Page 178 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 178

Me And My Love                    क चड़ म  म    जब   फसल गई                                                                                                            A Rainy Day
         for Tigers                                                                                                                                                            Jane  stretched  lazily,  in  her  fluffy  warm  bed.  It  was  a  lovely  Saturday
                                           वषा  ऋत बहत सहावनी ऋत ह और मझ बहत अ छ  लगती ह। पहल  बजल  कड़कती ह,  फर बादल                                                          morning.  The sun was shining, the birds chirping and the flowers dancing
                                                                      े ु
                                                                ै ु
         I,  Ira  Teny  am  an  avid  wildlife   गरजत ह ।  फर वषा  होने पर, पानी बरसने क   रम झम आवाज़ बहत अ छ  लगती ह। चार  तरफ़                                                to the soft gentle breeze that sang to the trees. In short, it was a perfect day
         enthusiast. A student of DAIS, a 4th   ह रयाल  छा जाती ह। बाग  म  मोर नाचत ह  और कोयल ककती ह। लगभग हर उ  क लोग समान                                                   for an early morning walk.
         grader I have been going on wildlife                                       ू
         safaris with my family ever since my    प स इसका आनंद लत ह । हम ब चे शायद सबस  यादा उ सा हत होत ह ।                                                                   With a happy squeal, Jane jumped out of her bed. Her little kitten, Tarzan
         third  birthday.  Given  a  choice,  I   एक श नवार क  शाम, म    और मेरा  प रवार बगीचे म    प  खल रह थे। हम खब मज़ कर रह थे। सात                                        was sunbathing, blissfully. Jane laughed. Jane's blue jogging suit looked
         would spend all my vacations in the   टाइल बनाने क  बार  मर  ट म क  थी। अचानक बा रश होने लगी। आमतौर पर हम आ य क  लए                                                   amazing on her. Her dark fluffy hair and wise cornflower eyes shone in the

         jungles. For my eighth birthday, my   अदर भागत थे, ल कन इस बार हम खलत रह। म    आ खर  सातवीं टाइल लगाने क  लए हवा क  तरह                                               morning light.
         twin brother and I raised funds that   तज़ दौड़ रह  थी। जस ह  मन   े टाइल लगाई, म    क चड़ म   फसल गई। भल ह  म    क चड़ म  ढँक  हई                                        Jane quickly drank a cup of tea, snorting every now and then at Tarzan’s
         went  towards  forest  conservation   थी,  फर भी म    जीत पर खशी स उछल पड़ी। जब सब मझ गल लगाने क  लए मर  तरफ़ दौड़, तो वे                                                crazy antics.  Tarzan purred sensing her mistress's amusement. Jane picked
                                                                                   े ु
         efforts in the jungles of South India.                                                                                                                                up her jogging bag and off she went. She jogged down the street, up the
                                           भी  फसलने लग और मल हो गए। चँ क अब कवल हलक  बा रश थी, इस लए मन   े जाकर पानी का                                                      hill, through the grocery store, down the alley and finally over the bridge.
         Interestingly, I had no luck with tiger   फ वारा चलाया। सभी लोग खशी स फल न समाए।
                                                                   े ू
         sighting  on  my  first  2  safaris  in                                                                                           NATION TREE - ADI PAVOOR             As she was returning home, she heard the telephone ringing. She was
         Kabbini and Ranthambore. It was on   हमने इस म ती भर  शाम को ढर सार  हँसी, नाच, गाना और कई तरह क  वा द ट गरमा गरम                                                     drenched by  a sudden downpour that had surprised her on her long jog.
         my drive through in Tadoba that I met   पकौड़  क साथ समा त  कया। यह  यार, खशी और पा रवा रक मौज-म ती का यादगार  दन था।                                                  Jane ran inside to answer the phone before it could stop ringing, but her
         the most gorgeous Maya in Tadoba. I   यह हमशा मर  दल म  रहगा।                                                                                                         wet shoes and a lazy Tarzan brought her down like a pack of cards onto her
         just froze in excitement and wonder,                                                       आरा या ब चन                                                                face!
         at the wild cat's beauty and grace.                                                                                                                                   And there she sat on the floor, phone in hand, in a puddle of water and
         Thereon I have been on more jungle                                                                                                                                    tears.
         trips  and  have  had  many  tiger                                                                                                                                                                            Anaya Deshmukh
         sightings. I have also had the good
         fortune  of  a  close  encounter  with
         Bheetri,  one  of  the  most  beautiful
         tigresses  of  Bandhavgarh  just  a
         month  before  the  tigress  passed                                                                                                                                   छ  य  का मज़ा
         away.  Tiger  safaris  are  a  game  of
         patience  in  my  view.  The  key  to                                                                                                                                 छ  याँ नाम सनत ह  मन को सकन  मलता ह और जब हम  ढर सार  छ  याँ
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ु ू
         enjoying a tiger safari is to enjoy the                                                                                                                                मलती ह  तब हमार  खशी का कोई  ठकाना नह ं रहता। छ  याँ हर वग क लोग

         jungle and not only focus on wanting                                                                                                                                  को   य होती ह। इ ह ं बात  को  यान म  रखकर  कल और द तर साल क
         to sight a tiger. I would most certainly                                                                                                                                                                    ू
         like to do something associated with                                                                                               SHARING MY PAINTING.               श वात म  ह  छ  याँ स नि चत कर दत ह ।
         animal welfare when I grow up.                                                                                                                                        म    अपनी  छ  य  क हर पल का परा मज़ा लती हँ। इसम  खब सारा सोना, सबह देर

