Page 192 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 192

My Grandmother: A Versatile Lady                                                                                       The thin line between light and darkness

          If  you  see  me  walking  with  an  old  lady  with  lovely,                                                          When Jim boarded the plane, little did he know that this was going to be an amazing adventure. Jim had just got past all the airport
          straight,  silver  hair,  then  recognise  her  as  my                                                                 security and like any other teen, he was clicking some pictures to upload on his social media account. He had already made a break-
          grandmother, Pallavi. She was born in Surat. She has                                                                   through and had shattered all records in gaining followers. He had gained 56 million followers in a month!
          had  several  dogs  before  I  was  born.  She  has  two                                                               With a soft thump, he sat on the seat number '7B' in Business Class. He was lucky to be the son of a rich businessman. He glanced into
          children,  my  father  and  my  aunt.  My  grandmother                                                                 the blank screen of a small rectangular device. He watched as a reflection of him stared back at him. He could see his blue eyes, his thin
          religiously  naps  in  the  afternoon.  One  look  at  the                                                             lips, and his black hair. He put his phone away as the pilot's voice boomed through the speaker, “Ladies and gentlemen, your plane is
          scrumptious food she makes, is enough to make one's                                                                    about to take off, please buckle up as we might face some turbulence on our way to Miami today.” The plane taxied on the runway. The
          mouth water. She enjoys reading, watching television,                                                                  engines revved to life. Jim found himself, travelling at a hundred and fifty miles an hour. He felt the wheels retract and the plane leaving
          and playing board games. She is loving and cares for me.                                                               the earth. And, all of a sudden, everything looked small. “Goodbye, New York!” whispered Jim in excitement.
          My  grandmother  was  an  excellent  stage  actor  and                                                                 The cars looked like toys, and the building looked like Lego skyscrapers, and the people looked like ants. He giggled and stopped gazing
          participated in a very popular play at the time. She loves                                                             out of the window and looked at the tiny monitor fixed on the seat ahead of him. Hmmmmm. That was strange. The plane should have
          cricket and hates missing a match. She is never strict                                                                 been at the altitude of fifteen thousand feet, not five thousand feet! Anyway, he decided to ignore it. Seconds later, he felt the plane tilt.
                                                                                                                                 “Oh Blimey!” he heard the bloke seated in front of him say. Jim was pushed back in his seat. The plane was suddenly ascending at a quick
          with me, and she is always very kind.
                                                                                                                                 pace and was speeding up too. A few minutes later, the screen showed an altitude of twenty thousand feet. Jim felt the pressure drop,
                                         Ishaan Mody                                                                             his legs buckled and his eyes closed. The sudden increase in altitude caused him to black out.
                                                               SARA MEHTA                  SHOURYA MEHTA
                                                                                                                                 Shivering, Jim got up, hugging himself for warmth. The screen showed a hundred thousand feet - the highest a passenger plane had ever
                                                                                                                                 gone! Suddenly, Jim had a thousand questions. Who was maneuvering this plane? Why were the pilots flying the plane so high? Who
                       करोना                      A Futuristic Ford Pinto                                                        had approved of this? Was this even legal? The plane suddenly stopped ascending and started onto a steep descend. He was thrown
                                                                                                                                 back. He hobbled to his seat and strapped in. Yet again, he blacked out.
                 करोना आया, करोना आया             Just as they got to the edge of town, the car started making a terrible clunking   WHOOSH! He felt as if he was spinning in circles. It was as if someone had put the plane in a blender and had turned the blender on. He
                   सबको  चता म  लाया।             sound.                                                                         tried to see his location, but there was no signal. Then the phone screen went blank. He frantically tapped the phone and cursed under
                                                                                                                                 his breath; he should have charged it when he had the time. There was no time to waste. He glanced at the screen. It was flickering. He
                   म मी बोल ं हाथ धो,             'What's happened to the car? We had it serviced only two months ago!' Mrs.     tried to read the location. He squinted and read out loud, “The Islands of Bermuda”. He read those words in utter horror. He stumbled
                 पापा बोल बाहर मत जाओ,            Green exclaimed. 'I don't know. Maybe this sound will go away,' Lydia Green    back with shock. But before he could make another move, there was a blinding flash and the plane was swallowed by an insidious abyss.
                 दाद  बोल ं गरम पानी  पयो।        replied. Just then, the car came to an abrupt halt. 'Oh Bother!' Mrs. Green said.    That leaves me with a baffling question, 'What was that swirling dark matter and what happened to Jim?'
                 सह लय  क  याद आई पर,             The Greens were a family of three - Mrs. Green, and her two daughters, Dorothy,                                                                                           Ranbir Dhall
                       मल न पाए।                  and Lydia. Their father had passed away a year after Lydia's birth. Both the girls
                 कल न जाओ,खलने न जाओ,             took after their mother. All three had chestnut brown, wavy hair, and similar
                  घर को  ल ाउड बनाओ।              features. Mrs. Green and Dorothy's eyes were a lovely bright blue, and Lydia's                                                                 Place value rap
                घर का  वा द ट खाना खाओ,           were a pale green.
