Page 204 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 204

Wellness :Think about the food you eat!                                                                                                                                            Our French Exchange
          39% of adults in the world are overweight. One-in-five children and adolescents, globally, are overweight. And this data does not seem                                              Cette  année,  nous  avons  organisé  un  programme
          like it is going to show positive changes in the coming years. Fast food was invented to be quick and cheap, not to make people obese.                                             d'échange de français en ligne avec l'école Ermitage
          Yet it can reduce your lifespan by 10 years. The real cost of these foods is never written on the menu. It is addictive, ruins our health, and                                     International de Paris. Nous avons commencé par une
          greatly affects our environment. Fast food is like a bad drug, and it is killing all of us.                                                                                        vidéo sur l'inde. Puis, les étudiants français ont fait une
                                                                                                                                                                                             présentation sur les châteaux français. Peu de temps
          We all have addictions. Doesn't matter what they are, they could be our gadgets, or a cup of morning coffee. Too much of anything has                                              après, on s'est divisé en petits groupes et nous avons
          its adverse effects. But just because something addictive is bad for the consumer, doesn't mean it's bad for the seller. Sugar scientist and                                       joué à des jeux amusants. Ensuite, nous avons partagé
          UCSF professor of health policy Laura Schmidt says, that food corporations hire scientists to engineer the most irresistible, habit-forming                                        nos expériences . Finalement après 1h on s'est dit au
          foods. Sugar is currently their ‘go-to’ ingredient. They are using the same brain imaging technologies that we use to try to find cures for                                         revoir. Ce fut une expérience très unique et mémorable.
          addiction; only these persons put people in the MRI machine and feed them ‘Lays chips’ to figure out ways to make the recipe even more                                                                          Priyaana Jhaveri
          addictive than it already is. Surrounded by foods produced like this every day, it's almost as if there is no such thing as freedom of choice.
                                                                                                                                                                                             La Nourriture
          So what are the effects of this? Why is this a bad thing? Ultimately it does taste good and gives us pleasure...but for how long? Sure fast
          food is cheap, but using that as an excuse is like saying that you're buying cheaper food and saving up money for your hospital stay. The                                          Manger”-ce  n'est pas seulement un verbe mais c'est un
          problem with fast food is that firstly it has no fibre, it is concentrated fat. Secondly, all of it is fried. How do you serve food so quickly? You   POLYGONS - AANYA ZAVERI        art ! Vous devez manger au moins cinq fois par jour pour
          fry it. There is a massive amount of oil that gets added in these items. The World Health Organization had looked at over 800 studies                                              être en bonne santé
          from ten different countries, finding a direct link to consuming processed food, especially processed meat, and Cancer. In US, one out of                                           Ce que je fais pour rester en forme c'est de toujours
          every four deaths is from Cancer. Fast food restaurants promote meat eating so much, that in the United States, even McDonald's fries                                              prendre  mon  petit-  déjeuner  et  de  boire  beaucoup
          have beef flavouring. When you look at chronic diseases risk, dietary choices actually trump smoking! The answer for the cause of           The Letter                              d'eau !
          diabetes, clogged arteries, high blood pressure and the cause of obesity, can be put in two words – fast food.                                                                     Je  prends  mon  petit-déjeuner  à  9h  et  je  mange  2
                                                                                                                                               Dear People, I am writing to you,
          Fast food also has a major environmental impact. As mentioned before, fast food promotes a lot of meat eating, especially beef. However,   From the bitter year, 2122.             croissants, 1 baguette et je bois du lait. Puis une heure plus
          cows are extremely inefficient at producing meat. Almost 80% of agricultural land in the US, is used for producing cow feed. Meat and dairy   This house of ours,                   tard  j'ai  ma  première  collation  qui  comprend  de  5
                                                                                                                                                                                             oranges. Ensuite à 14h, je déjeune ! Pour le déjeuner,  je
          farms are the biggest culprits behind change in the way land is used globally, often prompting deforestation and diverting resources away   Once beautiful and bright,             mange deux sandwichs au beurre, une salade et un bol de
          from other valuable needs. Meanwhile, the industry is also estimated to use as much as 10% of global water! This isn't just the case for cows,   Is not anymore, a beautiful sight.   pâtes. Puis à 17h00. Je mange une autre collation qui est
          but for maintaining the health of every animal used to produce the food that all of us love. Of course ,that is not the least of one's worries   My predecessors, from the year 2020,   généralement du pop-corn. Enfin, je mange mon dîner,
          compared to the amount of greenhouse gasses the industry releases. It is estimated that emissions from agriculture (including methane   Have destroyed our planet, garbage a plenty.   qui est normalement de la pizza et parfois de la crème
          emissions from meat and dairy farming) will comprise 70% of the maximum allowable GHGs by 2050.                                      Now, all around, Earth wheezes.               glacée. C'est ainsi que vous mangez de la nourriture, il n'y
          Sure fast food is cheap and fast, but is it worth ruining your health? You might say that meat has a lot of protein, but animals don't   No birds chirping, no trees swaying, only sickness and diseases.   a pas d'autre moyen ! Mais c'est important de noter mes
          produce it, they get it from the plants and food that they eat. All the protein, vitamins and minerals that we need can be consumed   No sweet smell of the fruits, no splish-splashing of the water.   amis ce que dit le grand Molière :
          through fruits and vegetables. We need to change our dietary habits. Avoid snacking on junk food in front of the TV, while driving or   No one will want to live, in this dystopian horror.    “  Il  faut  manger  pour  vivre  et  non  pas  vivre  pour
          being on your phone. To avoid filling up on less healthy foods and overeating, try to eat your meals at the table without any distractions.   Alas, I have no joy in telling you,   manger”
          This will help you to pay attention to what, when and how much you're eating. Try to avoid eating outside, stick to food made at home   If you keep your ways, this will be your reality and your truth.   Merci.
          and stop buying unnecessary sealed packeted foods such as chips and biscuits. Stick to fresh items and whole foods as much as possible.   Treat this as a warning, for what you might endure,                    Arjun Dhavse
          Avoid meat, going vegan is even better! Eat healthy, spread the word, save this generation as well as the next!             Remember, once you cross the line, there will be no cure.
                                                                                                    Anisha Goyal                                        Aryan Pai

