Page 222 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 222


                                                                                                                                     Health is the real wealth in life, not pieces of
                                                                                                                                       paper that can be printed over and over.

                                                                                                                                       Take charge in your life by putting your
                                                                                                                                     happiness and health before the other noise.

                                                                                                                                    Physical health is something you work towards;
                                                                                                                                     mental well-being is something you choose.

                                                                                                                                     Money can buy gym equipment and trainers,
                                                                                                                                     but not good health. Similarly, money can buy
                                                                                                                                        the best cars and houses but not your

                                                        PEHR HARA                                                                    The world will only take care of you, once you
                                                                                                                                           start taking care of yourself.

           Computers to students                                                   París, mi amor                                             Rachit Gianchandani
                                                                                  Cuando paseo en su acera,
           Understanding the work ethic in our school and the way it aligns with its                                                                                                                TARINI MAZUMDER
                                                                                    Y respiro su fragancia,
           vision and mission is very important. The students of Grade 8 interviewed
                                                                                   La luz se pone luminosa,
           the Head of the Information Technology Department of the School, Mr.   Y la Torre Eiffel muestra el camino,
           Marc  Bradley  to  grasp  his  take  and  notes  on  how  he  handles  the  IT
                                                                                 Quiero los dulces macarrones,
           department and helps our school’s students along the way. He has had
                                                                                 El sabor de su delicioso crema,
           years of experience in this field and has been able to help DAIS overcome its
                                                                                   El seco vino Merlot rojo,
           obstacles and take the technology opportunities in the school to the next
                                                                                Y al lado el cremoso queso suizo,
           level.  Mr.Bradley  helped  us  ponder  on  questions  and  prepare  us  to
           overcome obstacles as well as giving an insight to the vast complications   El color de sus flores es muy bonito como Paris,
           and aspects to handling a department. One of the main skills we learnt was   El sonido de sus pájaros es muy dulce como Paris,
           cooperation  and  collaboration  as  a  team  he  said.  The  staff  in  the   Quiero su amor y su consuelo,
                                                                               Quiero vagar por las calles de París,
           department all work together efficiently and make sure that the work is
           proficiently done. The challenges and solutions that his department came     París es mi vida,
           up with during the transition from physical to online school inspired us to   Amo París con todo mi corazón,
           push  boundaries  and  overcome  our  own  challenges.  Mr.Marc  being  a   Yo quiero besar su ciudad,
           visionary himself, helped us understand the future goals of the school and   Y abrazar su cultura.
           how it has empowered him in many ways to keep students' education at   Diva Kunder, Ishika Punjabi and
           the  first-tier  and  help  them  be  what  they  want  to  be.  We  learnt  to   Anoushka Poddar                                                                  AHANA KANOI
           experiment, build new skills and emerge as leaders doing our very best. We
           truly understood the meaning of “Dare to dream,  learn to excel”.
                                                                                                                                  Fun-filled Friday on the field
                                                                                 Mi amiga preciosa
                                                                                                                                  On 25th February, Friday, students of Grade 8 had an action-packed English class led by our teacher, Miss Vagisha Srivastava.
                                                                                      Tú eres la broma
                                                                                                                                  After weeks of insistent pleading by us students, our teacher finally gave in, taking us to the field to play a vocabulary building game.
                                                                                    De cual quiero reírme,
                                                                                                                                  We had been asking to go to the field for the last period on Friday for a while. The pandemic had left all of the students deprived of the
                                                                                      Tú eres el secreto
                                                                                    Que quiero compartir.                         outdoors, and when our teacher finally gave in, we were overjoyed. Miss Vagisha had planned an elaborate outdoor game that helped
                                                                                                                                  us develop our range of emotional vocabulary. She would read out a sentence with a gap and it was the student's job to guess the
                                                                                      Tú eres la música
                                                                                                                                  word that filled it. We also managed to incorporate our favorite sport – football– into the game. The students were divided into two
                                                                                    A la que quiero bailar.
                                                                                                                                  groups, with group 1 taking the victory by a large margin. The class ended up being a great success. We had some important bonding
                                                                                    Quiero reírme contigo                         time as well as physical activity- two things that have been lacking over the past two years because of online school.
                                                                                   Quiero compartir contigo
                                                                                     Quiero bailar contigo                        Because of online school, students haven't been able to do physical activities and exercises that help their well-being. Outdoor,
                                                                                                                                  interactive and group activities such as this one have been lacking, and this class made interaction possible.
                                                                                   Porque tú eres mi amigo.
                                                                                                                                  Spending time with friends, out in the open, is a great recommendation!
                                                                              Arzoo Maheshwari, Pehr Hara and
                                                                                      Tarini Mazumder                                                                                                                Arzoo Maheshwari
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