Page 208 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 208

My Ration Kit Campaign                                                                                                                       This Too Will Pass
                                                It was the day that I decided to make a difference, looking at the present status of                                                      As I looked  outside the open window
                                                the world where families fall into poverty, people losing their occupations and                                                            And watched twilight fade to night
                                                particularly families that are starving.                                                                                                    Hearing the gentle pitter patter
                                                                                                                                                                           I felt the chilly monsoon breeze and watched the lonely, ancient, banyan tree
                                                These  situations,  determined  me  to  start  a  campaign  of  ration  kits  for  the                                                            sway in harmony.
                                                unprivileged, specially challenged and handicapped people in and around Mumbai
                                                who have lost their jobs or those who have become homeless.                                                                         Suddenly the Rain Gods inflicted their wrath upon us
                                                                                                                                                                                    And the droplets lashed down like piercing needles.
                                                I  searched  for  an  NGO  that  could  meet  these  criteria,  through  research  and                                                     The dark clouds emblazoned the sky
                                                guidance I found Legend Covid Aid in collaboration with Wockhardt Foundation. I                                                      And the thunder crashed rattling out its fierce tune
                                                started the campaign by partnering with them.                                                                                             As bolts of lightning streaked the sky.
                                                My family and I reached out to many friends and relatives through mobile messages                                             The animals shrieked in pain and the trees started swaying violently.
                                                and made innumerable calls that resulted in raising                                                                       The crops were disheveled, the barns were roofless, and the huts were flattened.
                                                                                                                                                                               The trees got uprooted and there were broken branches everywhere.
                                                •  Rs. 25,000 on the 1st day of my campaign,
                                                                                                                                                                          The tide started to get higher and soon the angry waves had hit the land with
                                                •  Rs. 50,000 on the 2nd day                                                                                                                        a big crash.
                                                •  and At the end of the 12th day of the campaign we collected Rs. 1,50,000 in                                                 I sat and watched the storm release its wrath upon the wilderness
                                                total. (we received 253% more than my funding on our target of Rs. 60,000)                                                           Destroying the nurturing nature through the night.
                                                                                                                                                                                      The same nature will blossom again tomorrow.
                                                The blessings of collecting significant amount of money in a short time made me
           extremely thankful to the donors since we collected money for 100 Kits                                                                                          The colorful flowers will bloom, and the chirping of the birds will signal the
                                                                                                                                                                                               advent of a new dawn.
           Collecting money was not the only motive, I wanted to make sure whether the donations were received by the needy, hence I                                                  We humans think we are stronger than nature
           requested the NGO to involve me during the distribution of these kits.  They agreed to my request and were more than happy to have                             But when nature unleashes its fury, we realize our helplessness and insignificance.
           more volunteers.                                                                                                                                                 The storm may go on the whole night, but it will also get tired eventually.
           Organised by the NGO, the following weekend my father and I went to Sardar Nagar Municipal School Complex  Shiv – Koliwada, Sion.                                        No matter what the circumstance, this too shall pass.
           This municipality school is a part of the Society for the Education of the Challenged Day School.                                                                          Like all things, good or bad, this too shall pass.
           Parents of about 50 students were gathered who were extremely pleased and happy to receive the ration kits from us. My heart melted,   BOOK COVER BY ALISHA PATIL                      Kyra Mahindru
           I was in tears at the first glance of people who were struggling to walk, six to seven-year-old children who were specially challenged and
           adults who were impoverished.  The principal and the teachers at the SEC School were also involved in the process and they noted the
           Aadhar card number of each parent to make sure they do not give away ration to the wrong family.
           When handing out the ration kits to each person there I felt a blessing coming in me and I felt purified and most of all I was grateful for
           everything I had.
           The smiles on their face made me content and joyful. The reason why that day was the happiest day of my life is because, I could make a
           difference in someone else's life.   If I can make a difference, so can you!
