Page 230 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 230

                                                                                                                                                                                  पर  ा और  वा  य का संतलन कस रखना?
                                                                                                                                                                                  पर  ा अव ध क दौरान हम  कई क ठन मसीबत  का सामना करना पड़ता ह।
                                                                                                                                                                                  तनाव, अवसाद, और  चड़ चड़ापन महसस होता ह - यह सब छा   क  लए
                                                                                                                                                                                  कोई अजनबी सम याएँ नह ं ह । हम पढ़ने म  इतना समय लगा देत े ह    क हम
                                                                                                                                                                                  उन  दन  या ह त , कभी-कबार मह न  तक अपने प रवार और दो त  पर
                                                                                                                                                                                   यान नह ं द पात। हमार  सहत पर तो  भाव पड़ता ह  ह और साथ ह  पर  ा
                                                                                                                                                                                  क नाम पर हम अपने कई  ह स  को ब लदान कर दत ह ।
                                                                                                                                                                                  कई बार लगता ह  क हम इन मसीबत  का सझाव कभी नह ं  नकल पाएँग
                                                                                                                                                                                  और पर  ा क  लए पढ़ना तार तोड़ने क समान ह, ल कन उ मीद छो ड़ए
                                                                                                                                                                                  मत! यह ह  कछ सलाह जो हमारे   लए काम कर चक ह :
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    े ु
                                                                                                                                                                                    · समय  सा रणी:  अपने  काम  को   ह स   म   बाँटना,  ता क  छोट- े

                                                                                                                                                                                      छोट काय  को ख़ म करने पर  आग काम करने क  लए  ो सा हत रह ।
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    े ू
                                                                                                                                                                                    · आख़र    मनट  तक  छोड़ने  क  बजाय,  पर  साल  पढ़ने  का   यास

