, in the hope that
                                                                     Anaaya Agrawal                                         we will be happy 'one day'. These utopian twenty-four hours have driven us to be so 'motivated' that we do not realise that our efforts are paradoxical.

      व व व यालय म  ह   हद  सीखी, और उ ह  सनकर मझ शम आती ह  क म
                                              े ु
                                                                                                                            We have become the definition of unsustainable systems - those that put short-term benefits before long-term ones. We sacrifice our loved ones, our
     उनक  तरह  हद  नह ं बोल पाती।
                                                                                                                            friendships, our mental health, our physical well- being and ironically, our happiness and in doing so, we create future burdens such as disease, mental
     म    सोचती हँ  क ऐसे प रवार म  पदै ा और बड़ े होने के  बावजद म    उनक  तरह  हदं                                         health issues, estranged family members and debt as well as toxicity (illness, obesity, depression, exhaustion, anxiety).
                                                                                                       Tia Manekshana
     को  य  नह ं पहचानती। म    भी चाहती हँ  क मर  हद  म  ना कवल अ छ अक                                                      Art must change this.
     आएँ, म    भी क वता और कहा नयाँ  लख, ँ  बात-बात म  महावरे और लोकोि तय  का                    Yo y mí misma              It must be the driving force, the advocate for change, and for personal reform. There is no doubt that the environmental conditions must be alleviated,
     उपयोग क  ँ , मर नानाजी और मामा जी क  तरह सरल, संदर एवं अथपण                                                            but so must our lives. I do not ask, of course, for mountains of change. As is said, 'Rome was not built in a day'. While this may sound clichéd, it is the
                                                                                                       Mi cuerpo            truth - small changes in each of our lives, will most definitely change everything about us, a species, a civilisation, a planet, for the better.
     क वताएँ  लख  ँ और अपनी माँ क  तरह  हदं   म  ज़बरद त औपचा रक प   लखकर
                                                                                                        Mi cara
     सबको दग कर दँ ।  फर म    अपने आप स पछती हँ  क म     हद   य  सीख  ँ ? जब                           Mi drama             The obvious question that arises is, 'how must we do this?' Art must act as a change maker, the 'Ghost of Earth Future', so to speak. It must show us our
                                 े ू

     सब काम अ ज़ी म  ह  होत ह , और मर आस-पास क लोग अ ज़ी का ह  उपयोग                                Me quiero a mí misma      future, if we do not act.
     करत ह , तब  हद  का उपयोग कहाँ होगा।  व यालय म  भी सभी साथी और  श क                              No me importa          Possibly the most important thing we must do is change our diets. Plant-based, organic food must be encouraged. Vegetarianism drives should be
     अ ज़ी का ह   योग करत ह । मर दो त भी  हद  सीखने और बोलने स  हच कचात                               Lo que pienses         conducted globally, and farmers' markets should be organised, at the local level. Above all, we must understand the importance of water. The
                                                                                                                            molecules of H2O that make up our oceans must be treated with the utmost respect. The processes of making meat, that require veritable gallons of
     ह । वे अ सर अ ज़ी या अ य भाषाओ क गीत सनना पसंद करत ह । सभी अ ज़ी                                Mi aura es piadosa       water per kilogram, must be abolished and cast into the dustbin of our history. Consumption of seasonal fruits and vegetables should also be
                                                                                                  Me quiero a mí misma
     क   कताब  पढ़त ह  और चल च  दखत ह । ल कन  फर मर प रवार को दख और                                                          encouraged. Economic nourishment, alleviation of financial burdens in the grassroots agriculture sector, in the villages, the pastures of the planet must
                                                                                                      No te escondas
     सनकर मझ लगता ह  क मझ  हद  सीखनी और बोलनी चा हए। मझ  हद  क                                                              be orchestrated. The reduced urban migration and over-consumption of resources at the city level, the veritable thronging off the masses will cease,
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                                                                                                       Sé fuerte
      कताब  और कहा नयाँ पढ़नी चा हए। शायद इस तरह म    अपने दश, उसक इ तहास                                                    and economically, nations will become more and more sustainable.
                                                                                                 El problema no está en mí
     और स यता को जान और समझ पाऊ। अब तक  हद  मर  लए मि कल ह  य  क                               Porque me quiero a mí misma  Our civilizations' repeated attempts to glean greater and greater proportions of environmental products, using pesticides, and several artificial, harmful
     मन   े उस ठ क स जानने और पहचानने क  को शश ह  नह ं क । मन   े पहल ह  मान                         Anaya Bansal           techniques have severely hampered our environmental conditions. Soil erosion is rampant, crops are not productive, farmers are giving up their lives –
      लया  क म    उस तक नह ं पहँच पाऊगी। शायद म    उसस डर गयी,  य  क वह मर        Eklavea Shah                              the entire system has become, in a word, unsustainable. The human race should respect, and work in conjunction with the environment, the natural
                                                                                                                            flora and fauna, and the seasonal conditions in a symbiotic relationship, one that prevents future problems for our successors.
      लए अप र चत ह। ल कन अब म    उस जानना और समझना चाहती हँ। इस लए
                                                                                                                            We must also change our cultural involvement. For this, we must not look to futuristic technology, but rather backwards, to our history. The concept of
     नह ं  य  क वह मर  मातभाषा ह, पर इस लए  य  क वह मर  लए, मर प रवार,
                                                                                                                            jeans becoming a go-to piece of clothing must be completely dissolved, due to the abhorrent amounts of water that is required for their cleansing.
     समाज और दश स जड़ने का एक रा ता ह।  हद  हमार  सं क त का एक अ भ न                                                         Traditional pieces of clothing should be encouraged, that are both comfortable, as well as environmentally friendly. Recipes that require exotic, foreign
     अग ह और हमार  सं क त क बार म  सीखने के   लए  हदं   सीखना मह वपण   है। म                                                ingredients that double as a dispensable expenditure as well as a hazard to health due to the veritably untraceable supply chain, should not be
     अपने प रवार और  श क  क  मदद स उस जानने क  को शश कर रह  हँ और                                                           encouraged. Traditional practices and recipes should be followed, local produce must be utilized and above all, awareness about these must be spread
                                                                                                                            to the future generations. This would also encourage crop rotation, since farmers would no longer need to only grow cash crops, and economically
     आग भी करती रहँगी।
                                                                                                                            productive produce, which harm health (due to the use of pesticides) and degrade the soil.

     मझ  सफ को शश करनी ह। मर पास सीखने क कई साधन ह , जस  क इटरनेट,
       े ु
                                                                                                                            In conclusion, art and the media must be the driving forces, the catalysts for reform that will change our planet and our
     मोबाइल ए स और  कताब । ज़ रत है  सफ   पहला कदम लेने क । रा त े अपने आप                                                   existence for the better. I return to Turritopsis to conclude – the path to change does not look forward to advanced technology,
                खल जाएँग और  फर  हद  अप र चत और अजनबी नह ं रहगी।                                                            to dystopian inventions, but asks us for the simple favour of metamorphosing our lives, and our ideals to preserve our legacy
                                                                                                                            forever. I would like to end with a single word to reinforce the essence of this work: Immortality
                ज़ोया ग ता
                                                                                                                            Param Davda
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