Page 226 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 226

La Mode Merveilleuse
            Unmute Yourself, Free Yourself                                       La mode est très importante pour moi.            A Wonderful Wedding
                                                                                 La mode me donne de la confiance Je               The faint sound of the piano was thoroughly overpowered by the chattering and murmuring of guests. The big wooden doors
            One night I closed my eyes and woke up to a whole new world. Instead of the   trouve  facile  de  m'exprimer  par  mes   opened and from there emerged a blushing bride. The priest chanted prayers, the fire crackled, and the couple walked around it
            school bell, I woke up to the sound of the pressure cooker, whistling away to   habits ou par la mode. Les vêtements me   seven times. The wedding was lovely. Looking like one right out of a movie. Gorgeous clothes, shimmering jewellery, pretty flowers
                                                                                 donnent un look. C'est assez intéressant
            glory from the kitchen of my teacher’s house. Now, my school has come
                                                                                 et  excitant  d'avoir  mon  propre  style        and a happy couple. The wedding was at sunset, on a beach in Goa. The couple walked out from the makeshift temple area onto the
            home.  My  bedroom  magically  turned  into  a  workshop  of  mathematical
                                                                                 aussi.  Pour  moi,  les  vêtements               beach, with the blue sea and the sun slowly tucking its head into the clouds. The photographer would've got the most fantastic
            formulae and chemical equations - my own school utopia!              représentent  ma  signature.  Votre              pictures without even trying. The smell of samosas and sanitiser wafted through the air, everyone lowering their masks to eat it.
                                                                                 apparence  est  aussi  votre  première
            Online  school  really  helped  us  swim  when  we  were  drowning  in  the                                           This was my cousin's wedding with a considerably small guest list. Due to the pandemic weddings had to have a small guest list. I
                                                                                 impression.  Donc,  la  mode  est  assez
            pandemic. It has helped us children connect and communicate in a way that   importante  pour  moi.  J'aime  me  bien   can't imagine how difficult it must have been to have your dreams of the perfect wedding now having to be amended to fit the
            would make our grey matter dull and sluggish. But, deep down we still miss   habiller et j'aime être élégante. Cela me   government's fifty people or less rule.
            our  classroom  and  the  little  moments  we  shared  with  our  friends  and   donne un sens de bien-être.          When we got the invitation, it was via email and not an ornate card that you would usually get in the post. Nevertheless, I was ecstatic to
            teachers. To some of us, this distance can be hard. It is not only stranious to   J'aime  la  mode,  mais  je  préfère  porter  les   go to an event, because I hadn't stepped out of the house for at least a year. To finally see some other people's faces, although they were
            continuously focus on a screen, which is one tenth of a whiteboard, but also   vêtements confortables comme les t-shirts et   covered by masks, was a very exciting experience. Last-minute wedding panic attacks are usually because the florist brought roses
            the feeling of being away from the classroom atmosphere. Our minds can   les shorts.  Je ne porte pas les vêtements à la
                                                                                 mode partout mais, j'aime les vêtements chics.   instead of tuberoses or that the caterer messed up the cake flavour, but here instead of bothering about that, it was more important that
            often get distracted which makes learning difficult. School with our friends                                           everyone would be able to attend the wedding. That's when we realised that the cake flavour doesn't matter nearly as much as having
            was a feeling of magic. We could learn from each other's mistakes, share,   Ce que je porte dépend de l'occasion, les
                                                                                 activités  que  je  fais,  et  la  saison.       everyone you love around you to eat it with.
            laugh, create memories and most importantly, grow with each other. In a way,   Généralement,  pour  jouer  avec  mes
            online school has curbed our freedom. There is endless curiosity in a child's   amis ou pour faire du sport, je m'habille   This wedding was a far cry from our usual “big fat Indian weddings”. The guest list was cut in half, everyone was wearing a mask.
            mind. We want to be active. We want to share our opinions. We want to   en t-shirt ou chemisier uni et en short ou    There was none of the hugging and handshakes but it was a wonderful wedding all the same.
            unmute ourselves. We want to free ourselves.                        en pantalon. Je porte des baskets ou des                                                                                                  Neerja Desai
                                                                                tennis avec des chaussettes à pois. Mais,
            To free ourselves, we need to expand our imagination. If school can come   pour  aller  à  une  fête,  je  porte  les
            home, why don't we transform home into school? There are million websites   vêtements  chics  ou  à  la  mode.  Je
            on the net which stimulate our minds to create and connect. Games can   m'habille en robe noire ou blanche unie
            lighten up the mood for the student and the teacher. Students can still sort,   avec  des  bottes  noires.  Rarement,  je
                                                                                mets  les  bijoux  comme  un  collier  en
            colour code, match, roll dices and use spinners. All my fellow bookworms                                                                                                                The Ride into Battle.
                                                                                argent,  des  boucles  d'oreilles,  et  une
            miss the library more than anything. We can set up online book clubs where
                                                                                montre. Mais, je ne me maquille jamais.
            we can read, research and share the wonderful mysteries and adventures of a                                                                                                                (A soldier's POV)
                                                                                Presque  chaque  semaine,  il  y  a  un
            lifetime. It is essential to move around and exercise our body. Virtual picnics   nouveau trend de la mode. Maintenant,                                                              Our footsteps sound with a loud rumbling
            are the perfect solution to this problem. We can show our friends the world   les trends modernes sont les chemisiers                                                               The sound of home becomes a faint grumbling
            inside our rooms and explore the different sceneries we can see together as   courts, les pantalons slims, les blousons,
            we go everyone's house at the same time. Starting our days with scrumptious   les jeans déchires, et les bottes. Beaucoup                                                                   As we march on into war
            breakfast together can make our mind set positive for the day. While one   de  personnes  acheter  de  nouveaux                                                                           We know not what is in store
                                                                                vêtements  pour  ça.  Je  le  trouve  un
            enjoys his pancakes, the other can enjoy his cereal. Eating breakfast together                                                                                                            Yet putting emotions behind us
                                                                                gaspillage  de  ressources.  Je  crois  aussi
            can be a time when we all repose and unwind while sharing the different   qu'on  doit  recycler  et  upcycler  leurs                                                                      Praying that Gods may help us
            ways of how the lockdown changed us. All our musician friends can create a   vêtements ou on doit en faire un don.                                                                            We march into war
            virtual band. The drums can bring the beat to life while the pianists can blend   Pour  conclure,  j'adore  la  mode  parce
            in the melody. It is important to change our backgrounds and sit in different   que  c'est  très  intéressant,  unique  et                                                                 Knowing not what is in store
            locations. People can enjoy different virtual backgrounds to have a change in   dynamique.                                                                                                   Keeping our spirits high
            the  atmosphere.  A  virtual  treasure  hunt  is  a  must.  Players  find  different     Kiara Maniar                                                                                     With our weapons held well-nigh
            objects of the house by deciphering a riddle. This can also help enhancing our                                                                                                                We reach for the sky
            language skills. Pictionary and a game of charades can be a silver lining to our                                                                                                            Knowing that we may die
            game clubs. We can have a 'Switch The Costume Day', where we dress like          म ता                                                   ROLI MOHANKA                                          We march into war
            different people and enhance our social and cognitive skills. Night star gazing                                                                                                            Knowing not what is in store
            sessions can be the best way to save science. Online labs are also simulative   मर राज़  का ख़ज़ाना हो,
            and interesting. We can have a reading session where the teachers ask the   या मर  आसओ का  पटारा                                                                                           We hold our brothers close
                                                                                              ँ ु
                                                                                                                                                                                                       But keep our enemies closer
            children to read. Like this, we can all be on the same page and this can be a   त ह  ह वह तारा जो,                                 लॉकडाउन क   श ा                                         For when we leave this Earth
            good way to understand how well the students are learning. It is important   हमशा दगा साथ हमारा।                                                                                          We wish to leave with closure.
            for us to switch on our cameras and make this experience easier for our                                                            २०२० म  श  हई ऑनलाइन  श ा
                                                                                         वह छोट -छोट  याद                                हआ सभी  व या थय  का इस नए समय म  द  ा

