Page 175 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 175

Summary of The Year Gone By

 In the beginning of the year, I was both curious and nervous to
 go to 3rd Grade. I expected that I would be going back to
 physical school, but unfortunately, I still had to study online. We
 started the term by introducing ourselves and getting to know
 our friends and teachers better. We then did many fun activities
 throughout the year like, making cookies, doing choice boards,
 writing stories and learning about different kinds of poems. It is
               CHILDREN OF 3B BASKING IN THE SUN                        DROP EVERY THING AND READ
 amazing how fast time has passed and now I can't wait to be in
 4th Grade, but I am also sad to leave my teachers, Miss Gupta
 and Miss Pillai who encouraged me to think out of the box and   My Adventure Up to Tigers' Nest
 be creative. Time has gone as fast as a cheetah, but this year is   Imagine being 10, 232 feet above sea level, right opposite Paro Tabtsang, a majestic Buddhist monastery on a steep cliff. This cliff is called
 the  best  I've  ever  had,  and  I  will  remember  this  experience
          Tigers' Nest in Bhutan which is where I went for my end of Term break, in 2019. I was to trek up the mountain with my family
 always and forever.
          (Grandparents, parents and sister). It was nice and sunny when we reached the base of the trek at around 09:00 a.m. At the starting point
 Ayaan Seth  we rode on ponies for about 2 kilometers because the ground was steep and it would be easier for my grandparents.
          We stopped in sometime as the ponies weren't allowed to go any further. As we started walking up, we realised that it would be a tough
          trek because it was steep and at some places there were lots of rocks together, so it was easy to trip. Along the trek we saw Prayer Flags.
   समस (बड़ा  दन)  They came in colours of red, green, blue, yellow and white. They are kept for the safety of all trekkers. My sister was only three at that
          time, so we took short breaks every 200 meters. After two hours, we were very tired and almost gave up.
   समस मरा मनपसंद  योहार ह।   समस हम हर साल प चीस
          Just then, we saw a monastery on the opposite cliff. This really lifted our spirits and we felt motivated to carry on! But there were many
  दसंबर को मनात ह । इस  दन हम ईसा मसीह का ज म दन मनात
          more steps to go. Despite being tired, I continued walking, as I wanted to get to the monastery. Finally, we reached! The monastery was
 ह । हम कक ज़ और दध सांता  लाज़ क  लए    क नीचे रखत ह ।   an amazing sight. I wondered how the monks built this centuries ago. We stayed there for an hour and went on a tour and saw gold
 अगल  दन जब हम उठत ह , हम     क नीचे उपहार  मलत ह । हम   statutes of Buddha which were about 3 floors high. The only sounds we could hear inside, were the bells of the monastery and the
 इस  यौहार को बहत ह  धमधाम स मनात ह ।  chirping of birds. It was very peaceful.
 राया अ ाहम
  वतं ता  दवस ग त  व ध  After that we came down. Even coming down wasn't that easy because it had started drizzling and the ground was wet, slippery and mucky.
          That night, in the hotel we showered, ate and went to sleep peacefully, dreaming about more treks like this!
                                                                                              Aarit Gopalkrishnan
 Wonder Water World
 Would you like to come to an underwater world with me?
 Well friends let's dive in! Now collect your ticket and get your swimming                   A free verse
 costume ready. First in the Lazy River, we could go through a caved
                                                                                           We all deserve to be free,
 waterfall. Then we could get some ice cream. Who wouldn't want ice
                                                                                          Right as rain, free as can be
 cream on a squelching hot day? Where do you want to go? I know just                           Free, free, free
 the place! The Wonder Fall Rollercoaster - had you thought of that? It is
                                                                                             In a tree or lost at sea
 absolutely beautiful.  It is rather different than most normal rollercoaster
                                                                                               Free, free, free
 rides. Now let's go on it again! Did you have fun?
                                                                                           In a house or as a mouse
 Avika Poddar                                                                                  Free, free, free
                                                                                           We all deserve to be free!
                                                                                                 Veer Shah
 Children have the right  मर  बहन
 Children have the right to learn  मर  पता  The Story of My Name
 Children need to learn  मर  बहन ह शनाया,
 मर  पताजी ह  प लस अ धकार ,
 Everyone on Earth  जो ह मर  द नया।  उनक  तरह मझ भी बनना ह एक बार ।  My name is Riddhi. Today, I am going to tell you about how I got
 े ु
 े ू
 Some people can't learn at all  एक दज क  बना,  गण उनम  ह  बहत सार, े  my name. It was very difficult to choose a name for me. Both my
         mom and dad had a list. My dad was keen on having a name
 We need to save them  कभी न हम  रहना।  और मझ लगत ह  वो बहत  यार। े  that starts with the letter “R”, as it is a family tradition, and he
 े ु
 उस उपहार  स  यार ह, ै
 We have to protest  वरद  म  वह लगत ह  अ छ, े  also wanted it to be short just like his own. My mom wanted my
 Education is a right  पढ़ने म  वह बहत हो शयार ह।  और  दल क ह  वे स चे।  name  to  have  a  good  meaning  and  have  cultural  richness   SOAKING UP THE SUN  A FOCUSSED READING SESSION
         associated with it. About 3-4 weeks before I was born, due to
 All kids need to learn   सआना टडन  करना ह मझ कछ ऐसा काम,
 े ु
 िजसस रोशन हो मर दश का नाम।  the delay in deciding a name, my grandfather announced that if
 Vihaan Tiwari  the baby is a girl, she would be named, Riddhi. If it is a boy, then
 ता ष चौधर   the name would be – Rudra. My mom did not want to name her
         kid after a God. She was worried that she would not be able to
 Right to Education  scold him/her!! She liked the name – Riddhi, as not only does it
         mean wealth and prosperity, but it is also strongly associated
 All children have the right to get a proper education. It is the duty of parents to send their children to schools. I think it is a great idea   with Lord Ganesha and a popular name in Jain families. From
 that the government has started free education. With good education one can make a better career. Education gives us knowledge,   that moment, she just prayed constantly that she be blessed
         with a baby girl. And voila! Riddhi arrived!
 courage and power to think.
                                            Riddhi Shankar
 Aadhya Yodha                                                 EXPLORING THROUGH iPADS         BEING MINDFUL
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