Page 17 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
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PRIMARY SCHOOL Everything we do at the school resonates with students' well- The learning and development of language in an immersive
being and their educational experiences. To this effect classroom
manner has always been a core strength at the school. To this
observations, students' reflections, journal entries, PSHE sessions, effect, we celebrated Hindi Diwas to encourage and respect all
mindfulness activities, yoga sessions, and other purposeful regional languages and to promote linguistic diversity. At all grade
engagements were conducted, providing students with levels, the students were exposed to Hindi literature, poems, and
opportunities to discuss and communicate their perspectives and songs, that promoted a general awareness and inculcated values
concerns, while taking ownership of their own learning. with relevant cultural context.
Our co-teaching model in the classroom continued, with two The Father of the Nation was fondly remembered for his
homeroom teachers working as a collaborative team; planning contribution to our country and to the freedom that every citizen
lessons, teaching, monitoring student progress, and managing the of our great nation enjoys. At every class level, the students
class. This approach enabled teaching students in smaller groups enthusiastically expressed their own insights on the Gandhian
or one-on-one, benefiting from the opportunity to learn from philosophy and the values of honesty, non-violence, and peace. Ms. Mahrookh Tangri Ms. Vimi Lima Santos
teachers who may have different teaching styles, ideas, Class 4 presented a whole-school assembly online, to celebrate the
perspectives, and experiences. The classrooms reflected a positive spirit of Christmas. The event was complete with upbeat carols, Deputy Head, Primary Deputy Head,
learning culture, with students feeling comfortable taking risks Learning and Research
Ms. Farida Taraporevala songs, dance, drama, art, craft, and oodles of good cheer. The
and persisting through challenges. The activities planned and event was entirely planned, scripted, performed, produced, and
Head, Primary implemented were engaging and generated excitement among directed by the students of Class 4, with their teachers and in the field of education. During the course of the year, we organized
the students. To supplement the activities; visual aids, group mentors guiding them through the process. The students several online workshops, conferences, and book studies for our
“Education is our passport activities, conversations, and discussions were conducted. exhibited creativity, confidence, and collaboration through this teachers, to become better instructors and develop into competent
Collaboration and teamwork were other skills developed in the event. future school educators. Some of these sessions included Concept-
to the future, for tomorrow process, giving each student a voice, choice, and accountability. Based Inquiry in Action, Fairy Dust, Play in Early Years, Materiality and
Our Annual Read Aloud Project focused on improving our learners'
belongs to the people who While focusing on the intellectual development of our learners and vocabulary, increasing their comprehension, and strengthening their Expression, Sketchnoting, Assessment Mindset, Creating effective
preparing them for future careers and life, we also took care of their rubrics among others. Regular staff meetings are conducted to
prepare for it today.” emotional and behavioural development, by inculcating sound listening skills. Our parent volunteers planned the event and evaluate our performance and plan for the future, with more
conducted it for our intrigued young minds, over an exciting
moral values, responsibility, and social awareness. We continued conversational buzz and collaborative learning engagements. The innovative methods of teaching and learning.
doing this through different co-curricular events and school
Malcolm X has very vividly explained the relevance of education in theme this year was 'New Beginnings', and the activities planned "It's the teacher that makes the change, not the mere classroom!"
today's world and the need to prepare our students to fit in and celebrations. Participating in co-curricular events facilitates the all- by the parents were interactive, hands-on, and fun, ranging from The last year has been one of transition for all of us, but the
round personality development of the students. Inter-house
excel in the future. And that makes our roles, and that of the competitions give them a sense of belonging and accomplishment. creative crafts to oral responses; and cooking activities to sharing positive attitude and the long hours of work put in by our teachers
parents and the school, more significant. stories. have helped pull us through. Our teachers have made such a
They grow to become more confident in themselves and their
The school year 2021-22 continued online for the most part, and abilities, delve into the extent of their imagination, and express This year the school underwent a joint Preparatory Evaluation Visit positive impact on our students' lives, creating a fun and safe
the students remained connected, excited, and ready to learn. themselves without any reserves and fear. by the accrediting associations CIS and NEASC in October. This visit educational environment for our children and no words can thank
Another year of virtual schooling did come as a setback; however, The year began with the celebration of Earth Day, highlighting the provided us with the opportunity for self-assessment and them enough.
it did not dampen our spirit and we were successful at excelling in need to respect and save our self-sustaining planet from reflection, it validated our practices and served as a guide to map Thank you dear parents for your continued support in all our
all academic and non-academic areas, yet again. Gradually DAIS out our direction and plan for the future. The visit and the entire endeavors. Your words of appreciation and encouragement keep
moved to the hybrid model of teaching with both online and exploitation. An array of creative activities and environmentally process have charged us all to better ourselves, reaffirming our us motivated to extend ourselves and make a difference in the lives
offline classes on fixed days of the week. With the dawn of the mindful practices were organized by the Round Square Team, to commitment to all our stakeholders and to the community. of your children.
new academic year, we moved completely offline, energized to sensitize our children about the conservation of natural resources Besides all these celebrations and events, we also organized Our sincere thanks to our Admin and Support Staff who work
look ahead and face new challenges with renewed vigour. In a and to motivate them to do their bit towards making our planet several Inter-House competitions for our learners. These alongside the teachers and ensure a seamless school day, with no
nutshell, we present the highlights of the year gone by; the work, sustainable and plentiful. opportunities inculcated the spirit of healthy competition among glitches or hiccups, while creating a secure environment for
the learning, the events and the achievements of our Primary As summer approached and the mercury started rising, the students, thus providing occasions for group dynamics and children to learn. Thank you!
