Page 234 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 234

Mon Régime Alimentaire

                                                                                                     IX                                                                                      Maintenir une alimentation saine est très important. Il faut
                                                                                                                                                                                             manger au moins cinq portions de fruits et légumes par jour et
                                                                                                                                                                                             il faut boire au moins 2 litres d'eau.  Il est également nécessaire
                                                                                                                                                                                             de dormir au moins sept heures par jour et de dormir tôt pour
                                                                                                      B                                                                                      rester en bonne santé et en forme.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Tous les jours je reste en forme et en bonne santé en mangeant
                                                                                                                                                                                             sainement et en faisant de l'exercice. Je mange beaucoup de
                                                                                                                                                                                             légumes différents comme les carottes et les légumes verts.
                                                                                                                                                                                             J'en mange six portions par jour.  Je fais beaucoup d'exercices à
                                                                                                                                                                                             l'intérieur et dors pendant huit heures. Je fais de l'exercice à
                                                                                                                                                                                             l'intérieur en raison du Corona. Je mange sainement et tu dois
                                                                                                                                                                                             faire autant aussi. J'achète de la nourriture au supermarché. Il y
                                                                                                                                                                                             a un bon supermarché avec des aliments sains dans le quartier.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Manger devant la télé est mauvais parce que c'est distrayant.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Les fruits comme les cerises calment les nerfs et les raisins
                                                                                                                                                                                             aident à la circulation du sang. Il est donc très important d'être
                                                                                                                                                                                             en bonne santé.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Aditya Krishnan
     Humans, a fathom
     What is life without consumption, and what is consumption without wasting? This is the
     reality of the 21st century. However, what good can this do to us, to this race of humans
     and the existence of earth? We cannot just consume our way into a sustainable world. We                                                                                              “  Our failure to
     humans cannot continue to make the world filthy with our bloody hands, guilty with the                                                                                                   embrace and
     blood of helpless ones. It is time to change, in fact the ONLY time.                                                                                                                    celebrate our
                                                                                         Zahra Kachwala
     We humans have been given a gift: we are intellectual. But what we revolutionaries don’t
                                                                                                                                                                                            only thing that
     see is that we are also the destroyers. Every single person that one has met has been a   Mes moments de nostalgie                                                                     disparities is the “
     benefactor to this destruction. But what has that lead to...misery, selfishness and an                                                                                                    divides us.
                                                                              L'enfance est la phase, la plus importante dans la vie
     ecological disaster. It rains when it is supposed to be autumn, it snows in the summer and                                                                                             Divya Karnani
     the roads scorch in the dead of winter. The emission of greenhouse gasses has scrapped   de  tous  car  on  garde  des  souvenirs  doux  et
                                                                              inoubliables. Moi, je ne suis pas une exception.                                   Dev Choudary & Falak Shah
     the joy of Delhites and drained the lust of Mumbaikars. It has broken the food chain in the
     highest peaks of the Alps down to the shadiest depths of the Mariana trench. Children are   Je  me  rappelle  que  quand  j'avais  6  ans,  nous   City Life 50 Years from Now
     not safe outside, the elderly are forced to stay home, parents are now being parented by   habitions dans une grande famille. Il y avait mes
     their own children. And... all what for? Let me tell you, Humans.        grands-parents,  mes  oncles,  mes  tantes  et  mes   The future. It is always imagined as an epitome of advancement,
                                                                              cousins.  Heureusement,  notre  maison  était  aussi   with  cities  filled  with  ingenious  innovations  and  incredible
     Does it give you the chills yet? Does it invoke the will to take a good look at yourself? Well,
                                                                              assez  grande.  Toute  la  journée,  nous  jouions   inventions, as the species which were once primitive cavemen   At  the  end  of  the  day,
     it does not end there. Voiceless animals die each and every day for us. We intrude into their                                                                            “
                                                                              ensemble.  Quelquefois,  on  se  disputait  aussi.    now dominate this world.
     houses, submerge their freedom, jail them in our zoos only to make them living statues for                                                                                 of different race, ethnicity,
     our entertainment. We say we help them by building sanctuaries but what help is it if there   Pourtant,  on  se  réconciliait  vite.  Pourtant,  mes   This picture is another such interpretation of the future, and it   we're all humans; humans “  Durga Chatterjee
                                                                              parents ont décidé de déménager et nous sommes                                                    colour; but still humans.