              भरपर प रवार क साथ पल  बताओ।         Their car was a second-hand dark green Ford Pinto, the kind you would find in the                                                                 Place value has value
                 करोना भागो, करोना भागो,          seventies, which they had bought at an outdoor car sale. It had green plaid seats,                                                            So, you better not forget it
                  दल करता अब बाहर जाओ।            and a musky scent. It also had a lot of extra buttons, which the previous owner                                                                       42,061
                                                  seemed to have somehow added to the model. They had decided to leave those                                                            1s for the ones 6s for the tens 0 for the hundreds
                    अनाया झनझनवाला
                                                  buttons alone, as they weren't sure what they did.                                                                                               Please don't forget!
                                                  'I'm going to check if the problem's outside,' Dorothy said while getting out of                                                                 2 for the thousands
                                                  the car. Mrs. Green re-started the car, but it didn't move. Dorothy got back in and                                                             4 for the ten thousand
                                                  said, 'Nothing looks wrong from the outside'. Then, everything happened in a                                                              Put this in your head and don't forget
                                                  fraction of a second.                                                                 EVA GUPTA            MYRAH GUPTA                           Place value has value
                                                                                                                                                                                 And if they ask you what's the place value Remember what we said
                                                  Mrs. Green pressed one of those extra buttons and the car lurched forward. It
                                                                                                                                                                                        1s for the ones 6s for the tens 0 for the hundreds
                                                  made a creaking sound as the wheels turned horizontally to face the ground.                                                                      Please don't forget!
                                                  There was the sound of an airplane taking off, and suddenly the car was air-                                                                    Place value is important
                                                                                                                                                                                          And that's something we want you to know
                                                  'Aaaahhhh!' all the three occupants of the car screamed, as the car shook and                                                                    Place value has value
                                                  rocked around in the air unsteadily. It soon regained its balance, but it didn't go                                            And if they ask you what's the place value Remember what we said
                                                  back to the ground. Dorothy who was rather scared of heights, was green, and                                                                          42,061
                                                  the others were white. 'What did you do mother!' shrieked Lydia, three octaves                                                            And that's when we come to an end.
                                                  higher than usual. Mrs. Green was busy hitting every button she could. She found
                                                  a green one and hit it. As fast as the car had gone up, it went down, hitting the                                               Shanaaya Badani, Sia Agarwal, Swaraj Kurrve, Dev-Arjun
                                                  ground with a sickening thud.                                                                VRUSHTI JOSHI                       Bhimjyani, Shourya Mehta, Vrushti Joshi, Vihaan Saxena
                                                  'What was that?' Dorothy whispered, still green. Just then Lydia found a piece of
                                                  paper tucked away in a little cabinet one of the buttons seemed to have opened.
                                                  It read:                                                                       Prevent Global Warming: Protect the Snow Leopard.
                      NAVYA THALI                 ‘I have devoted my entire life to modifying this car. I have always loved cars, and a   The Snow Leopard is an elusive animal. However, it is slowly but surely getting extinct. The factors affecting it are climate change, human
                                                  car that could fly and swim has been my childhood dream. People thought it was   vs animal conflict, poaching, and habitat loss. They are being poached for their fur, which is used to make coats and other items. Also,
                        आबा                       impossible, but I found a way to make it happen. I showed my designs to many   people lay traps for musk deer, whose musk is effective in treating some diseases. But sometimes, the snow leopard steps into these
                                                                                                                                 necklaces of death, and the traps snare and kill the poor cats. It would be wrong to say that snow leopards are the ones to blame as we
                                                  great engineers, but they all rejected it, saying it was out of the question, so I built
                                                  it myself. Alas! I shall never get to test it. I wish that someday, my technology will   are the ones who are causing global warming. The ice caps are melting, and it is becoming easier to grow crops at high altitudes. The
                     आ याची ती फोड,
                                                  make it into the world, and change it for the better.’ - Benedict Amford Black.  snow leopards, very confused with these happenings, don't know what not to hunt. They hunt the villager's livestock, and the villagers
                     लागत  कती गोड.                                                                                              clobber them. The villagers are also hiring gunmen to shoot down the poor and helpless beasts. There are an estimated 4,080 to 6,590
                                                  Immediately the Greens called a tow truck, and the car was carefully led to a
                   आह फळांचा तो राजा,                                                                                            snow leopards left in the world. They are listed as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). However,
                                                  science center. There, the engineers were amazed by the technology, and its
                   आ ण आवडता माझा.                                                                                               WWF are making predator-proof pens for livestock. It prevents the retaliatory killing of snow leopards. They are also working with local
                                                  mysterious creator, a man who was clearly ahead of his time. The Greens were   communities to implement human-snow leopard-friendly habitats. In conclusion, we must try our best to not cause global warming and
                    खाऊ आमरस – पर ,               rewarded a handsome sum of money and a brand-new car.
                  नाह तर नस याच फोडी.                                                                                            let the snow leopards once again rule the mountains!
                                                                                                  Ipshita Somani                                                                                                          Vihaan Saxena
                      Navya Thali
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