                              Ira Teny                                                                                                                                         स उठना, आलस करना, अपनी पसंद का खाना, अपने दो त  क साथ पाक म
                                                                                                                                              Old School                       खलना और ट  वी दखना शा मल ह। वा षक छ  य  म  म    अपने प रवार क साथ

                                                                                                                                              The day has come                 अलग-अलग रा य , दश  म  घमने जाती हँ।  दवाल  और गणशो सव क  छ  य
                                                                                                                                            I'M BACK ! I exclaimed             म  म    संदर रंगोल  बनाती हँ और खब सार   मठाइयाँ खाती हँ। ू
                                                                                                                                              We find our seats                 छ  याँ ख म होत ह , हम थोड़ स उदास हो जात ह , पर हमार अदर काम करने क
                                                                                                                                              And start the day!               नई ऊजा  आ जाती ह।
                                                                                                                                    Pencils , erasers and fun packed ready for us!                                      ऐ वया   वा मनाथन
                                                                                                                                    The teacher walks in with a smile on her face
                                             MEETING OUR WELLNESS GOALS            KING OF THE JUNGLE-TANISHI                           Ready to get fun out of our case!
                                                                                                                                         Oh how much fun we will have
                                                                                                                                        But does more of Covid still await?
                                                                                                                                               Oh, I hope not!                 The Monkey War in Hampi
                                           The First  Cake I Ever Baked
                                                                                                                                              Oh, certainly not!               “Hoo! Hoo! Crrr! Crr! Hoo! Crr!”. The shrill sounds made me jump out of
                                           Have you ever baked before? Have you done it alone? Well, I have; and that's what I am            Please lets just stick            my skin! “What is that commotion, where is it coming from?” I asked my
                                           going to tell you about today. It was December 21st at last! The sun shone brightly outside      To the old OLD SCHOOL              Dad as we entered the main hall of the vast Virupaksha temple in Hampi. It
                                           the window. On the drive to my grandmother's house, I was so excited that I couldn't sit       It was PERFECT in every way!         was especially strange to hear this hubbub inside a peaceful temple. Then,
                                           still because it was my mom's birthday. Yesterday I had baked and iced a cake for her and                                           suddenly the reason behind the racket became as clear as day! A troop of
                                           today she was having a small party!                                                                Anika Rangwalla                  monkeys were creating a ruckus! Some were atop the gopuram of the
                                           Just then I reached my grandmother's house, which is in Chennai, and I jumped out of the                                            temple, some near the pillars and few even came really close to me! A
                                           car and ran inside. I rushed into the kitchen and opened the fridge. My cake was in there. It                                       shiver ran down my spine and a stream of salty sweat trickled down my
                                           had a green coffee cup, but the rest of the cake was white. A bit later my cousins, aunts,                                          face!  The  monkeys  had  brown  furry  skin  and  sharp  claws  and  would
                                           uncles, my grandparents, and great grandparents arrived.                                                                            quickly jump across pillars and roofs with their long tails for support. They
                                                                                                                                                                               were agile in a blink of an eye would grab the snack someone was holding.
                                           Soon my mom wanted to cut the cake. I shot into the kitchen, and I slowly took it out of the                                        Their teeth gleamed as they argued with each other. It was like a battle
                                           fridge, I walked step by step making sure the cake wouldn't fall. I stepped into the kitchen                                        scene where the monkeys seemed to fight for the bananas that some
                                           and scuttled across the floor, towards the table. A delightful aroma filled the hall.   I                                             people threw at them. I stood petrified staring at them wondering if they
                                           carefully placed it on the table and waited with bated breath. Would my mother like it? I                                           would attack me! I did not want to be a part of this battle, so I hid my fear
                                           wondered. She did. I saw a smile creep up her face. I know she loved it! I was delighted                                            and tried to slowly sneak away from the place. The guide moved on to
                                           because it was the first cake I had ever baked on my own!                                                                            other temples and interesting sites, but I couldn't shake off the memory of
                                           This is one of my favourite memories because every time I bake, I am constantly reminded                                            the aggressive monkeys, for the rest of the trip. Never did I imagine that
                                           of this moment, of my first ever baked cake and the lovely time I had with my family.                                                visiting a temple would turn out to be such a terrifying experience.
                                                                                                  Maya Candade                                                                                                     Saketaram Manikantan
                   XMAS JOYS                                                                                                                 PLANT OF INTEGRITY
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