Page 232 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 232

Utopia                                                                        Our Common Earth                         Un voyage en avion que j'ai fait

     I watched the rain beating against the window, the dark clouds obscuring the sun. My   Mother earth is for everyone to share,  L'année dernière, j'ai visité mes cousins aux États-Unis pendant mes vacances d'été. C'était
                                                                                                                            mon premier long voyage en avion. J'ai pris un vol de Mumbai à New York. J'ai voyagé avec
     heart  was  heavy,  with  an  impending  sense  of  doom.  I  squeezed  my  eyes  shut  and   For her we must always care.
     imagined  all  my  wildest  dreams  coming  true  -  immersing  myself  into  a  paradise  of   This is something we often speak about,  mes parents.
     mystique, escaping from the physical world. The pattering of raindrops slowed and the   But, sometimes, we ourselves miss out.  Nous sommes arrivés à l'aéroport trois heures en avance. Il y avait beaucoup de monde à
                                                                                                                            l'aéroport même à 2 heures du matin. Nous avons fait enregistrer nos bagages et nous
     fog cleared, unveiling a spring morning.                                  She is the only planet where life is known,
                                                                              Where seeds are sown, and trees are grown.    avons passé la douane. En montant au bord de l'avion je me suis assis près de la fenêtre, le
     I reached out to trace my fingers along the windowpane, only to find that the smooth,                                    siège indiqué sur ma carte d'embarquement. Bientôt, l'hôtesse de l'air a annoncé que nous
                                                                                   There was a time, not long ago,
     olive-brown mahogany had been replaced by a thorny shrub, pricking my finger. My eyes                                   devons attacher nos ceintures de sécurité. Notre vol a décollé à l'heure.
     blinked open with a start and I found myself standing atop a hill. A smile rested on my lips   When she wore a pristine glow.   J'ai été très excité et j'ai vu le ciel de ma fenêtre. Puis, j'ai regardé un film. Il y a eu beaucoup
                                                                                Cool blue water was everywhere seen,
     as I inhaled the sweet smell of flowers. I heard the gushing of a nearby stream. Tall oaks                              de choix de films. Après deux heures, l'hôtesse de l'air a apporté notre repas et des
                                                                                     And lush forests so green.
     towered over me, honeybees hovered about flowers, sending puffs of pollen into the air.                                 boissons. J'ai mangé de la salade et j'ai bu de la limonade. Après le repas, je me suis couché
                                                                                   Where clean air surrounded us,           et j'ai dormi pendant 8 heures. Quand je me suis réveillé, j'ai entendu l'hôtesse de l'air
     As  I  turned  around  in  amazement,  I  realized  something  was  wrong.  A  bright  film   Where we could breathe without a fuss.  annoncer la descente. Nous avons atterri à JFK. Nous avons pris nos valises au tapis roulant.
     appeared before my eyes and I felt as though I were an observer in my own utopia. I   Then we, the mighty humans brought,  Je ne pouvais pas croire que nous avons parcouru près de 13000 km en moins de dix-sept
     rubbed  my  eyes  and  a  gust  of  wind  bit  against  my  cheeks.  I  flexed  my  fingers  in   Luxury and comfort with great thought.  heures. J'ai beaucoup aimé mon voyage en avion.
     anticipation and a bed of golden chrysanthemums sprouted from the earth. I swirled my   Little did we then realise,                                                          Dhruv Kapadia
     hands in motions foreign to me and a trickling stream appeared out of thin air. Then it   That this would bring our mother's demise.                                                                                          Rhea Shah
     dawned upon my senses – I was the creator of my dream scape. I was all-powerful.     We kept destroying the nature,    Un voyage magnifique!
     I waved my arms in a series of complicated motions and life erupted all around me. Wild   For our own comfort and stature.  L'année dernière, je suis allé à Delhi avec ma famille.   Life is but a Myriad of Colours
     creatures, from golden koi fish to towering giraffes and royal tigers. Large birds tinted   And we thought of it as evolution,  Delhi  est  une  ville  du  nord  de  l'Inde.  Il  y  a  de
     with the colours of the rainbow soared across the sky before perching on my shoulders,   But in reality it was only pollution.  nombreux monuments d'importance là-bas, mais il y   Life is but a myriad of colours. Our every action, thought, surrounding, every aspect of us is
     their claws digging into my skin. The majestic elephants let out a sonorous trumpet and   Two steps ahead then one step back,   a toujours de la pollution à Delhi.  bursting with tints and hues. Our memories are as associated with colours. Happiness gleams
     the animals assembled into a large herd. I was awestruck. As I walked among them, the   Compassion for our mother planet, we children lack.     Nous sommes allés en décembre quand il faisait très   in a bright yellow while sorrow leaves a trail of blues. Anger gets to us like the red hot tongues
     crowd parted, revealing lush green hills and valleys. Staring down the steep slopes of the   We created cities and nations,  froid. Nous avons voyagé en avion sur un vol de la   of fire while curiosity clouds our mind with a purple cloud. Art symbolises expression and
     valley,  I  felt  a  pang  of  loneliness  at  the  absence  of  an  intelligent  species  I  could   At the cost of our mother's foundations.  première  compagnie  aérienne  indienne,  Air  India.   creativity, freedom and emotion. And in recent times, these colours hidden below the surface
     communicate with.                                                            Boundaries now divide her nations,        Nous sommes arrivés après trois heures. L'aéroport   have overflowed from their paint bottles and become a focal point of improving our societal
                                                                                   And her resources are in ration.         de  Delhi  est  très  grand.  C'est  une  attraction   issues.