School in 2021-22. Primary School created and shared with all parents and students, teamwork.
an e-booklet of fun and appealing activities for the kids to be We are grateful to Ms. Zarene Munshi, the Consultant and Advisor
During the academic year, the school embarked on a journey to engaged in during the long holidays, as travel was not an option, Our Primary Art Competition is an annual event that aims at boosting to the Chairperson, for her impact on our school over the years.
put together a definition of High Quality Teaching and Learning given the pandemic situation. The 'Summer Flipbook of Fun' was greater creativity and imagination in the students. The theme We feel very fortunate to have you as our guiding star.
that would serve as a guide to our school's pedagogical approach. an outlet for our young learners to develop and express their identified this year was 'Global Citizenship', nurturing children's
Keeping in mind our key learning priorities, the approach to individuality and stay busy productively while having loads of fun. growing sense of self, and encouraging the value of understanding Our sincere appreciation to our Vice Chairperson, Ms. Isha Ambani
learning in Primary school shifted to a more Concept-Based Inquiry diverse perspectives, through the creative medium of visual art. Piramal for her strong leadership and direction, which is the
approach, which encourages students to be actively engaged in Our 75th Independence Day on August 15, and Republic Day on foundation of our school's success, and for her belief in the staff to
their own learning through problem-solving and experiential January 26 were both celebrated with an abundance of dance, Other Inter-House competitions were conducted too, including achieve our common goals. Thank you!
learning, and be fully prepared for all that the future has to offer. drama, art, craft, music, quizzes, online games, and oral the General Knowledge Quiz, English Elocution Competition, Our profound gratitude to our Founder and Chairperson Ms. Nita
This approach fueled the curiosity and ignited a hunger for recitations, to channelize our students' patriotic fervour and pave Hindi Elocution Competition, and Music Competition. The vibe at Ambani, for her vision, wisdom, and passion for the school and for
answers in students. The learners were involved in exploration, the way for responsible citizenship. Our enthusiastic Cub-Captains the competitions was one of passion, enthusiasm, and a positive her commitment to the well-being of the entire school community.
discussions, research, projects, self-reflection, and other authentic reflected on the importance of the occasion through perceptive competitive spirit. Most of these events were hosted by our Thank you, Ma'am!
learning experiences that are student-driven and challenging. talks, shared with the student body. zealous Cub Captains and Cub Co-ordinators.
The theme of this year's Insignia is 'Well-being'. At DAIS, student
Technology continued to play a pivotal role in the learning journey, The Primary School Parent-Teacher Meetings were conducted Our young pupils never cease to amaze us! Watching our students well-being has always been a key focus. We endeavour to equip
as digital literacy was yet another area identified to enhance successfully online. The parents took this opportunity to discuss grow and accomplish their goals is most satisfying. We recognize students with the social and emotional skills to cope with the
instruction and support personalized learning. Technology helped their child's learning and progress, sharing their thoughts and their outstanding accomplishments and we celebrate their challenges of learning, feel positive about themselves, and make
in building student capacity for research, making it more realistic, becoming partners in their child's education. individual unique strengths at several individual events outside the them more effective and innovative in the classroom.
inspiring creativity, and offering them access to learning resources Teacher's Day was celebrated at the school to acknowledge the school, in academics and sports. Our students performed
within and outside the classroom. special roles that teachers play in the lives of the students. The increasingly well at the National Science Olympiad (NSO), Warm regards to all of you, as we transition towards building a
future-ready school, with multiple pathways to success in life.
The school recognized the growing and imminent need to prepare Student Council organised an online cultural event to honour and International Math Olympiad (IMO), Mental Math Olympiad,
our young learners to become global citizens, honouring the rights enjoy the relationship between the teachers and students. The Trinity College London Exams, and Robotics. Besides these, some Farida Taraporevala
and dignity of every human being and acknowledging that in an students displayed their talents in singing and dancing, expressed of our students participated at the inter-school, state, and national Head, Primary WELL-BEING
ever-changing, inter-connected world, we all must learn to live their love for their teachers, and shared how impactful the levels in sports like cricket, judo, tennis, and chess, fulfilling our Mahrookh Tangri
and work together peacefully. The teachers designed lessons to teachings of their educators have been on their lives. This gesture school's objective of nurturing sportsmanship, fair play, Deputy Head, Primary
help students make connections, empowering them with the made each one of us proud of the wonderful young adults we teamwork, health, and welfare in all students.
knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values needed to become global have nurtured, since their entry into school in their formative years. The school constantly encourages teachers to pursue professional Vimi Lima Santos
citizens. We love you, dear students! development and helps them keep up with trends and best practices Deputy Head, Learning and Research
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