            teachers as they take endless efforts to help us. Let's get competitive with                                                  ु                                                              For every day is a fight
                                                                                   जो हमशा मर  दल क क़र ब रहगी,
            talent shows and inter- house competitions. We can end the week by having                                                   लपटॉप औए मोबाइल ने ल ल  असल  क ा क  जगह                       And we fight for what is right
                                                                                       मरा रोना, त हारा  ठना,
            ‘Fun Fridays’ where we all watch a short educational movie and talk about our                                             और कोरोना ह  ह इन दभा  यशाल  प रि थ तय  क  वजह                      We march into war
            exciting week.                                                      व झगड़  क  भी कोई अलग बात होती ह। ै                               घर पर बठ कर पढना- लखना                                Knowing not what is in store
                                                                                चाह हम एक दसर स  कतने भी अलग ह ,                             और  सफ कमर स ह  दखना व  दखना

            Though there is a lockdown, our education will never be locked down. The                                                                                                                    When finally we emerge
                                                                                  त हार  पसंद मर  पसंद बन जाती ह। ै                         बना दो त  स  मल अवकाश म  खाना खाना
            virus changed a lot of things but it will never fade our smiles away. We can   चाह मर  िज़ंदगी म  अधँ ेरा हो,                                                                               We feel our emotions surge
                                                                                                                                                   े ू
            make this new chapter of our lives informative and fun. We can make this                                                          और पर  दन क ा म  शां त स बठना                         We leave the comfort of our homes
                                                                                   त हार रहने स रौनक़ बढ़ जाती ह। ै
                                                                                                                                           ं ु
            possible by helping each other and moving forward together. Even though                                                      परत एक परा नई (तकनीक ) का  े  हमने जाना                     To go live under different norms
                                                                                       जब हम अलग होत ह ,
            our classroom has turned into a screen, we will unmute ourselves and prevent                                                 और हम     मला नए-नए ऑनलाइन खल  व ऐ स का खज़ाना                 For years and years we train
                                                                                       कछ अ छा नह ं लगता।
            these hurdles from coming in the way of education.                                                                        हमन सीखा इस महामार  म    अपना एक नया सामा य जीवन जीना         Just to see our families once again.
                                                                                         पर एक साथ होकर,                               इस महामार  न  सखाया, हम    हालात  क अनसार अनकल बनना।।
                                                                                                                                                                        ु ू
                                                     Myeishaa Chhablani             हम पर  द नया को हरा सकत ह ।                                                                                             Varun Gupta
                                                                                                                                                      सवंशी लखो टया
                                                                                          मायशा छबलानी
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