Page 169 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 169

                                                                                          मर   श  का
                                                                                       एक ह मर  अ या पका  मस भ ,
                                                                                         काम करवाती ह  वह झटपट।
                                                                                          वह ह  बहत ह  ब  मान,
                                                                                          बाँटती ह वह हमको  ान।
                                                                                        करती ह  वह बात  अ छ -अ छ ,
                                                                                         ह  वह  दल क  बड़ी स ची।
                                                                                          सनाती ह  वह हम  कहानी,
                                                                                          हद  भाषा क  ह वह रानी।
                                                                                        प रवेश म  वह नए पाठ पढ़ातीं,
                                                                                      समझ ना आने पर कभी ना डाँटती।
                                                                                         वह ह  मेर  आख  का तारा,
                                                                                      नह ं  मलगी ऐसी अ या पका दबारा।

                                    SHOW AND SHARE JOY!
                                                                                              ि वशा चौधर
          It's Time to Act!
          Fellow Mumbaikars, do you want our beloved city to be engulfed by the Arabian sea? I believe
          surely not and so it's time for all of us to act. Biodiversity refers to the variety of ecosystems in
          which all living organisms interact with their environment and with each other. Examples
          include oceans, forests, soil, and deserts.
          Human life is dependent on biodiversity and fertility. We need clean air to breathe and water to
          drink.  Secondly,  we  need  fertile  soil  for  growing  crops.  Furthermore,  we  get  medicines,
 III A    clothing and shelter from it.
          A major concern today, is that human activities are resulting in degradation and deforestation
          and destruction of ecosystems. For instance, pollution affects health, damages trees and crops
          and climate change etc. Deforestation is destroying the habitat of many animals, insects, and
          plants. Global warming is causing extreme temperatures and flooding. Many cities on the
          seacoast including Mumbai, are at the risk of being submerged in water.
          The action needed is to reduce pollution by switching to renewable energy like solar and wind   THE WOODEN SWORD
          energy. Afforestation, by planting more trees is important. Furthermore, steps like proper   TWISHA CHOWDHARY
          disposal of wastage, recycling and maintaining cleanliness need to be taken.
          To conclude, the world is running out of time, we need to jointly take steps and minimize
          human impact on the natural environment. Together we must   protect diversity and our
          already degraded ecosystems.
                                                                   Aaryan Kothari

          Green Living is Clean Living
          Have you ever wondered what the world would be like without plastic? Well, I have. I think it
 THE 3 LITTLE PIGS- IRA RAGHAVAN  would be heaven on earth. I believe that plastic should not be used, as it is harmful to water
          bodies, fishes, birds, and other animals. It also causes soil pollution.
          Firstly, it is harmful for animals, fishes, and birds. Animals think it is food and choke after eating
          it. Some even die. I strongly believe that plastic ends up in animal habitats because of humans
          and their unmindful ways.
          Secondly, plastic causes soil and water pollution. For example, plastic can only be used once
          and then it ends up in the ocean or anywhere on land. Plastic takes hundreds of years to break
          down. It also causes land to become infertile.                                     EASTER BUNNY
                                                                                            ANOUSHKA JALAN
          To summarize, we should stop using plastic, no matter how much we need it in our lives. So,
          from next time carry your own cloth bag to the market and encourage others to do so, too.
          Remember every little thing counts. Also, know that you can save many animals by doing so.  मरा  यारा क ता
                                                                    Aaditri Thakur
                                                                                         सबह- सबह वो मझ उठाता,
                                                                                                       े ु
                                                                                      लबी जीभ स चाटकर अपन  यार को जताता।
                                                                                         शतानी क  जब हद ह करता,
          मरा प रचय                                                                        कोने म  वो छप जाता।
                                                                                         पसंद का खाना उस जो दो,
          मरा नाम अन का ह। म    आठ साल क  हँ। मझ गाना और  च  बनाना पसंद ह। मझ क त  स  यार ह।
                                          े ु
                                                                    े ु
                                                                                         थाल  को वो चट कर जाता।
          म    धी भाई अबानी  कल म  पढ़ती हँ। मझ े  लखना पसंद नह ं ह। मझ नीला रग पसंद ह। मर  हसाब स
                                                          े ु
                                                                                          उस भल म    िजतना डाँट, ू
          म    दयाल, मददगार और  मलनसार हँ।                                                 मझस वो  यार करता।
                                                                      अन का जलान
 SAVE MARINE LIFE- KAAMAD BANSAL                                                               अ ाम खान
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