                                                                                                     Tiana Dalal

          Brilliant battle Strategies from a Bygone Era
                                                                                  भगवान क  दन
          The year is 1526 A.D Hello, my name is Aadil and I am a soldier in Babur's army. I
          am a great archer, swordsman and horse rider. Babur, the army generals and a    या ह भगवान क  दन?
          few of the best people in the army were in one of Babur's Charbagh gardens   यह आप पछ सकत ह ,
          discussing a strategy for the upcoming battle. We were going to fight Ibrahim   सि ट ह  तो बनाई, यह कह सकत ह ।
          Lodhi's army so we were prepared as Ibrahim Lodi had a huge army with giant                                                    AKKSHITA KESWANI                       MYRAH RATNANI                      AARIA VARMA
                                                                                    सबस पहल सय बनाया,
          elephants and no one knows what else he had got in store for us. In spite of all
          of this I was not scared. Even though we had a smaller army, Babur was a great   रोशनी दने क  लए।
                                                                                ओस पर पड़ती ह, जब पहल   करण,                      Dear Diary,
          strategist and we have very experienced soldiers among us, That is when Babur
                                                                                      मन  खल उठता ह, ै
          came up with a brilliant strategy. He explained how we will spilt up into 3 flanks.                                     I died four days ago.
          Right, left and center. The right and left flank would consist of most of the army   जस गम  म  ठडी पवन।
                                                                                                                                 Well, obviously I didn't, but to escape the Nazis' watch I had to fake my own demise.
          spread out forming a kind of a circle. These soldiers will be on horseback. The   और बनाए चं मा,
                                                                                                                                 The Nazis have the names of all people between the ages of 9 and 19 listed somewhere. No-one knew why, but they are prejudiced
          center flank would consist of canons loaded with gun powder. These cannons   रात क उजाल क  लए,
          would be protected by carts and mantlets. Behind the canons a few of the best    टम टमात तार, े                        against everyone in this category.
          archers will stand. This strategy is called the Tulghuma strategy. Babur told us   मान  जस हज़ार  र न                   Unfortunately, this group includes me, Gayatri, Krishiv, and Vivaan. So, we decided to be rid of this anxiousness that someone is always
          who would stand where and do what, and did not leave out a single detail. We   नीला अबर और चहकती  च ड़या,               watching. We would get off their radar by dying. And so, die we did.
          were prepared for anything!                                                                                            Our “end” was in a treehouse that caught fire, and each of us left a prized possession in it. We had planned a day before what our roles
                                                                                      रग- बरगा इ धनष, ु
          It worked perfectly and also improved our defense and offence as the right and   और  खल खलाती पंख ड़या                  would be: I'd be the hunter, Gayatri: the cook; Vivaan: the doctor; and Krishiv: the record keeper. We had also packed our stuff (knives,
          left flanks could attack the army while the cannons and archers could keep   लहलहात पड़ और छलछलाता पानी,                 lighter, jackets, first aid kits) in a rucksack. After the fire, we fled from the scene, counting on our parents to hold funerals for us. Once
          shooting cannons and still be protected by the carts and mantlets. We could    दहाड़ता शर और नाचती मोरनी।               that happened, we would be crossed out from the Nazi's list of kids.
          even re-position the carts and cannons easily as they were on wheels. This                                             We travelled for two days and nights, through sewers, behind buildings, always together. It was with relief we set foot into the dense
                                                                               भगवान ने ह  बनाए हमार माता- पता,
          strategy worked like a charm! The use of firearm's scared the elephants of                                              Aarey Forest. On an adrenaline rush, we ventured into a thicket of trees, searching for shelter. After hours we found it. It was a cave,
                                                                                  िजनका कर ग हम आदर सदा।                         long, spacious, hidden by clumps of swaying grass and nestled under the stars. We rushed in, set our things down, and collapsed like
          Lodhi's army and they started trampling over their own soldiers. We won the
          battle  and  I  returned  home  with  just  a  few  scratches.  It  was  an  amazing   और करना ह हम  आदर सि ट क हर वरदान का,  dominoes in a breeze.
                                                                           िजयो इस तरह  क पीढ़  आने वाल  भी जी सक।
          strategy! We learned it from the Ottoman Turks.                                                                        Who knew a game of hide and seek would be so very difficult!
                                                                                       गाय ी  ीवा तवI                                                                                                                       Rhea Bhatia
                                                         Nethra Anand
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