     I stared into the distance dreamily, the wind whipping my hair, magic surging through me.                              touristique.  Ensuite,  nous  sommes  sortis  de
                                                                                 All of these boundaries must dissolve,                                               Humanity has been doomed with the ever increasing prejudices and stereotypes that have
     Slowly, I let light flow through my fingertips, creating man, giving them intelligence and                               l'aéroport et nous sommes partis pour la ville. Nous
                                                                              We children should work with great resolve.                                             seeped into our minds. These prejudices have had a dictatorship hold over human nature
     the skills they needed to survive. As the exhilaration waned, I slumped over, the magic   For we have one common earth, I say,  avons déjeuné dans un restaurant indien. J'ai adoré
     draining the last of my energy.                                                                                        le  repas.  Puis,  nous  sommes  allés  voir  des   since times immemorial and continue to take over our morality. These societal evils and are
                                                                                     Protect it, or it will go away.                                                  causing a mass crumbling of mankind and humanity. The basic human rights of people,
                                                                                                                            monuments. D'abord, nous sommes allés au Qutb
     I woke up with a start. It had only been a couple of minutes. The animals around me had   Protect it, or it will fade away.  Minar. Qutb Minar est un très beau monument à   secularity, acceptance and compassion have all been lynched and shot down, but art, the
     disappeared. The landscape changed to a dense, tropical jungle. The trickling stream had                               New Delhi. Je l 'ai beaucoup aimé. C'est très grand.   freedom of creative expression, still thrives and revives a feeling of bravery.
                                                                                           Ojas Bajaj
     transformed into a mighty river, gushing and churning fiercely. The sands of time had                                   Ensuite,  nous  avons  visité  la  Jama  Masjid,  la  plus   We saw in the Black Lives Matter movement that people from all classes, races and faces were
     trickled  by  unnoticeably,  and  the  mere  minutes  I  had  spent  unconscious,  had  been                           grande mosquée de Delhi. C'est très énorme.   urged to come together and fight for the rights of our brothers and sisters whose skin tint just
     centuries for every other species in my utopia.                                                                        Le lendemain, nous sommes allés à Agra. Là-bas,   happens to be a few shades darker. Art was seen in all its glory during these protests. Children
     I teleported myself to the outskirts of Man's village. It was hustling and bustling with                               nous  avons  vu  le  Taj  Mahal.  C'est  énorme  et   and parents holding up flyers splattered with paints, voicing their rights and their want for
                                                                                                                            artistique.  Nous  avons  aussi  visité  la  forteresse
     activity. People, milling about bazaars; artisans and weavers creating quaint crafts I had                                                                       acceptance. The drips of spray paint splattered on the roads with the walls covered in graffiti
                                                                                                                            d'Agra. C'est une attraction touristique populaire.   art about America being a country for all. Face paint all over people's faces. People all around
     never seen before.
                                                                                                                            Puis, nous avons acheté « Agra Petha », une sucrerie   the world, changing their profile pictures to black to show support for the blackout Tuesday.
     I watched with pride as they had evolved into a resilient and versatile species. Creating                              d'Agra. Enfin, nous sommes retournés à l'aéroport   Even though the white fumes of tear gas bombs thrown by the blue clads clouded the sky, the
     palaces of beauty and love, larger than I could have built. They shared the starless sea of                            et nous avons pris un vol pour Mumbai. Mon voyage   black colour stood in all its glory peacefully protesting for a safer place to live.
     knowledge through libraries of leather-bound books with crinkling papyrus.                                             à Delhi était terminé!
                                                                                                                                                                      Pride  Flags  with  their  rainbow  tints,  proudly  and  strongly  show  that  the  grey  sky  of
                                                                                                                                                       Dylan D'souza
     However, minutes later, I found myself frowning as I watched a group of men labouring                                                                            homophobia will be opposed and outlasted by the rainbow etched across. The lesbian pink,
     under  the  hot  sun,  their  skin  glistening  with  sweat,  being  whipped.  Bullocks  being                                                                   white and orange flag, the bisexual purple, pink and blue flag, the asexual purple green
     tortured to carry heavy loads. My frown morphed into a look of horror as the smell of                                                                            and white flag along with many others express freedom of sexuality and echo the saying
     blood tainted the air, sounds of metal clanging reverberated across the land as Man                                                  मबई शहर                     "love is love".
     fought battles with himself. I snapped my fingers to banish pain from the face of this
                                                                                                                                   भारत क  शहरो म मबई ह एक शान,       The music industry is one of the greatest forms of artistic expression. Finneas, a brilliant

