Page 177 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 177

                                                                 I'm going to ask you a little riddle. Ready?
                                                                 I am like fuel to the engine of thoughts which powers
                                                                 the machine of action which produces even more of me.
                                                                 Who am I? Any guesses?
                                                                 I  am  CONFIDENCE.  Yes,  I  am  the  one  who  powers  the
                                                                 miniature machine of action in your mind. But to gain me,
                                                                 you must have the courage to take a risk. And once you
                                                                 succeed, you gain the confidence to keep going on for the
                                                                 rest  of  your  life,  without  getting  scared  even  once.
                                                                 Confidence is what makes you bold and brave, and a better
                             READ ALOUD
                                                                 person. Do you want to know the key to confidence? Well,
                                                                 it's simple! You need to have the courage and determination
                                                                 to take a risk, that's it!
                                                                 Well, that's all for now, friends! I hope this writing piece has
                                                                 inspired you in some way. So, stay confident and take risks!
                                                                                              Divisha Khandelwal


 If I Were In Charge
 of The World  मरा मज़दार सपना
                                   े ु
 If I were in charge of the world...  सपने कई तरह क होत ह । अ छ, बर, डरावने, मज़दार और दखी करने
 Weekends would be on weekdays.  वाल। कछ रोज़ पहल मन   े एक मज़दार सपना दखा था। म    एक बादल पर
 Weekdays would be on weekends  बठकर हवा म  तरै  रह  थी और मर पर  क नीचे पर  द नया थी। मझ
                                                           े ु
 It would be illegal for  अच भा हआ।
 Teachers to give students homework.  मन    खशी स बादल स कहा- “चलो पर  द नया क  सर करत ह।   “ म    उड़त- े
 There would be cotton candy pools  उड़त आईफल टावर पर पहँच गई। शाम को वह बहत सदर लग रहा था। खब
 There would be no rules.  सार  रोशनी स सजा हआ था।  फर बादल और मन    े  ट वॉल आफ चीन
 In restaurants, you snap your fingers
         जान का फसला  कया। वह इतना बड़ा था  क हम उड़त-उड़त थक गए।
 And your food would arrive.                                              A DAY IN MY LIFE - VIDYUT SUNDAR
         हम  घर  क  याद आने लगी तो हम गटवे आफ इ डया दखने गए। वहाँ पर
 Everyone would have their own special super-power
                    े ू
 To save the world and help you survive.  खब सार पटाख फट रह थे। अचानक मन   े एक धमाका सना और देखा   क
 Everything would be made out of sweets  म    अपने कमर म  ह  हँ। ू           The Little Things
 And there would be world peace.  म     ब तर स  गर गई थी और  फर मझ पता चला  क म    एक सपना दख
                                    े ु
 That's what I would want  रह  थी। म    खब हँसने लगी और मन   े अपने भाई को मेरा सपना बताया।   The shine of the sun,
 What would you?  आज भी उस सपने क बार म  सोचकर मझ बहत हँसी आती ह। ै       Shimmering on the milky white snow
                                      े ु
                                                                                 The snap of grass,
 Tanishi Mazumder                               अनाया दशमख ु
                                                                              When a stallion gallops by
                                                                              The ever-changing texture,
                                                                                Of the dazzling sand
                                                                                 A bubbling creek,
                                                                                As it gently flows by.
                                                                                 A flickering light,
                                                                             In the middle of the woods.
                                                                            A wonderful aroma wafting by
                                                                             The fragrance of moist earth
                                  TOGETHERNESS - RITVIK SIKARIA                Fragile blooms dancing,
                                                                          As if they had no care in the world.
                                                                        A single drop of dew, on a lush green leaf
                                                                               Like a magnifying glass
                                                                               The rainbow of colors,
                                                                               On a jewel bug's elytra
                                                                           Little things can make a difference.
                                                                                  Viha Gahrotra
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