     are trackers embedded centimeters underneath their skin? Have you ever been worried                                    paints a world similar to ours. The architecture is as abundant as
                                                                              arrivés  à  la  nouvelle  cité.  Je  l'ai  trouvée  plus
     that  your  loved  ones  or  you  might  not  live  to  see  another  day,  that  you  might  be                       it is diverse, each skyscraper with a different design, like several    Arhaan Desai
     slaughtered as food for other beings or not have a roof over your head at night? That is   moderne et animée que ma petite ville natale.   erratic rocks clustered together. As they get further away, the         Today  racism  ravages
     what they feel. We drown their lives in our selfishness and repress their needs for our   Au lieu de la villa, c'était un grand bâtiment de 33   buildings become enveloped in an ominous mist, slowly merging   “  our  Earth,  snatching
     gains.                                                                   étages.  Je  me  suis  fais  de  nouveaux  amis.    with the horizon.                                                                     away  hopes,  dreams,
                                                                              Cependant, de temps en temps, mes cousins me   In the background hovers a colossal vehicle, floating in the air in                         lives, loved ones, and so
     It has been going on for generations, so I am not blaming you, but only questioning
     whether we are actually living in the joyful world that we tell our children about, or in a   manquaient  beaucoup.  J'ai  beaucoup  aimé  ma   the least aerodynamic way possible. It almost looks as if it were   much  more.  But  in
                                                                              nouvelle école.                               grabbed right out of a Star Trek movie. Below it lie several hollow                         today's  world,  we  as
     sadistic one ruled by humans. Will there ever actually be a Black Beauty, or a Winnie the
                                                                                                                            spaces, each the size of a small car. Perhaps they are reserved for                         human  beings  are
     Pooh or a Simba? Hence, there is a need to change. It is time for us to alter the course of   Quand  j'étais  petite,  une  fois,  ma  maman  m'a
     our future for our own good, as well as that of every other being on this planet, it's a duty   emmenée à une pâtisserie où j'ai vu une femme   tiny vehicles that hover around the city, like swift birds soaring   obliged  to  make  a
                                                                                                                            from place to place.                                                                        change, to be different,
     we must follow. And may I remind you, it is now or never.                préparer des gâteaux délicieux. J'étais très inspirée                                                                                     to support our brothers
                                                                              et  j'ai  changé  mon  ambition  de  joggeur  à  la   The people that the picture focuses on seem deeply immersed in
     But how do we actually bring about a change? Our lifestyle has become a culture, and                                                                                                                               and  sisters  around  the
                                                                              pâtissière.                                   a conversation. The wind lightly tickles their hair as the menacing
     changing culture takes many years, but there is one simple answer - sustainability. The key                            sun bears down on their small but aesthetic terrace, threatening                            world. Wehavethe power
     to understanding our future is sustainability. And this comes from within. Small changes   Quand j'étais enfant, j'avais horreur des légumes   to melt the ice surrounding the bucketed glass bottle.
     make a huge difference. By reusing two sides of one paper you save a chunk of a tree   surtout  l'aubergine.  Maman  me  forçait  d'en                                                                             in  our  palms.  All  we
     bigger than an average human being. Not wasting food or giving it to someone in need   manger. Je pleurais car je m'intéressais au fast-food   The man and three women don't seem to be too bothered as            have to do is wield it.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        to make a change, sitting “
     saves one helpless animal who is going to be slaughtered as a means of cheap food. Or by   comme pizza et frites. Mais, quand j'ai grandi, j'ai   their sunglasses diminish the heat's effect. This meet-up, along
     planting one tree a week - The population of earth is approximately 8 billion, and 8 billion   compris que maman avait raison.    with the small dishes and delicious looking food, is not very                       Abhinav Dangwal
     people planting 48 trees a year. This will not only save the animals and us, but also save                             different from something that could happen now.
                                                                              Ce  sont  un  peu  quelques  souvenirs  du  passé.
     Mother Earth. It is not rocket science, but in fact a formula to success. It might be our only   Quand j'y pense, je me sens nostalgique.  Je regrette   We have definitely  moved  forward  exponentially,  which  has
     chance. I am not saying this for my sake or for yours, but that of future generations of                               allowed for us to keep up with our ever-changing environment.
                                                                              que  ces  gens,  ces  incidents,  ces  amusements  ne
     humans and animals who hope to live in the world we present to them at childhood. Think                                'Survival  of the  fittest'. This term coined by Charles  Darwin
                                                                              vont pas se passer de nouveau. Pourtant, c'est la vie.
     of it this way, it's your life but everyone’s world. It's your voice but everyone's negativity or   Il faut vivre le moment actuel qui va faire partie de   effectively encapsulates our presence on this planet. The planet
                positivity. Most of all, it's even your earth, so stop treating it like another’s.                          evolves, and so do we. Just like the living organisms million of years
                                                                              nos souvenirs dorés. N'est-ce pas ?
                                                                                                                            ago,and justlikethe livingorganisms millionsofyears later.
                                                            Abhiviraj Goel
                                                                              Elisha Parikh
                                                                                                                            Aneesh Kumar                                      Prisha Goyal
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