     earth. But, alas, the pain and greed had grown like a vine, leeching off of Man's joy, so          Varsha Sundar               हर िनवासी यहा का करता ह आन,       songwriter and singer, during American election time, released a song. The lyrics of the song
     intertwined that I drained the last of my pool of magic in creating the very species that                                      बगर इसक भारत अपणता का हार,        urged everyone to vote sensibly. A band called 5 Seconds of Summer, dived deeper into

     would be this land's downfall.                                              Mother Nature's Plea                           यह शहर वह ह जो जोड़ता ह लोगो का तार।    mental health issues faced by children all around the world in their album "Sounds Good
     The landscape was ever-changing. Long had the small settlements disappeared, turning   For years Mother Nature continued to plead,  यहा बसत ह हर धम, मज़हब और जाित क लोग ,   Feels Good" with songs like 'Broken home' and 'Invisible' being an anthem to support the


     into  towns,  which  had  now  grown  into  cities.  I  watched  as  the  people  evolved,   But even to grow a tree mankind took no heed,  नही िकसी म भदभाव ,िदखता ह यहा सब म योग ,   children of the 'New Broken Scene'.


     intoxicated with their power and intellectual superiority. They made groundbreaking   As we continued in our ways senselessly,  सपनो की दिनया को साकार करता ह यह शहर,   The gender norms of 'blue is for boys and pink is for girls' is being shattered. Clothing and
     discoveries,  possessing  the  power  of  creation  themselves.  They  produced  electricity,   Bats and pangolins became a delicacy.    सबक चहरो पर होती ह उमग की लहर।  make  up  are  symbols  of  individuality  and  being  able  to  show  the  world  there  are  no
     unnatural antidotes and loud automobiles. They brutally annihilated species they were   Soon came the coronavirus, a deadly disease,  िनस- िदन चलता रहता ह वाहनो का  वाह,   stereotypes.
     meant to coexist with, exploiting the last of the land I had created.     Starting in Wuhan and spreading overseas.         िफर भी सयम िदखता ह चारो ओर अथाह,     ART is an Assertive Ruthless Testimony to all the voices that need to be heard, whose pleas

     I watched my creations abusing their knowledge as well as every other being around   COVID-19 spread as fast as fire,      यहा ऊचाई क़ी दौड़ म रहती ह इमारतो की होड़,   need to be considered and hammers home the point that the freedom of expression of any

                                                                           With a vengeance that would fulfil Mother Earth's ire,    एक स एक भवन बनत और रहत ह बजोड़।
     them. I watched endlessly, sorrowfully and helplessly. The sense of impending doom                                                                               matter concerning the world will not be silenced. It drives home the point that for an
     returned, and my heavy heart sunk slowly.                               From shaking hands and smiling at each other,    िजन लोगो न कम की पजा करत  ए जीवन िबताया,   egalitarian society, for the sustainable development of the world, we need to learn the art of

                                                                                There was a need to dread one another,                                                accepting the true form of one another and not see the world as black and white. We must

     My vision of a utopia crumbled to dust and I was left with my reservoir of magic depleted.   Our profligate ways made us feel supreme,   इस शहर न उनक जीवन म फल िदखलाया,

     The fleeting moment of joy was replaced by all-consuming terror as I watched my mystical                                 दिनया म जहा रातो को बहन - बिटया रहती ह घबराई,    paint the world with compassion. Art does not merely hold a mirror
                                                                                Until nature decided we were extreme.                                                 against humanity, it proves to be a medium to brush away these evils

                heaven turn into a monstrous hell. And, although my utopia may be a                                           यह शहर उ  आठो पहर दता सर ा की परछाई।
                                                                              For years Mother Nature continued to plead,                                             dampening our growth and helps to sculpt the world for tomorrow.
                place of my imagination, the dystopia it has spawned is very real.    However now, makes us fear a deadly sneeze!  य  मरा शहर हर मायन म सबस धनी,

                                                         Trisha Karmakar                                                        तो हम  ो रोए? ह हम िकस बात की कमी।                                           Varsha Sundar
                                                                                          Sumeir Walia
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