Page 190 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 190

A Special Bond

                                                                                                                                  My maternal grandfather, as I know him, is a person who loved mathematics and
                                                                                                                                  is an expert at all things technical. He is often seen wearing the mundu (dhoti) and
                                                                                                                                  a t-shirt. He also has dense, straight hair. He used to work in a defence factory and
                                                                                                                                  was a mechanical engineer by profession. My grandfather lives in Kerala with my
                                                                                                                                  grandmother and my grandmother's sister. My grandfather enjoys farming and
                                                                                                                                  owns a small piece of land, which is just a few yards away, in which he grows
                                                                                                                                  plants, fruits, and vegetables. He often brings back some vegetables to cook and
                                                                                                                                  eat. I enjoy my walks with him in the pitch blackness of the night with only a torch
                                                                                                                                  light. He takes me around the courtyard and warns me of the reptiles that might
                                                                                                                                  be lurking around.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Aathira Asokan

                                                                                                                                The Vegetarian Vampire                      Limerick

                                                                                                                                  There once was a vegetarian vampire  I was riding my horse one day
                                                                                                                                     His name was Willy Sapphire   When he suddenly stopped in the way
                                                                                                                                     He didn't eat rats and bears          Along came a car
                                                                                                                                  He only turned into a bat for scares     My horse went far
                                                                                                                                  Children tell his story by the campfire  Until there was no other way.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ANIKA JALAN
                                                                                                                                          Aanvi Malpani                     Myrah Gupta
               V B                                                                                                               Blazing Birthday

                                                                   मनाल  क  अ व मरणीय या ा                                       Ava's party was going to be an epic at-home birthday celebration! At
                                                                                                                                 five  thirty  in  the  evening,  her  friends  would  come  over  for  a
                                                                   दो साल घर म  कद रहने क बाद मर माता- पता ने हम  आज़ाद
           My Dadi: An Epitome of Love                                                                                           sleepover! The cosy house was decorated with colourful balloons,
                                                                   का आनंद उठाने क बार म  सोचा | बफ़ को छने क  तम ना हम           and the backyard had confetti  all over. At night, they would sleep in

           Grandmothers  are  an  epitome  of  love  and  giving.  My   मनाल  ल गई | हम २०  दसंबर को हवाई जहाज़  वारा चंडीगढ़      sleeping bags in the hall. Ava had already gone shopping for the
           grandmother's name is Anushree, and I call her Dadi, and I think I   पहँचे | वहाँ हम पहल स ह  आर  त  कए गए म रयट होटल म    perfect birthday dress. It was black in colour with a white belt. This
           am the apple of her eye. She lives in Kolkata but never misses a   गए  |  जस  ह   हमने  कमर  का  दरवाज़ा  खोला  तो  हम   was going to be a blast! Nothing could possibly go wrong.
           chance to visit us. She's extremely loving, and we share a love for   आ चयच कत हो गए | वहाँ  ब तर पर मर  पता का नाम फल   Soon after, the doorbell rang, it was time! One after another, all of

           baking and eating yummy food. Whenever I want something, she
                                                                   स  लखा था | रात बहत हो चक  अतः हम नहा धोकर सोने चल            Ava's friends, Manvi, Danya and Jen entered the house. The party
           gets it for me. While she was as strict as a matron with my father,   गए | दसर  दन सबह पाँच बज उठकर ना ता करने क बाद आठ   had started! They played a bunch of games and giggled as Daisy,     SANAAYA JOISHER
           she is as kind as a hovering dove with me. My grandmother wakes   ू  ु
                                                                   घंट या ा करत हए मनाल  पहँचे | बीच म  हम खाना खाने क           Ava's dog, licked them. They decorated cupcakes and did makeovers
                                                                             े ु
           up and sleeps very early. I enjoy when she comes over, since she                                                      for each other. The past few hours had passed quickly and swiftly, and
           makes pasta and pizza for me. Whenever she comes, we order junk    लए  क | वह होटल पहाड़  स  घरा था | बहत ह  साधारण जगह   now it was bedtime. They hastily got ready for bed and put off the     Limerick
           food. She is the best grandmother ever and I love her.  थी ल कन खाना बहत  वा द ट था |
                                                                                                                                 lights. For about fifteen minutes, they whispered to each other. And

