Page 215 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 215

My Experience Shifting to a New School  Broken Dreams
          I watch joyfully from the outskirts of my ghetto along with my tribal brothers
 Have you ever felt content, nervous, joyful, and scared all at the same
          and sisters. I gape as the protestors march on the dusty tarmac in a single body
 time? Those were the exact emotions I felt on the night of 8th March   shouting  slogans  of  equality  and  fraternity.  They  wave  at  us  their  placards
 2021; the night I got my acceptance letter. Change is something everyone   bobbing to a rhythm screaming out “FREE SUDAN” in bold red. I murmur a
 goes through at some point in their life, but not everyone can adapt to. I   prayer for they are risking their lives for me. I notice not just the skullcap a
          protestor  dons,  but  also  the  tribal  totem  another  carries.  I  watch  as  two
 get uneasy even by the thought of it. I'd always thought that if I ever got
          teenagers barely fifteen shout at the top of their voices from a loudspeaker. I feel
 into DAIS, I would be ready to go without thinking twice. I had heard a
          pride as I feel the entirety of Sudan has come to defy the draconian curfews and
 great deal about the school's legacies and alumni.  unconstitutional roadblocks levied by the military.
                                                                                      SAANVI AGRAWAL
 But deciding to leave my old school wasn't as easy as I thought it would   They have marched thousands of miles for the hope of a free Sudan and to uplift
 be. I had been in my old school for nine years and making friends was not   us  tribals  from  the  twin  evils  of  racism  and  segregation.  I  hope  that  this
 always my strong suit. I enjoyed the idea of starting afresh, but that meant   movement will strengthen the spirits of my tribe whose spirits became a casualty
          to the vigilantes, military, and the State. A ripple of panic passes through the   Metamorphosis
 I had to leave my comfort zone, all my friends that I dearly loved and all my
          crowds as dozens of jeeps suddenly arrive from which jump out hundreds of
 teachers,  who  I  had  spent  years  building  close  relations  with.  After   “If you don't like something, change it. If you
          men.  Each  one  donning  the  uniform  of  the  Sudanese  National  Milita.  The
 understanding how much I'd have to leave behind, there was a fleeting   demonstrators glare at them standing their ground. Though I detect a note of   can't change it, change your attitude.”
 moment when I vacillated and was having serious second thoughts. Then,   panic in their demeanour. Their shouts which echoed through the ghettos like   Maya Angelou
 finally, after months of waiting for it with mixed feelings, came the big   the roars of lions have faltered. An uneasy silence haunts the surroundings.   Nothing ever stays the same; water evaporates, ice
 day: My first day in a new school, with new teachers and no friends.   At this moment, a diminutive bald man unconcernedly from the back of the jeep   melts and mindsets evolve. Over the past two years,
          barks out an order and like machines the men obey. Like greased automations   our lives have changed drastically. We encountered
 I  was  as  nervous  as  a  cat  in  a  dog  pound;  my  head  was  filled  with
          they take aim and fire. The bullets do not miss and within seconds dozens fall   a deadly virus and came up with vaccines for it,
 SHERLOCK HOLMES - ARYAHI AGARWAL  anticipation. However, to my amazement, it went brilliantly. The teachers   went completely online and some of us spent hours
          their lives extinguished. Prompting pandemonium as people attempt to flee
 were cordial and old students or 'homegrowns' made us feel right at   from the jaws of death. Nothing else can be heard except the rhythmic rat-tat of   locked in a room listening to our favourite playlists
 home. Making friends was tough, especially during online school, but   machine guns and howls of the injured. Without any emotion the soldiers mow   because we had nothing else to do.
 DIWALI Ma fête préférée.   then again, human beings are known to adapt to their surroundings well.   down fellow Sudanese they swore to protect. I feel the horror rise giving way to   I truly marvel at how far humanity has come
          sheer terror. Then finally when their ammunition runs out, they calmly leave.   since the start of the pandemic. From chaos,
 Les lumières partout en Inde, le ciel est plein de   Now I have a marvelous set of like- minded friends and great relations   confusion and loss of life to order, prosperity
 feux d'artifices, et tous les Indiens font la fête.   with all my teachers. I think, despite my initial doubts, it is safe to say that   The Ghetto has plunged into chaos with bereaved families wailing desperately   and  hope;  we  have  overcome  so  many
 Oui, c'est la fête de Diwali. C'est une fête de la   my decision to move to a new school has truly been vindicated and I look   to catch one last glance at their loved ones. Samaritans are rushing to provide   impediments  to  get  to  where  we  are  today.
 religion  hindoue  que  les  Indiens  célèbrent   forward to spending the rest of my school life here.   some aid to the wounded. Others are paralyzed by indecision facing millions of   School  going  online  was  completely
 partout dans le monde.   uncertainties. “Should we leave this nation of ours our ancestral home since   unprecedented and it was such a big change!
