Page 253 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 253

A Pyrrhic Victory  Tears trickled down my face as we sprinted across to Trinity Church, the   Les monuments de Paris
 vantage point from which I viewed sights and sounds that were the
  'Jeff, I need a raise,' I asserted bluntly.  embodiment  of  terror:  sirens  wailing.  Carcasses  covered  in  sheets.   Paris a beaucoup de monuments riches en histoire. Cet article est sur les monuments les plus célèbres de
 Smoke engulfing the once-magnificent edifice.   Paris.
 'But I can't, Brian, we're in recession.'
 The rudder of a plane plunged from above. Stanley and I looked at each   D'abord, la Tour Eiffel. Elle a été construite comme l'entrée pour l'Exposition universelle de 1889. Il mesure
 I worked overtime thrice per week, had a perfect performance-review,   300 mètres de haut. Du haut de la tour, on peut voir la ville entière ! La nuit, il y a des spectacles de lumière
 and needed money for my daughter's college fees. I stormed out of the   other, piecing together what had happened.
                                      qui sont très beaux! La Tour Eiffel offre de formidables vues
 office that night, ready to come back the next day with a vengeance. A   A plane went through the towers.  et elle fait une partie importante de l'histoire française.
 seething  letter  of  resignation  was  to  be  slammed  upon  his  desk.  A   We looked at each other again. The towers were about to fall to dust.
 guileful grin crept up on my face.     Un autre monument magnifique est l'Arc de Triomphe. Il a
 Both towers imploded behind us, as we darted, the ephemeral joy of   été  construit  en  1836  pour  commémorer  la  victoire  de
 10th  September,  2001.  I  complained  about  salary.  11th  September,   cheating the hands of death obliterated.  l'armée  française  à  la  bataille  d'Austerlitz.  Depuis  le
 2001. I would have something more significant to complain about.  sommet  on  peut  apprécier  une  belle  vue  et  il  y  a  des
 That harrowing scene shattered me, plunging me into the oppressive   guides qui expliquent son histoire. Il y a aussi de centres
 shackles of depression.               commerciaux et des parcs à côté qui sont très amusants.
 I felt it before I saw it.
 A Pyrrhic Victory?                    Enfin,  il  y  a  Notre-Dame  de  Paris.  C'est  une  cathédrale
 Rippling vibrations radiated throughout the room as if a high-magnitude    Jose Marrero  catholique médiévale qui a été construite
 earthquake struck.                    en  1163.  Il  a  de  beaux  vitraux  et  des
 1969 - 2001                           sculptures  de  personnages  bibliques
 A  fleeting  silence  ensued,  before  ear-piercing  screams  began  to
 reverberate  throughout  the  84th  floor.  Clouds  of  crimson  and   “He helped people till the end.”   importants.  Il  y  existe  également  des
     musées contenant des objets anciens. Malheureusement, le 15 avril 2019, il y a eu une
 clementine began to shroud the North Tower. Could that be…fire? No. I   “You good?” Stan asks, as we gaze at the memorials, his arm slung over   énorme incendie qui a détruit une grande partie de l'intérieur du bâtiment, mais la
 was  hallucinating.  This  was  a  figment  of  my  imagination.  I  pinched   me. Tears trickle down my face. I cannot answer.  plupart des artefacts ont été préservés. En raison des dégâts, la cathédrale Notre-Dame a
 Donned in the suits we wore to work that day, Stan, myself, and those   été fermée pendant un certain temps.
 Anger. The adrenaline rush.   who  survived  made  it  a  yearly  tradition  to  visit  Ground  Zero  every   Ce sont trois des monuments les plus célèbres de Paris. Ce sont tous les éléments très
 A phantasmagoria of horror and panic ensued.  September 11. There were 2,996 souls that left us - I could easily have   importants de l'histoire et d'excellents endroits à visiter.
 been one of them. I spend my days with my family, still trying to accept
 “Who committed this Satanic crime?” a voice thundered.    Ritvija Dalmia
 Enraged, I knew I had to escape. But from where? My co-workers posited
 “You good?” Stan repeats.
 that  descending  would  be  impossible  as  the  floors  beneath  were  a   Humanity’s ineptitude
 warzone  and  made  the  (fateful)  decision  to  ascend.  Viscerally,  I   “Yeah. But this whole experience? A Pyrrhic Victory,” I mutter.  From the SARS outbreak in 2002 to the H1N1 epidemic in 2009, one would have hoped that humanity would have mastered grasping information on
 descended.   Ahaan Jindal  combatting another such outbreak. On the contrary, the Covid-19 Pandemic has absolutely devastated the world, and until a suitable vaccine can be

