Page 225 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 225

A Mysterious Phone Call

           It was a chilly winter morning. The snow fell upon the
           sloped  roof  of  Mia's  house.  She  stepped  out  of  her
           bedroom yawning and stretching her hands, welcomed by
           the warm, sparkling fire in the fireplace. All of a sudden, her
           phone started ringing. Glancing at it, she hesitantly, picked
           up a call from an unknown number. “Um… hello?” in her
           most timid voice. There was no answer. “Who is this?” Still
           no answer. “Very well then,” she said as she contemplated
           cutting the phone. Finally, a robotic voice answered, “Is this
           Mia Myers?” “Yes, this is she,” said Mia. The automated
           voice continued, “You are to report to 52 Pivet Drive, Road
           7 at 11 a.m. this morning.” There was a long pause. “It is
           absolutely essential for you to arrive or else…” Mia was not
           able to decipher what the voice was saying as there was a
           lot of disturbance and it was extremely unclear. She opened
           her lips to answer but the call was cut and followed by a
           long beep. Completely confused, Mia did not know what
           to do.
           At 10:30 a.m., she covered herself in her faux bearskin
           coat  and  slipped  on  her  black  boots.  She  decided  to
           embark on this adventure and pay a short visit to Pivet
           Drive. As soon as she stepped out of her house, a chill ran
 IX A      through her spine. It was freezing cold! However, the            MYEISHAA CHHABLANI
           festive  season  brightened  her  mood  and  she  smiled
           seeing the singers singing melodious carols. As the pure
 Magic     white snow crunched beneath her feet, she took in a
           deep  breath  and  inhaled  the  smell  of  Christmas  in
 The lingering orange glow was obliterated as the yellow orb hung up   A letter that would never reach
 its boots for the day, ushering atramentous night with open arms. A   10:55  a.m.  Mia  reached  the  required  destination.
 constellation of stars was nestled among the ocean of blackness. The   Nervously, peering around to see if she could find anyone   If I had a minute more,
 gleam of the pallid moon penetrated through the windows of my dull   else.  Suddenly,  a  black  van  approached  her.  A  man   I'd make sure it never passed,
           stepped out clothed in black from head to toe, wearing a         Wouldn't waste a moment,
 room while I was burning the midnight oil, preparing for my terminal
           black mask. Mia squinted through her eyes to make out            For I'd know it'd be the last,
 exams, two days away. Due to other activities during the year, I had   I'd take back every horrid thing I said,
           who this person was. But, he suddenly clasped her hands
 not paid a lot of attention towards the exams. However, since they        Every fight, each pointless tiff,
 were very close, I was starting to get anxious. A faint hoarse voice of a   Everything I did then that I now regret,
 T.V. reporter was coming from the living room, as my parents watched   Mia struggled, trying to free herself from their grip. The   But I could only do that if,
 the news. I could catch a few words such as, “The coronavirus disease   person then said, in an automated voice, “Do not resist.   If I had just one more dance,
 started spreading two months back.... There are over two thousand   You will only hurt yourself and that is not what I intend to   I'd play a song that lasts forever,
 cases  reported  in  India....”.  I  was  actually  willing  to  listen  to  this   do.” Being the calm person she was, Mia obeyed and   If I had just one more chance,
 monotonous news report if it meant that I would not have to study.  found herself being pulled into the black van.  I'd never need another one, ever
                                                                           I'd fill your room with flowers,
           She  opened  her  eyes  and  saw  the  person.  He  had
 My  parents'  approached  me.  I  promptly  looked  back  towards  my     Paint a garden on your walls,
           chestnut  brown  hair,  deep  blue  eyes  and  a  sorrowful
 textbook to act like I was studying. As they entered, I could sense that   I wouldn't allow your final hours,
           expression on his face. “I am sorry that I had to do this,”
 they had some bad news. Although their tone was despondent they   he said, no longer in the robotic voice. “Do you trust   I would decline if heaven calls,
 probably gave me the best news of my life, at least at that time I   me?” Before Mia could say anything, he went on, “What   If I had just one more laugh,
                                                                         I'd make sure the jokes never stop,
 thought they did....  I did was for your safety. You see, a few people I know are   I'd wrap you in your black sequins scarf,
           not  doing  very  well.  They  resort  to…  to…  well,  the   I'd make it so you wouldn't be looking down from on top,
 “A world of its own”  “All  schools  have  been  shut  down  for  twenty-one  days,  as  the   extremist means. They were going to target your house
 government has declared a nationwide complete lockdown”. Said my          If I had just one more episode,
 Imagination  is  a  truly  beautiful  thing,   father. This meant that my examinations were cancelled! Although I   next. After they finish the job, they…” The stranger was   We'd be the show- just you and me,
           cut off by a notification from Mia's phone. “Alert! Manor
 allowing us to think of whole worlds - maybe   was  cognizant  that  it  was  not  a  good  thing  that  the  coronavirus   A better ending for you is the least we can afford,
           House, Road 3 On Fire! Please evacuate immediately,” it   But, I'm telling you, you deserved the grandest finale,
 an imaginary one with dragons and aliens, or   disease was harmful, deadly and contagious, I couldn't help but feel
           cried out. Teary-eyed, Mia stared into the man's eyes.      Please, if you give me one more minute,
 simply  one  where  we  have  every  desire   exhilarated. After all, I had twenty-one days of leisure and no exams!  “Thank you,” she whispered. With a sly grin on his face,   One more 'tick' on the clock,
 fulfilled.  It's  something  everyone  should   he put on his mask, flung off the lid of a bottle that had a   If I could write a speech that's only fit,
 Even nature seemed to be celebrating, as abruptly, the fleecy clouds
 come to love about themself. The simple fact   label that read “Do Not Use” and let its contents spread   I'd start but I'd never stop,
 became  obese  and  looked  heavy.  Torrents  of  rain  kissed  the
 that  we  have  the  ability  to  change  our   throughout the van. The gas made Mia drift off into a   But it's just wishful thinking,
 surroundings and quenched the thirst of parched Mother Nature,       To bring you back, nothing's ever enough,
 perspective  and  see  the  reality  as  a   making her appear lush green. This was truly MAGIC.  deep slumber. “This is why mommy and daddy told you   So, I sit alone by your bed, still singing,
 completely new world of its own is powerful.  to never trust strangers. Oh, gullible little girl,” said the   Wearing your black sequins scarf.
 Jiana Shah  man in a soft voice. He drove off.
 Roli Mohanka                                                                    Crista D'souza
                                    Nastassia Bokdawala

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