Page 236 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 236

पौि क भोजन   थ जीवन का आधार                                                                                                   Black And White

                                                                       आज हम फा -फ़ड की लत लग गई ह। मदान म जाकर खलन या                                                                 The alluring crimson ivory that delightfully adorns the jet-black wall,

                                                                       कसरत करन क बदल घटो वीिडयो खल खलना हमारी आदत म शमार                                                                     The snowy daisy that mourns in a stygian hall,

                                                                       हो गया ह।  ा कभी आपन सोचा ह िक इनका हमार  ा  पर  ा                                                                  The mesmerizing strokes of color on a pearly painting,
                                                                       प रणाम होगा? आज इसी िवषय पर अपन मौिलक िवचार   त करना                                                                    The swarns crying while the crows fainting.
                                                                       चाहता  । दो ो, हम सब जानत ह िक शारी रक  ा  क िलए

                                                                       सतिलत एव पौि क भोजन की आव कता होती ह। हम सही मा ा म                                                                The mourning sun leads to the rise of the glorious moon,


                                                                       काब हाइडट,   ोटीन,  वसा,  िवटािमन,  खिनज  आिद  खाना  अ त                                                                  However, the world is drowsy to soon,

                                                                       आव क ह। हम काब हाइडट चावल, आल, शकरकदी आिद स  ा                                                                      The milky snowflakes cover the hardened dark rocks,

                                                                       होत ह, जो हमार शरीर को तरत ऊजा दत ह। हम दाल, दध, मास,                                                                 However, it is to light to cover the racism of us.

                                                                       मछली आिद स  ोटीन  ा  होता ह, िजसस हमारा शरी रक िवकास
                                                                       ठीक स होता ह। हम सबको पता ह िक घी, तल, म न आिद स  े                                                                      The whiter the sun, the darker the skin,

                                                                       िमलनवाली वसा स ऊजा का भडारण होता ह, जो ज रत क समय काम                                                                The darker the body the more faced torturous sin.

                                              हामोन                    आती ह। हरी स  यो एव फलो क मा म स हम िवटािमन एव खिनज                                                                      The darker the sun, the whiter the skin,
                                                                        ा  होत ह। यिद हम इन सभी त ो स प रपण खाना खाएग, तो हम                                                                           The ruder the emotion


                                                                       ज र   थ रहग। सािथयो, अ   ा  क िलए पोषक और सतिलत
                                                                      भोजन क साथ-साथ कसरत की भी आव कता होती ह। कसरत करन  े                                                               And yet in some places the sun stays longer than the moon,
                                                                      स हमारा पाचन तथा र सचार अ ी तरह स होता ह। हमार शरीर क                                                                    And in other places the moon stays longer,
                                                                      सभी अगो को सचा   प स  ाणवाय िमलती ह तथा व अ ी तरह स  े                                                                         But we need equality soon,

                                                                      काम करत ह। हमारी रोग  ितरोधक श   बढ़ती ह। कसरत करन स  े                                                                        And that will make us stronger.

                                                                      हमारा आल  दर होता ह। हमार मन म उ ाह तथा  स ता का सचार
                                                                      होता ह। हमारी एका ता बढ़ती ह। हम सकारा क िवचार करन लगत  े                                                                           Vivaan Hingad
                                                                      ह। हमारा आ िव ास बढ़ता ह। एक िव ाथ  क िलए इन सबकी ब त

