Page 171 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 171

The Decline of                                         My Favourite Wonder Woman
 Marine Life                                            The person whom I admire the most is my dear grand aunt Mehru. She is
                                                        seventy-five years old and a great influence in moulding my life towards
 Did you know that the oceans are homes to
 many different species? I think the health of          being a good human being.
 the  oceans  depend  on  biodiversity.  We             She is short, with an oval face and has a fair complexion. She is simply
 should take care of marine life as it maintains        dressed and takes care of her home and pet dog.
 a balance. I feel though human beings are
 educated; they don't have the knowledge to             My aunt is an animal lover, takes good care of her pet and keeps it clean.
                                                        She has a kennel for stray dogs and cats and feeds them every day. She is
 keep their surroundings clean.
                                                        dependable, as all animals depend on her for food, shelter and visits to
 Firstly, because we are polluting our marine           the vet. I like her trait of being kind and generous. She also donates food,
 life eco system and ruining its beauty, we             clothes and medicines to the needy.
 need to take utmost care of it.
                                                        I am very fortunate to have her, for she always guides me towards the
 Secondly,  various  climatic  changes,  are            right path, and I trust her completely.
 EASTER  creating havoc in our marine life ecosystem   DOGS MAKE ME HAPPY - MRIHAAN SHAH
 resulting a decline in marine life.                                                               Parth Thakkar
 Moreover,  because  we  are  throwing
 Baking Cookies  garbage  in  oceans,  many  species  are   FRIENDSHIP
 becoming extinct. Chemicals and the toxins   Friendship is important
 Last Sunday, while celebrating Easter, we decided to bake Easter cookies.I was very   affect  wildlife  and  human  life  too.  Many   Friends are those people
 people kill marine animals to choose their
 excited, so I ran into the kitchen. Firstly, I made the dough by sieving it and mixing it   Who help you when you need them
 with some condensed milk. Once I felt the dough was ready, I rolled out the dough   sea food. This also cause a decline in the
 number of fishes and other marine habitats.
 into circles. Next, I took some cookie cutters and cut the dough into different   To summarize, we must try to conserve our   There are many kinds of friends
 shapes like bunnies' eggs, butterflies, and dolphins. I put them into the oven to   marine biodiversity, to save life on earth, to   BFF's, good friends, forever friends
 bake. Soon, I could smell the cookies and heard the oven beep. I took out the   save  all  species  and  the  health  of  the   Animals, plants and even non-living thing,
 cookies and it felt warm and crisp. Later, once the cookies cooled, I made some   environment forever. We should strive hard   Can be your friends
 whipping cream and iced the cookies. Finally, I sprinkled decorations on them, and   to protect it, so that it also remains healthy   But there's one thing you must remember
 my cookies were ready. My entire family enjoyed a Happy Easter with yummy   for us today and for generations to come.
                 To treat them the way,
 cookies.      Kaamad Bansal  You want them to treat you
 Rahini Chheda
                 Be kind and forgiving,
               And they'll always be true.
                                                                                          LET'S WATER PLANTS
                    Ankita Dighe                SAY NO TO PLASTIC - DHARINI ZAVERI         AANYA SANGHAVI

                                                                                      मरा रोल माडल
                                                                                       पापा का ह  यार अनोखा,
                                                                                       जस शीतल हवा का झ का।
                                                                                       माँ क  ममता सबस  यार ,
                                                                                        सबस संदर सबस  यार ।
                                                                                        पापा आदरणीय, दयाल, ु
                                                                                        माँ भी संदर और दयाल। ु
                                                                                        पापा मर -  वशाल गड़ा,
                                                                                       माँ मर  ह  - िजपना गड़ा,
 Dogs Make Me Happy                                                                    क व का नाम- पलाश गड़ा।
 The Greedy Dog
 It was a warm sunny evening. I was very excited to ride my new                              पलाश गड़ा
 shiny pink bicycle around the building compound along with my   Once upon a time, in a village in India there lived a greedy and    वतं ता  दवस ग त  व ध
 cousins. To my surprise, I saw a cute little puppy named Bruno for   selfish dog. His stomach was always empty, and he would often
 the first time. Bruno a white and brown Shih Tzu with lots of fur,   be seen wandering around, looking for food. One day when the
 looked as cute as a button. I parked my bicycle and ran to feel   dog  was  walking  on  a  road,  he  saw  a  delicious  bone  and   My Role Model: Alok Agrawal (My Father)
 him. However, he started barking uncomfortably and ran away   grabbed it in a jiffy. He was excited to chew on it and decided to
 from me.    go to a riverbank and chew on the bone, peacefully.   Role models set goals for you and try to make you as good as they are. Role models are important.
 While crossing a wooden bridge across the river, he peeped
 Sonali,  the  owner  of  Bruno,  explained  that  at  first,  I  should   Strong, perspicacious, and yet kind… That's my father Alok Agrawal! He is forty-two and an executive director of India's Largest
 approach him slowly and then let him smell my hands and feet.   down. He noticed another dog carrying a bone in his jaws. As he   Venture Capital/Private Equity Firm. My father is an astute sportsman who plays cricket, badminton, table-tennis and football. He runs
 Finally, when he is at ease, I could pet him gently.    was a greedy dog, he wanted to relish on that bone too. Not   as fast as a cheetah and I enjoy watching his matches. If you see a tall man with jet-black spikey hair, dark-brown eyes, carrying a
 realising that it was his own reflection he was looking at, the dog   badminton racket, he is certainly my DAD!!! Shhh and sometimes I even call him, 'The Hulk.'
 So, friends you should be gentle while playing with dogs and not   jumped into the river. Unfortunately, he lost his own bone too.
 hurt or scare them away. Like humans, dogs also like being loved.   At the end, he had lost everything.   He is extremely compassionate and always makes me feel cheerful and content. He loves solving Math Problems, in fact there is no problem
 They are afraid of strangers, too. I truly enjoyed petting Bruno,   in the UNIVERSE, that he can't solve. He's gracious and passionate about everything he does. He sings Hindi songs so well and sounds a lot
 especially his fur which is as soft as cotton. Do you  like dogs, too?    Moral – Don't be greedy In life, be satisfied with what you have.    like the singer Kishore Kumar!!! He loves both my pets Astro and Lalala, who are also a gift from my dad. My father is truly a superhuman.
 Priana Dharia                                                                                    Aliya Agrawal
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