                                                                                                                                          OUR IMAGINARY ANIMALS
                                                                                                                                                                                              तीन म य ऋत आहत, त  हणज उ हाळा, पावसाळा
                    A Call from Mother Earth                                                                                                                                                   आ ण  हवाळा. उ हा यात आपण पातळ सती कपड  े
                CUT CUT! CHOP CHOP! Goes the robust lumberjack,                                                                                                                               घालतो. आपण कोि   सह   पतो. पावसा यात आपण

                BANG! THUD! Another tree feebly falls to the floor,                                                                                                                             रनकोट घालतो आ ण गरम पदाथ खातो.  हवा यात

               The sight of thousands of trees lying dead on the floor,                                                                                                                        आपण जाड कपड घालतो. आपण उबदार पदाथ खातो
                Looks like the barbarous battlefield of the Crusades.                                                                                                                                     आ ण उबदार पय  पतो.
               Clip-clop, the deer walks through the tall ticklish grass,                                                                                                                                    Shiv Mehta
            The honeyed scent of vanilla grass that tastes like scrumptious
                          candy floss fills the fresh air,
                   Twitter twitter, the orchestra of birds chirping,
           Instantaneously stop as BOOM! The remorseless hunter buries his                                                                                                                             कोरोनाचा  ास
                         bullet into the deer's soft skin.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       सगळ ऋत आल आ ण गल,   े
                    The rapacity and selfishness of us humans,
                   Has grown above the peak of Mount Everest.                                                                                                                                       कोरोना मा  आला पण गलाच नाह  .
            SMOKE EVRYWHERE! Thousands of factories filling the air with                                                                                                                               बोलवत रा हला आप या  म ांना,
                            poisonous pollutants,                                                                                                                                                "य र ड टा, य र ओ रकॉन मा या संगतीला",
             Islands of plastic floating on the oceans, what has our Earth                                                                                                                             मळन रा य क या  या जगावर!
                                 become?                                                                                                                                                               परत सगळ  नयम लाग झाल, े
                                                                                                                                 Students  of  grade  7  explored  the  unit  of  animal  classification  as  a

                  We should realize that Earth is the Mother of all,                                                                                                                         माणसांना नाताल व नवीन वष साजरच करता आल नाह .
                                                                                                                                 STEAM activity. Students designed imaginary animals by adding unique
                  She gives her heart, soul, blood and flesh for us.                                                              features to their animals. They described the functions of every feature   बाह गल  क सतत मा क घाला,
           It's our time to pay now, together we can save our Mother Earth.                                                                                                                     हात सॅ नटाइझ करा आ ण सर  त अत ं र पाळा.
                                                                                                                                 added to the body of the imaginary animal they had designed. The
                   Now! It is in our hands to defend and mend.                                                                   activity enabled students to integrate Art and Science in creative ways as   कटाळा आला  या सग याचा!
                                                                                                                                 seen in their drawings.                                        जा र बाबा जा कोरोना, लवकर इथन  नघन जा!
                               Nimay Shah                                                                                                                                                                                ू     ू
                                                                                                                                                                          Reeva Agarwal                 Rudrakshi Suryavanshi
                                                                             BOOK COVER - AANYA THAKUR
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