                                                                                                                                                                                      करना चा हए।
                                                                                                                                                                                    · ७-८ घंट क  नींद ज़ र ल।
                                                                                                                                                                                    · पोमोडोरो जसी  व भ न तकनीक  का अ वेषण कर ।
                                                                                                                                                                                    · कमज़ोर  वषय पर  यादा  यान दना चा हए।
                                                                                                                                                                                    · पढ़ाई पर  यान कि  त करने क  लए मनपसंद धीमा संगीत सन ।
                                                                                                                                                                                    ·  यायाम करना चा हए, िजसस  दमाग़ त द  त रहता ह और काम
                                                                                                                                                                                       नपणता स होता ह।
                                                                                                                                                                                    · और हाँ, कछ समय अपनी   च क काम  पर भी द िजए, और  फर
                                                                                                                                                                                      द खए कमाल!
                                                                                                                                      DHRISHTI AGARWAL, ISHAAN MEHRA ,
                                                    SARA WADHAWAN                                                                      RUSHAAN AGARWAL, MANIT  VIJAN                                                    वे दका, जोया,  मल
                                                                        Fashion & Mental Health:                                  One of the most commonly scorned upon issues when it comes to mental health is social media.   Réservation
                                                                                                                                  People ever so often criticize it for its lacklustre contribution to education and perceive it as nothing
                                                                        The Correlation
                                                                                                                                  more than a distraction. However, have we ever taken a moment to reflect upon these accusations   De : Nivedita Jha
                                                                        There  is  no  doubt  that  mental  well-being  and       and think about why social media may actually be beneficial towards one's well-being?  À :
                                                                        fashion have a deep rooted connection, especially         When we talk about online platforms being a distraction, the Achilles heel to this problem is that   faireuneréservation.SMH
                                                                        in a world that is driven by selfies and social media                                                                            
                                                                        posts.                                                    social media is often used as a form of escapism. Several conditions such as social anxiety, autism and   Sujet : Faire une
                                                                                                                                  many other such issues actually hinder people from interacting freely. We name them as introverts.
                                                                        Posts that project devastatingly high, impossible to      They choose a "hidden identity" online to foster friendships and interactions. This gives them an   réservation.
                                                                        match, glamorous lifestyles, and beauty standards                                                                                         Monsieur/Madame,
                                                                        lead to serious mental trauma. This is because of         opportunity to make connections. Issues like bullying on the basis of body shaming or the way a
                                                                        demanding social norms and unrealistic standards          person looks and uses an accent while talking, are increasingly common. Social media platforms   Je  voudrais  faire  une
                                                                        that in turn result in leading to depression, trouble     allow users to often jump over such issues. Users get the opportunity of presenting themselves as   réservation  pour  un
                                                                        in sleeping, and several complications including a        they truly are without the fear of being shamed. Over 65% of Americans prefer online therapy   couple.  Je  voudrais  une
                                                                        ruptured self-confidence imposed by media, social          compared to physical over the past three years, and of those that prefer online over 40% chose to do   grande  chambre.  C'est
                                                                        networks, and celebrities.                                it over a phone call, amplifying the extent people's insecurities can rise to.   pour une semaine ; du trois
                                                                        Designers  and  models  have  been  prone  to             Moreover, social media further provides for a quick means of communication, and while this may   a u   d i x   A v r i l .   N o u s
                                                                        developing mental health disorders, anxiety, and          seem like a basic point, it is a virtue we all take for granted. From school to old age, everyone's instant   arriverons le 2 Avril, à 7h30
                                                                        eating disorders, like anorexia and bulimia, while        needs  for communication can be fulfilled by the click of a few buttons. The social media platforms   du  soir.  Est-ce  que  vous
                                                                        struggling  to  achieve  a  certain  physique  that       offer a world of information. Today, one would not be so quick to access information without online   pouvez m'indiquer s'il y a
                                                                        society has deemed essential for their profession.                                                                                        une salle de bains dans la
                                                                                                                                  platforms. Knowledge and information about everything under the sun can be accessed. Students
                                                                        Skinny models and size zero looks are no longer           can conduct research as a lot of journals and papers are available online. Social media platforms hold   chambre ?
                                                                        considered  acceptable  as  they  impact  the  self-      discussions and debates. Businessmen can connect with varied sectors to expand their opportunities
                                                                        worthiness of the buyer.                                                                                                                  E t ,   j ' a v a i s   q u e l q u e s
                                                                                                                                  as social media has a large advertising reach. When one comes to ponder about it, social media  was   questions  aussi  sur  les
                                                                        In  response  to  this,  the  fashion  industry  too  is   one important support to banish anxiety and loneliness when we   were scraping through this
                                                                        becoming increasingly involved in mental health           pandemic! Food, water and necessities were delivered to our homes, the government was able to   f a c i l i t é s   d e   l ' h ô t e l .
                                                                        awareness,  not only through the way they design          address and comfort all the nation's citizens and we were able to communicate with our loved ones,   Pourriez-vous  m'indiquer
                                                                        the clothes but also in the way they present them                                                                                         si  le  petit  déjeuner  est
                                                                        by  using  a  more  natural  and  unfiltered               making sure they were okay. Even schooling was managed online!                  inclus  ?  Et  aussi,  je  me
                                                                        presentation.  This  reality  has  instigated  leading    For a moment now, forget about its productivity. We must appreciate the lively, vibrant childhood   demandais si les animaux
                                                                        fashion houses to get involved in mental health           experience the internet has given us. From watching our favourite channels on Cartoon Network and   de  compagnies  sont
                                                                        related movements. LVMH, the conglomerate that            Nickelodeon, all the way to booking flight tickets for memorable trips around the world, social media   admis.
                                                                        owns most   international luxury brands, recently         has been at the core of it all. Accessing social media is one of the most predominant aspects of our
                                                                        invested  in  “Madhappy”,  a  start-up  promoting         everyday lives, making it colourful and thriving today, significantly contributing to our well-being.  E n   a t t e n d a n t   v o t r e
                                                                        mental health awareness.                                                                                                                  réponse.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Mannan Shah
                                                                                                 Rudritara Shroff                                                                                                           Nivedita Jha
                      SANA MAGAN & NAISHA CHADHA
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