                                                  Anika Jalan      मनाल  पहँचने क बाद हम  पन  रसोट पहँचे | वहाँ हमने एक          then, there was silence. All of them dozed immediately. Everyone     I took a cookie out of the jar
                                                                   बंगला बक  कया था िजसका  नचला  ह सा हमारा था | बंगल क          except Daisy. She could sense something was wrong. At last, even        And hid it in the car
                                                                   सामने एक नद  थी िजसम  बहत ह  साफ़ पानी बह रहा था |             she floated up to dreamland, but not for long. As soon as she was   When my mom found my hiding spot,
                                                                   पानी बहत तज़ ग त स बह रहा था और एकदम ठडा था इस लए              falling into a deep sleep, she sniffed something, something that          she got so mad
                                                                   पानी क अदर जाकर हमने छप-छप नह ं  कया | उस  दन हमने            smelled like burnt bread. She opened her eyes, and right there in the   Though, after an hour, she totally forgot
                                                                                                                                 corner, lingered a flame. She barked and barked, waking everyone in
                                                                   पर  दन आराम  कया और दसर  दन घमने क  लए  नकल |                                                                                           Vrushti Joshi
                                                                    े ू
                                                                                                                                 the  house  and  in  the  neighbourhood.  Ava,  her  friends,  and  her
                                                                   वहाँ हमने बफ़ पर  फसलने का मज़ा लने क  लए  क   कया |

                                                                                                                                 parents ran down the stairs. There was a fire. But nobody knew what
                                                                   हम ह तापास पहाड़ पर गए जहाँ एकदम सफ़द बफ़ थी | हम                had caused it. By now it had spread all around the kitchen. Now was     My dreams

                                                                   सबने  नो मन बनाया, बफ़ म  सोए,  फसल और बहत मज़ा                 definitely not the time to discuss, anything could go terribly wrong   My dreams might give you a shiver or a stroke


                                                                    कया | बफ़ को छने का आनंद अनोखा था | मर  बहन  रया को           after all.                                                       They make me fly on the cloud of hope
                                                                   बख़ार हो गया था | आर.ट .पी.सी.आर करवाया तब  रया का             Finally, the firemen had reached. The fire had not spread all around   Taking me from North Pole to South
                                                                   नेग टव आया और हम सकशल मंबई आ पाए |                            the house yet, so it was easier to extinguish it. They all sighed. Daisy   With candies and marshmallows in my mouth
                                                                                                                                                                                             But yesterday I met Santa, who was sad and broke
                                                                   आज़ाद  क  िज़ंदगी जीने का मज़ा ह  कछ और होता ह यह                ran to the firemen, licking them as a thank you. Both Daisy and the
                                                                                                                                 firemen had saved the day. But everyone was thinking about one   So, no Christmas toys this time, and that's no joke!
                                                                   पहल  बार महसस  कया था | उन याद  को बार - बार याद करक
                                                                                                                                 thing. How was the fire caused? Manvi felt guilty. It was probably         Rounaiv Rana
                                                                   हम सभी फल नह ं समात |  वशष प स क   प फायर | जहाँ
                                                                             े ू
                                                                                                                                 she who had caused it. She might have forgotten to blow out one
                                                                   बठकर मर  माँ ने संदर  और मधर गीत सनाए थे | म मी क
                                                                                                                                 of the candles before putting them in the bin. She confessed, and
                                                                   गीत सनकर दस और लोग भी आ गए | सभी लोग मर  माँ क                everyone  forgave  her.  She  did  not  do  it  on  purpose.  Everyone
                                                                   बहत तार फ़ कर रह थे |                                          makes mistakes. They were all thankful that they got out safely.
                                                                                                 ईशान स म णयन                                                             Eva Gupta
                            HITANSH BHATT
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