Page 256 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 256

TUTOR                                        YEAR                                   to the environment, and whatever is  IBD
                                                                                        Sustainability  and  justice  are
                                                                                        equivalent. What is sustainable is just

                                                 11                                     not, is unjust.                     Year 11
                                                                                          Prakhar Gupta from Ms Rashmi
    GROUP                                         Sustainability is not a goal to be reached but a   Baruah's Tutor Group    ADVITYA

                                                  way of thinking, a way of being, a principle we
                                                  must be guided by.
                                                                                                                            Advitya  is  a  creative  centre  for  those  gifted  with
                                                                   Khwaish Billore from
                                                                                                                            conditions like Down's syndrome, Autism and Cerebral
                                                         Mr Sunil Makwana’s Tutor Group
                                                                                                                            Palsy, among others. These special individuals are part of
                                                                                                                            the Advitya family under exceptional circumstances - one
                                                                                                                            of the most notable being their inability to adjust with
     Sustainable  production  and  mass   It is vital that the production and consumption of resources is                   larger groups in other special institutes due to their need
     consumerism  go  hand  in  hand.   managed in a sustainable manner—otherwise, we will quickly   Mr Sunil Makwana’s     for individual attention or their growing age. At Advitya,
                                                                                               Tutor Group
     Consumers should make a conscious   run out of the required raw materials and the global economy, as                   all the students are above 18 and are involved in occupational therapy, whereby they are engaged in creating a multitude of handicrafts. Due to the
                                                                                                                            pandemic, Advitya had to move its operations online. As a result, our school's CAS programme has also shifted to weekly sessions with the Advitya
     effort  to  make  purchases  that  are   well as our livelihoods, will come crashing down.
                                                                                                                            students through the online platform Zoom. During these sessions, the DAIS volunteers have engaged in a variety of activities with the students such as
     sustainable  and  mostly  from                                                                                         making easy recipes and decorative craftwork. For the festival of Makar Sankranti, the group collaboratively made some beautiful kites! Activities to
                                     Tisha Kumar from Mr Arunkumar Khandagle's Tutor Group
     companies  practicing  sustainable                                                                                     improve the students' motor skills have also been incorporated into the sessions. Simple games such as Simon says and Pictionary provide a fun way for
                                                                                                                            the students at Advitya to improve skills. For one unique session, the IB volunteers worked with primary school teachers to plan a virtual service trip for
     production  encouraging  other
                                                                                                                            the grade 5 students. The session included story time and some interactive games, and provided our 5th graders with an opportunity to gain exposure
     companies to follow suit.      Destruction of the environment for economic development is not                          to this community and have some fun! Additionally, the parents of Grade 5 came together to make a donation worth 1 lakh to the Advitiya foundation,
                                                                                                                            helping them with resources and training supplies for their students. This experience is quite unique to most of the Grade 11 girls volunteering.
     Rivcka Madhani From Mr George   true progress. True progress is characterized by sustainability.
                                                                                                                            Interacting with the Advitya students is similar to interacting with children; they are extremely responsive and easily engaged in activities, and it allows
                 Juma's Tutor Group     Kamya Parekh from Ms Manjiri Diwanji's Tutor Group  Mr Suvash Dhakal's                                                               our volunteers a much-needed break from the rigorous IB programme as well as an
                                                                                               Tutor Group                                                                   opportunity for the kind of exposure they are unlikely to get otherwise. These
                                                                                                                                                                             sessions are extremely enjoyable for both parties, whether they are laughing during
                                                                                                                                                                             hilarious  games,  involving  themselves  in  craft  or  participating  in,  (everyone's
                                    We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from                                                                        favourite), Bollywood dance time! The Grade 11 volunteers also planned an Art Sale
                                    our children.                                                                                                                            to raise further funds for the Advitya Organization in March with the sale of donated
                                                                                                                                                                             artwork from various DAIS students, as well as handicrafts made by the Advitya
                                          Arnav Vasudev from Ms Shabari Kar's Tutor group                                                                                    students. Advitya has been great learning experience.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Treya Agarwal, Ananya Sachdev and Vrinda Das