 Tvisha Soni  millennia?” “Ought we give away our land the land founded and sculpted by   Yet we all adapted, and after a whole lot of
 La fête est liée à la légende du Ramayana. Elle   our forefathers?” Such questions they face. Questions which have no answers. I
 signifie le retour de Rama  à la ville d'Ayodhya.   see many of them packing up their meagre possessions. Mumbling farewells   patience, time, and reassurance, we are finally
 Comme on n'utilise pas le calendrier gregorien,   with faces red with shame for fleeing a nation that is theirs. They have tears in   going back to seeing our friends, laughing and
 cette fete a lieu en octobre ou novembre. Il n'y a   their eyes as they leave this ghetto which has become a family. Dismal for they   learning in person.
 pas de dates fixes.  have just won a victory to the military.               I always used to be on tenterhooks about change,
                                                                            until I went through one of the biggest changes in
 On  mange  beaucoup  de  sucreries  et  des   L'importance  d'apprendre  une  langue   I join them just a drop in this wave of refugees that will soon eclipse the entire   my life so far which was moving to a new school. I
 spécialités indiennes. Le jour de Diwali, il y a un   Middle East and Africa. I have nothing to take with me, neither the books I once   thought I was going to be thrown in a dungeon full
 grand repas où toute la famille mange ensemble.   étrangère  adored nor the pen which now lies broken after the riots. Now it is just a painful   of people who were out to get me, but it ended up
 Pendant cette fete, on allume des lampes et des   reminder of my tamed aspirations and broken dreams. Once upon a time I   being nothing like that. At the end of the first day, I
 feux  d'artifice.  Nous  portons  de  nouveaux   Bonjour! Je m'appelle Anaya Mehta.    wanted  to  be  an  author.  I  wanted  to  craft  verses  to  unite  the  nation  and   was elated and didn't understand why I was so
 vêtements et on échange des cadeaux. J'adore   Selon  moi,  aujourd'hui  quand  le  monde  devient  un    'village  global'   compose songs honouring my Sudan. However now I start daring to dream.   tense  to  begin  with.  This  made  me  realise  that
 cette fête de Diwali.   l'apprentissage une langue étrangère  devient plus important.    Maybe the outside world will be kinder and more considerate to this poor   change can be ameliorative as well and that it is the
          Sudanese who has braved the worse?                                only constant in the equation of life.
 Ayaan Shah  Tout d'abord, l'apprentissage d'une langue étrangère nous aide à faire
 contact  avec  beaucoup  de  gens  autour  du  monde  .  En  plus,   Without a penny in my pocket, I am at the mercy of humans who do not have a   Change always feels so unfamiliar when it comes
          shred of humanity who have long since been reduced to mere calculators. Their   but it is one of the things which we are most
 l'apprentissage d'une langue étrangère est comme la cerise sur le gâteau
          actions depend not on morality but on profit. They trade in human misery in my   cognisant of. It is a part of our everyday lives and a
 pour les étudiants.  S' ils vont faire leurs études supérieures dans un pays   misery and revel during wars, famines, and coups. I am lucky to have travel   crucial one too, for if each day would be the same
 étranger, ça deviendra plus facile car Ils peuvent   s'entendre bien avec
          companions who knew such men before the riots. My companions were once   as the next, and each person the same as another,
 leurs camarades. C'est vrai n'est-ce pas? - Ensuite, cela aide à developper   the richest men in the whole of Arabia. Before dangerous rhetoric inflamed the   life would be mind-numbingly monotonous.
 une attitude positive envers les gens et les cultures du monde entier .   marketplaces, before fires of hatred destroyed their products and before people   Change  should  be  welcomed  with  open  arms
 Quand on voyage pour le travail ou pour les vacances, c'est très facile de   let the colour of our skin blind their judgement. My companions secure me a   because it either helps you metamorphose into a
 communiquer avec des habitants de ces pays.   free trip to Egypt. “Egypt?” I asked. They call it the jewel of Africa and declare I   better version of yourself or gives a word to the wise.
          will be safe there. I can just hope and pray.
  Aussi, apprendre une langue étangère vous donne quelque chose à faire                         Riddimma Sampat
 pendant votre temps libre. Alors, vous allez avoir un nouveau passe-temps   I  am  smuggled  into  this  jewel  through  the  great  Bir  Tawil  desert  by  men
          disguised  by  the  night  due  to  their  black  garbs.  I  suppose  they  are  famed
 . Pour les adultes, apprendre une langue étrangère offre de nombreuses
 opportunités d'emploi. Après avoir vu les avantages d'apprendre une   traffickers but desperate, so I am with nothing to lose so onwards I go. The
          borders are quite unguarded, still they dump me in the square of an unknown
 langue étrangère , on peut conclure que cela nous rend plus capable et   city. Is this to from now be my home?
 nous aidera à améliorer les quatre compétences importantes qui sont la
 compréhension orale, la compréhension écrite, la production orale et la   I  am  homeless  and  without  shelter  and  again  I  am  plagued  by  millions  of
          uncertainties. Pangs of homesickness tear me apart and I regret my decision a
 production écrite. J'ai commencé  à apprendre le français il y a quatre ans   thousand times. When I hear a speaker shout in an alien tongue spurring a
 et cela m'aide beaucoup. Par exemple, quand je suis allée en France   frenzy from the crowds. However, I recognize these scenes from the Sudan just
 quand j'avais onze ans, j'ai pu communiquer avec les commerçants et les   before the riots. Egypt is welcoming no more. It appears unlikely that I can
 serveurs. Et alors, apprendre une langue étrangère est très amusant et   survive.  For  these  demonstrations  indicates  that  the  seeds  of  unrest  and  a
 bénéfique et je le recommande à  tous.   refugee crisis are germinating in this Egypt.
 Anaya Mehta                                               Ishaan Surve
 NIA AGARWAL                                                                          EESHA GHEEWALA

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