 Then a soft banging sound.  developed, or if under fortuitous circumstances, the virus mutates to something harmless, it will continue to prove a thorn in our side.
 “Lord, don't let me die. Please send somebodyanybodytohelpme!”   Spreading like a conflagration to approximately 210 countries, not only has the virus snuffed out copious lives, it has also consumed our lively hoods. Be
     it halting all sporting events dead in their tracks or delivering crushing blows to the tourism and travel industries, the ripples from the fall out of our
  That sound subsequently eclipsed the palpable fear around me, albeit
     current predicament will indubitably be felt far in the future.
     Does this really imply that our priorities in research and development in the fields of science and technology should drastically change? Short answer,
 Bargaining. An engendering of anguish.
     yes and no.
 A calloused hand waved through a hole.
     Voices will be raised in caution, and fears increased tenfold, as even after the crippling effects of the pandemic dissipate, the tendrils of apprehension
 Salvaging all my energy, I pulled out a stubby man.
     and pandemonium that have been sewn into the very fibre of society. This will surely Influence our future endeavours in the biotech field from the
 “Hallelujah! I have been saved! I'm Stanley.” a raspy voice vocalized.    driver's seat. The lack-lustre performances from governments around the globe in handling the crisis really begs the question: what if the world would
     have fallen prey to an even deadlier disease which perhaps, had a greater mortality rate than covid19?
 “Blood, sweat and tears” is a phrase used to depict unceasing efforts.
 'Bile' or 'phlegm' is never added to that. With a mutilated Stanley slung   In this scenario, it would be safe to assume that national economies would plummet and lives would be snuffed out like candles faced by a churning
 over my shoulder, I tumbled down Staircase A, the repugnant mixture of   tempest. Eighteen months is simply too long for a vaccine to be developed and this could serve as a brutal reminder that research and development in
 blood, sweat, bile and phlegm advancing up my throat. “ Take me away,   the fields of fundamental biology need drastic improvements in order to bear the brunt of any ensuing crisis.
 God. Not the promising young intern, who now lies bleeding, impaled,”
     The simultaneous assaults of the anti-racism protests around the world, which may have caused a major upheaval in human society as a whole, along
 the voice pleaded.
     with the detrimental effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic, should hit the world like a slap in the face. It clearly elucidates the ease with which humanity
  In the distance, the faint, inviting light of day waited to greet us. The   can be overwhelmed, made to slump in defeat, causing us to come crashing down on our knees. Therefore, it is evident that in-depth research into the
 finish line was near.   fundamentals of biology, the likes of which haven't been seen since the 1960's must be undertaken by scientific institutions around the globe, using
     unwavering resolve to yield definite results.
 “But why didn't I go?” the voice enquired perspicuously.
     However, in no way does this imply that our priorities in regards to science and technology should shift in the slightest. In fact, this is all the more proof
     that we should redouble our efforts. Despite arduous toils of NASA and other such organizations, the enigmas of the universe that lurk in outer space
 Leaves you scarred.  continue to elude discovery. Be it SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, which has fascinated even our primeval ancestors, to dark energy,
 “Get onto Liberty Street and cross it. Now!” a fireman directed.  dark matter or the origin of the universe, a cornucopia of knowledge lies tantalizingly close to our outstretched fingers, and if precured, will surely go a
     long way in quenching our thirst for the unknown.

 “ flourishing and happy, if any  “ cannot be achieved   Additionally, technology forms the backbone of modern society and its constant development and enhancement moulds the direction in which
 True sustainability
 No society can be considered
     humanity is headed. Spearheaded by technological firms all around the globe, new innovations sprout up from the midst of ingenuity which serves only
     to better our standards of living. This is the one field in which nations have poured their hearts and souls into, and with strong leadership at the helm,
 part of the population is kept   without social   the dystopian future that merely seemed like a science fiction dream, would change from a near impossibility to simply ‘over-ambitious.’
 poor and miserable.  Unlike the prior crisis, one would hope that humanity used this as a learning curve. Plunging into the intricate tapestry of bafflement seasoned with
 economic, political and
 Kshitig Seth  sustainability -  “  nuggets of invaluable information which is fundamental biology, is integral for humanity to thrive, and for better or worse, our
 cultural equity.
     actions from here on will have indelible ramifications to the future. Humanity's gateway to salvation lies invitingly ajar, but our
 Malvika Murkumbi  own ineptitude, time and again, bars our way forward.
                                                                                      Moksh Jhaveri
 Sriya Bodapati
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