                                    If it can't be reduced, reused, rebuilt, refurbished, resold, recycled
         Mr George Juma's           or composted, then it should be restricted, designed or removed   Ms Manjiri Diwanji's    ANGEL XPRESS FOUNDATION
            Tutor Group             from production. Sustainability is key.                    Tutor Group
                                                                                                                                                           The  primary  objective  of  the  CAS  programme  with
                                          Arhan Shah from Ms Rashmi Baruah's Tutor Group
                                                                                                                                                           Angel  Xpress  Foundation  (AXF)  was  teaching  the
                                                                                                                                                           AXF  students  general  knowledge  and  basic  skills  to
                                                                                                                                                           compliment their academic learning, while making the
                                    Especially  in  the  upcoming  decades,  the  world  will  see                                                         sessions interactive and fun. It also involved a program
                                    technologically  disruptive  innovation,  especially  in  labour-                                                      where each DAIS student was assigned to mentor one
                                                                                                                                                           student  from  AXF.  These  covered  multiple  topics
                                    intensive  sectors  like  manufacturing,  which  may  create  a                                                        including  Mental  Math,  Art  and  the  Cultural  &
                                    depletion in quantity of jobs. That being said, the need of the                                                        Historical diversity of India.
     Mr Arunkumar Khandagle's       hour is the creation of more employment opportunities, whether   Ms Shabari Kar’s
             Tutor Group                                                                       Tutor Group                                                 We started with our session by talking about the culture and traditions of India with the aim to improve their
                                    this  is  through  governmentally  issued  schemes  or  corporate                                                      general understanding of our country and all that it is known for. We held sessions discussing the geography
                                                                                                                                                           of India. We spoke about South India, North India, West India and East India, along with their impressive
                                    diversification; and affordable and accessible vocational training,
                                                                                                                                                           geographical features, their exotic natural beauties, the vastly varying cuisines of food, the dance forms, as
                                    especially in skilled or creative sectors, to ensure employment                                                        well as their traditional clothing. We explored the students' interests in the famous sports across India such
                                    safety. I personally admire the ideas of sustainable tourism and                                                       as cricket. We delved into famous personalities from India's past and present, enriching the students
                                                                                                                                                           appreciation for our vibrant culture.
                                    local  culture/product  development,  since  these  are  long-term,
                                    supportable  employment  opportunities  that  are  ideally                                                             After exploring Indian culture and helping the students build upon their general awareness, we shifted our
                                                                                                                                                           focus to building their skills in mental maths to complement their academic learning and help them perform
                                    irreplaceable and achievable goals that also bolster heritage.
                                                                                                                                                           better  in  their  studies.  We  brushed  up  on  mathematical  operations,  taught  them  concepts  such  as
                                                                                                                                                           BODMAS, and helped them complete mathematical puzzles. Though the students faced some obstacles,
        Ms Rashmi Baruah's              Tanmay Arvind from Mr Suvash Dhakal's Tutor Group     Mr Rajiv Jha’s                                               they worked hard to overcome them and became proficient in the activities they participated in.
            Tutor Group                                                                        Tutor Group
                                                                                                                                                           Along with being good at academics, many of the students from AXF also showed proficiency and a keen
                                                                                                                                                           interest in art. Therefore, we decided to create an AXF art booklet to showcase  talents. This include pieces
               Consumption is not the path to a healthy   The future of our planet depends on the ability of our                                           ranging from portraits to landscapes done in different mediums.      A  N I
               future, sustainability is.              generation to prevent ourselves from overstepping the                Therefore, through an exhilarating journey of exploration along with holistic development, we were elated to empower the   S  T  ABILITY
                                                       boundaries of self-conscious consumption.                                                                                                                             U
                      Ramya Mohan from Ms Manjiri                                                                           students with our share of knowledge. Their eagerness coupled with their sincerity made it a great learning experience for us   S
                              Diwanji's Tutor Group          Jash Bhatia from Mr Rajiv Jha's Tutor Group                    as well as the students!
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Anirudh Fadia
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