                                                                      आव कता ह इसिलए हम इ  ज र अपनाना चािहए। आशा ह िक

                                                                      आपको मर िवचार पसद आए होग। े

                                                                                                            अहन मकर
                                                                                                                            Zahra Kachwala
                                                                                                                            Sustainability- our last straw
                                                                                                                            Picture this. An oblivion of azure in every direction. All you can hear is
                                                                                                                            the moaning sea, and whales whistling somewhere in the expanse of
                                                    efÒeMee iees³eue                                                        the  endless  ocean.  Thousands  of  fish  paint  the  most  astonishing
                                                                                                                            artwork, live before your disbelieving eyes. A squadron of manta rays
                                                                                                                            encircle you as you descend deeper into the depths of the ocean in
                                                                                                                            bewilderment  of  this  paradise.  Then,  as  your  air  dies  down,  the   Industry, Innovation And Infrastructure Falak Shah
                                                        Prisha Goyal
                                                                                                                            skepticism shatters and the truths of the mysterious oceans unravel.
                                                                                                                            Plastic clogs your perception.
                                                                                                                            Nets  tormenting  turtles,  polyethylene  deceiving  fish,  and  micro
     The Light at the End of the Tunnel                                   Reya Gavaskar                                     particles  choking  every  inch  of  the  ocean.  What  happened  to  that
                                                                                                                            marine bliss? That was our escape. The ocean bore the brunt of the
     She giggled, her petite form hidden behind a large oak tree. The constant gurgling of the stream that lay below her performed a background melody in
     her head. The sun played hide-and-seek, dancing among the gently swaying verdure leaves, leaving the water to appear like sharp crystals - glistening   climate crisis that we are causing. The phytoplankton in the ocean was a
     at the sudden bursts of light. An unexpected force lifted her, turning her giggles to squeals of laughter, begging her father to put her down as he yelled   reserve for the way that humans demolish rainforests. We even rely on it
                                                                                                                            for food and income, while taking more than we could ever give.
     with triumph and pumped his other hand into the pale blue sky. His chocolate-brown eyes and crooked nose matched hers, but she got her auburn hair
     and freckles from her mother.                                                                                          That's when it hit me. Our existence here is not inevitable, and all this
     The endless meadow stretched out, its long, thin grass coming up to the girl's waist. She ran about, beckoning to her father to catch her. The sweet   greed and struggle for power will amount to nothing if we don't exist
     scent from innocent joyous dandelions, the ticklish feel of clovers against skin, the chirps and whistles of nearby thrushes brought about a light and   anymore. We are ending our world while sinking into the utopian fantasy
                                                                                                                            that the finish is distant. It's only when we absorb this reality that we
     playful atmosphere completely in sync with the family. She was quite the sight. Not one to be tamed–her red hair sticking out, freckles visible brighter
     than ever on her snub nose–a wild grin was plastered across her face.                                                  realize the end lies right before us. Plastic is the beginning of the end.
                                                                                                                            Unfortunately, those Maldivian waters weren't the only pristine haven
     A clash of thunder shook her out of her daze and she jolted back to reality. The flashbacks, the pain, the anxiety–they never ended. Tears dripped down
     her face, similar to the rain pelting away a few feet in front of her. Shivering, she stumbled, pulling on the remnants of her coat, desperately seeking   ravaged by our doing. Whether I trek along the longest trails in British
     warmth. Fatigued and numb, she barely had the will to advance. The last meal she had had was two days ago - a scrap of soggy burnt bread. She dug   Columbia, or walk across the coastline of Bombay, I see plastic. Our
                                                                                                                            ignorance and recklessness is already firing back and we are now racing
     her bare feet into the wet gravel and continued, embracing the pain.
                                                                                                                            against time to save our Earth.
     The streets were cold and eerie - not a soul to be seen. A bolt of lightning cracked the foggy midnight sky into two, soon followed by a rumble of
                                                                                                                            Life on earth will move on, with or without the human parasite. This is
     thunder. The wind howled in ear-piercing battle cries, thunder boomed and stampeded, and the barrage of bullet-like raindrops mercilessly gunned
     down anything in sight. The sheer wall of icy water threatened to drown her. The dark menacing clouds, occasionally lit up by sudden bright fork jabs,   our chance and we are squandering it. We can still go back to life
                                                                                                                            without being the pest. In 2021, sustainability is no longer a submissive
                moved closer, pressing in, suffocating her. Staggering, she entered a tunnel. Unable to bear the pain, she collapsed, tiny rocks digging
                                                                                                                            statement, it's a plea. Sustainability is our last straw.
                into her knees. A screeching light at the end of the tunnel was the last thing she saw.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Arhaan Desai
                Nikita Parera                                                                                                                                      Zahra Kachwala
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