Page 195 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 195

The Soldier
               He stands tall as the wind blows,
                 His roots dug in the ground.
             The soldier stands, unmoving and still,
                  As chaos reigns all around.
                 Smoke billows from factories,
                  His friends fall to the floor.
             Their bodies carried away by enemies,
                 As he looks around the moor.
               The soldier's hands start to shiver,
                     His hair falls down.
            As winter approaches and life grows silent,
                 He stands there with a frown.
              Then, spring comes and birds chirp,
                 The soldier becomes happy.
                He starts to smile and blossom,
                  For he is no longer snappy.
                                                                           KAVYA MANGAL
                 Though he stands unmoving,
               He sees what's happening around.
            He lets out a cry as enemies surround him,
                 Oh dear! He has been found.
                    Abhay Wadhawan

 My Rocking Chair

 I was 6 when it arrived. Its elegant, dark teakwood
 frame  stood  majestically  and  its  cushioned  arms
 called out to me invitingly. Ever since online school
 knocked on my door, it's just been me, my laptop,
 and my good old friend- the rocking chair, spending
 hours indoors together.
 My rocking chair is often a part of roughhousing
 with  my  brother.  The  back  of  the  rocking  chair
 becomes a shield when we shoot foam bullets from
 Nerf guns or fight with our plastic swords. One time,
 my mother's foot got caught under the base of the
                 JIA DADBHAWALA - KITE                                     ANVI KALOTHIA
 chair as I was rocking it wildly and since then, she
 doesn't  come  near  it,  thus  letting  me  have  more
 privacy than usual!
                                                                                                 खशी ु
 The rocking rhythm reflects my mood; fast and wild
 when I am happy and excited, slow and gentle when                                           लॉकडाउन खलत ह
 I am pensive. Many ideas have materialized from the                                      साइ कल भी मचलने लगी।
 time spent on my rocking chair; Ideas for stories and                                      पडल पर पर रखत ह
 poems  for  English  class,  plans  for  science                                          हवा स बात  करने लगी।
 experiments,  and  solutions  to  puzzling  math                                          सगंध का एक झ का आया
 problems. On days when I felt uncertain of myself,                                          मन मरा महक उठा।
 my rocking chair has given me a gentle push, helping                                      झरने क  जब फहार पड़ी
 me express myself with confidence. When I feel low,                                          तन मरा  खल उठा।
 the rhythmic rocking puts chaos in my mind to rest.                                       न ह स खरगोश को छआ
 As I sit on my rocking chair now, several thoughts are                                    मखमल सा एहसास हआ।
 going back and forth in my mind; what to watch next                                      सबह-सबह का ऐसा अनभव
 on Netflix, where to travel to during my next vacation,                                     रोम-रोम म  ऐस बसा,
 and that card trick my Dad just played on me.                                                मन मरा झम उठा
                                                                                         स ची खशी का अनभव हआ।
 Sudarshan Manikantan
                                    SIDDHANT  MEHENDALE                                         का या मंगल
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