Page 218 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 218

                                                                      लोबल वा मग को रोक एक साथ                                    Well-being

                                                                                                                                  If you need to set the tone right, you need to ensure that your relationship with
                                                                      या आपको पता ह  क आप  कसी न  कसी तरह स हमार  भ म             yourself is so strong that it sets the tone for every other relationship you have. So
                                                                     को नकसान पह चा रहे ह?    हा।ँ  असल म  हम इसं ान बहत काम      take action towards the well-being of self, others, society and the planet and see
                                                                     करत ह,    जो सीध े भ म को हा न नह  पहँचात परत घम- फर कर      how beautiful life is.
                                                                                                     ं ु ू
                                                                     नकसान पहँचा दत ह।    जसै  े  क जब हम एयर कं डीशनर चलात े     Your well-being is paramount. Know that well-being means weaving together a
                                                                     ह,    तब बहत सार  गस िज ह  ' ीनहाउस गसस' कहत ह,    जसै  े    thriving, interdependent ecosystem that enables well-being for all. For physical
                                                                     काबन डाइऑ साइड, हवा म  उ सिजत होती ह।    य गस    धरती        and mental well-being, positivity is crucial.

                                                                     क  ओज़ोन परत क पास जाकर उस  ड ल ट करती ह    और सरज            Get offline, focus on yourself, treat yourself, exercise, go into nature, watch the
                                                                                                                                  birds in the sky, drink water, pray, laugh until you cry. Cry until you laugh again,
                                                                     क  गरम  करण  को भारत क वातावरण म  रोक लते ी ह।    इसं ान
                                                                                                                                  dress how you want, set your boundaries.
                                                                     क  कई ग त व धया भ म क  लए हा नकारक ह।    अब भी चाहे
                                                                                                                                  Be free !!!
                                                                     तो हम बहत कछ कर सकत ह।    अगर आपको हमार  द नया को
                                                                                                                                  Mental and physical rushing can cause anxiety; the mind and body will say
                                                                     बचान म  मदद करनी है, आप अब भी कर सकत े ह    । जसै  े  क
                                                                     अगर आप छोट  दर  पर कोई जगह जा रह ह,    गाड़ी का               Why are we rushing? What are we fighting for? Are we in danger?.
                                                                     इ तमाल करन क अलावा आप पदल जा सकत ह,    या साइक   ल 
                                                                                                                                  ..already............What a great reminder to slow down and move through gently.

                                                                     स जा सकत ह।    अगर आप बस, रल जसी सावज नक स वधाओ
                                                                     का इ तमाल या कारपल कर ग तो हमारा  ीनहाउस गस का               Ask yourself: What can you do to ensure you get what you need?
                       SAVE OUR SOIL - KEYAAN SHAH
                                                                      तर नीच आ पाएगा। ऐस बहत सार काम हम  और अपनी प वी             You can put yourself and your human needs on the priority and urgent list, whether on paper or in your mind.
                                                                     को  व थ रखन म  सहायक सा बत ह ग !                             The body and mind need a break from adrenaline, from a constant challenge: rushing, apprehension, disruptions, rushing thoughts,
                                                                                                                                  worries, full-on environments; If they don’t take a break, they will respond with its survival mechanism, namely anxiety. As a result, you
              What about well-being of                                                                का या  स हा                 will feel like you are surviving life and not living it.
                                                                                                                                                                        So regularly give your mind and body what it needs - Mindful moments
                    the human race?
                                                                                                                                                                        Cut distractions Turn off the phone, TV. Be in the moment, the now.
                                                                  “The feeling and emotion of having the freedom
            Weapons once forged to defend against dangers,            to do what one wants is well-being. ”                                                             Take notice of what you are eating, hearing or feeling with interest; you are
             Now turn so immediately on our own brothers,                                                                                                               experiencing the moment too.
              What is this betrayal, this hunger for power,                    Sumair Singh
                                                                                                                                                                        You need to give your mind and body what it needs. Breathing, releasing tension,
             If at the end in front of death we shall cower?                                                                                                            drinking water, a balanced diet, peace.
                    Despite the blithering truth                                                                                                                        Put worries to paper. After you cross off the ones out of your control, work on
               We are taught the contrary in our youth,                                                                                                                 those in your power.
                   Why do they teach us to care?                                                                                                                        Create a plan work on that plan step by step.
                 About the future, do they despair?
                                                                                                                                                                        If you need a hand, that's
                 That we will turn out just like them,                                                                                                                  okay.  Everyone  needs  a
               Make mistakes that are not condemned,                                                                                                                    hand to find solutions.
                 That we will have no humanity left,                                                                                                                    Time  to  start  being  your
                   Feel at the end utterly bereft?                                                                                                                      o w n   b e s t   f r i e n d .
                                                                                                                                                                        Remember, YOU are loved.
           These hopes in the face of reality seem superfluous,
              Who will ensure that we will not transgress?                                                                                                              YOU are important.
             We are of the same species, of the same kind,                                                                                                              You  should  know  the
           And who is to say that future fiends won't define?                                                                                                             power of your voice as it has
                                                                                                                                                                        the  power  to  change  the
             Though we must hold out hope for humanity,              FEARLESS FOOTBALL- KAVYA SINHA                               conversation. Your feelings matter. You deserve to be heard, and it's okay to
                 The deterioration of our community                                                                               speak up if you are struggling.
            Is something that has been growing for centuries,                                                                     Remember, there are so many people out there who care about you. If you are
          And has, inside our minds, established penitentiaries.         Stressless Success                                       struggling to find a reason, reach out to a friend or a family member you trust
                          Ria Chawla                              The fateful day beckons, he is under the pump,                  and let them give you the hope and strength to hold on.
                                                                Down his cheek rolls a tear, in his throat forms a lump           To face it all positively, just smile
                                                             But what if he could be free from the shackles of this stress?
                                                                 What if he could succeed by worrying a little less?                                                          Agastyaa Goradia
                                                                      His mind wanders away from the text,
                                                                    The heart no longer beats out of his chest
                                                                  A peaceful bird he is; he soars the distant skies,
                                                                       The fear within him slowly subsides.                     “Well-being is the state of being          Déjà vu                     “Well-being means being happy, healthy
                                                                                                                                  comfortable emotionally and                                          and comfortable. Well-being also means
                                                                     As long, jet-black ink strokes were made,                     physically. It is a complex                                          hardly having any worries in life. Your
                                                                   Confidence repaired the nerves once frayed,                   combination of physical, mental,    A feeling uncovered for some,         life is full of fun and merriment”
                                                              The wild butterflies who once flew effortlessly were tamed,          social and emotional health.”    a notion already explored for some.
                                                                   As warmth made merry and conviction flamed                                                            An uncanny emotion,                      Hrishi  Shroff
                                                                                                                                      Ayaan  Shankta         one that transports you into an act already done.
                                                                        The bell rings, a sigh is heaved,                                                         Experiencing something in the past,
                                                                    He had done it, it had finally been achieved                                                 whether you know or not that it has cast.  “Well-being is defined differently for
                                                                  The gut-wrenching anxiety had come to an end,                      “Well-being is doing           This virtuous event in the past,     each person, sadness for one person
                                                                         Finally, time was his to spend.                                                          puts your memory right up to task.
                                                                                                                                      something fun.”                                                     could be happiness for another. ”
                                                                      Vikram Karra and Atishaya Gupta                                                                    Kiana Fernandez
                       ATISHAYA GUPTA                                                                                                   Azad Parikh                                                              Devdutt Patel
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