Page 237 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 237

Blood Red
          I looked up towards the sky, a small smile making its
          way onto my lips. The moon was blood red, with a
          fistful of shimmering stars dancing and twinkling in
          the night sky, splattered haphazardly around it. From
          the opposite direction I could see the clouds making
          their  way  towards  the  moon  with  the  obvious
          intentions of enveloping its natural glow. Whether
          they would succeed or not was a question yet to be
          The  metallic  clang  of  the  swords  as  they  clashed
          against the armors, accompanied with the enraged,
          determined  yells  of  the  fierce  soldiers  engaged  in
          combat reached my ears, snapping me back to reality.
          Both kingdoms wielded their flags, fighting for their
          crowns, with the same desire and fuel in mind- to raise    IN RETROSPECT - NAVIYA GUPTA
          their respective flags in victory.
          The strong smell of smoke penetrated my nostrils,
          accompanied with the suffocating presence of dust. I   A Tale of Two Perspectives
          could almost taste the metallic tinge of the blood that
          filled the atmosphere. As my gazed shifted from the   The sun shone weakly on the miserable planet that grey morning. It always
          night  sky  to  the  bloodbath  in  front  of  me,  I  saw   looked that way, cheerless and plain and reminiscent of its inhabitants. For
          hundreds  and  thousands  of  soldiers  charging   life  on  Earth  had  ground  to  a  standstill.  The  streets  were  empty,  the
          forward on their regal horses- knives in their hands   markets were bare. Not even the sight or shrill sound of bird life was to be
          and  the  fire  of  determination  in  their  eyes.  The   found. In an earlier era, today would be called Saturday- a day of fun and
          deafening  roar  of  the  cannonball  falling  into  the   cheer  and  busy  streets  and  relaxation  and  all  of  those  utterly  alien
          enemy  camp  pierced  my  ears  as  clouds  of  smoke   concepts.
 X A      went up in the air and the fire blazed in victory, with   Amidst this desolate backdrop, a man cautiously peeped out of his home.
          its orange-yellow flames licking the sky. The enemy
                                                       Almost unrecognizable in his hazmat suit, he padded aimlessly down the
          ruler clutched his hair in panic as his soldiers and
 An Orphan in  the Ocean
         weapons were destroyed in front of his eyes.   streets, head bowed and heading nowhere, because everywhere was now
 The  Chesapeake  Bay  is  America's  largest  estuary.   A menacing laugh escaped my lips as I saw the rival   nowhere.
 Nearly two hundred miles long, its watershed covers an   king's  eyes  widen  in  distress.  Although  laughs  are   He was one of the older ones, who had lived before Covid-19 struck the
 Artopia- a place for the Art hearted    area of sixty-five thousand utopian square miles with   supposed to carry joy and cheer, mine was coated with   human race, in what seemed like ages ago. Since then, new diseases had
 more  than  a  hundred  and  fifty  rivers  and  streams   malice and venom.   As we made eye contact from   come and gone, becoming increasingly hard to fight, leaving death and
 Dreams, imagination, our minds’ eye are places where we do not let   across  the  battle  field,  I  raised  my  eyebrow  in
 anyone else enter. Our personal space, our safe space created at the   barrelling into it. It is also a home to countless birds and   amusement as he gaped at me in horror, making no   destruction  in  droves.  Millions  had  died  in  distant  lands  but  those
 back of our mind, cordoned off from other human invasion. Places,   aquatic  life.  It  is  a  haven  to  legions  of  recreational   effort to hide his anguish and weakness, as I made no   privileged  enough  to  get  all  42  vaccinations  had  somehow  survived.
                                                       Humanity was now a confined species, and its children prisoners, by and
 scenarios created because the stallions of our imagination gallop into   boaters. The bay is indeed a creation of remarkable   attempt to hide my triumph.
 beauty.                                               from birth.
 the meadows of creativity, happiness and rapture. Unlike Alice, my   My gaze went back to the sky, my mind floating away
 rabbit hole takes me not to Wonderland,   but to Artopia (yes like   I cracked the surface of the water and gulped in the   from the raging war around me, tuning out the fierce   He looked up at the sky, as if begging for divine intervention, some salve or
 Utopia)  - the land of fine art.     wet, salty air. I was probably the first thirsty man in the   yells and cries. The thick clouds had finally reached   savior from the crushing monotony of being trapped. If only he knew.
 centre of a trillion-ton ocean. The long dive had made
 Everything around me looks like something out of an art gallery . I can   me to go farther down than was particularly safe. Yet,   the  sanguine  moon,  blanketing  it,  attempting  to   Far, far, really far away in another corner of the Universe, so far away as to
 see open fields with lush grass, each blade of grass of the brightest   when you throw yourself off from a thirty-foot cliff into   shield the crimson light it shed all around. However,   boggle the wildest fantasies of space travel of the puny human brain, a
 green colour from a child's crayon box . The sky above looks as though   despite  their  best  efforts,  it  was  the  moon  which   technician was dozing.
 an angry ocean, you should be thankful just to have a   achieved  victory.  No  shield  was  thick  enough  to
 Van Gogh used it as a canvas to create his masterpiece 'The Starry   heartbeat! As I tied the rope around the little boy, I   blanket its luminescence and intensity as the red hue   A loud snore later, he awoke with a start, spilling his Glarkon coffee (100%
 Night' . Each tree in the meadow is decked with art supplies instead of   looked about. Nothing that I saw was encouraging.   continued to splatter over the battlefield, making the   pure,  designed  to  keep  Quozak  scientists  hard  at  work)  all  over  his
 leaves and their bark like white canvas inviting us to draw on them. The   With each streak of lightning, I eyed the three-story-  blood of the fallen soldiers stand out even further.     futuristic desk. Suddenly, alarm bells began to ring as he drowsily woke up
 only sound that can be heard in the meadow is the blowing of the wind   high cliff. Yes, I had been standing on it a while ago.   I sighed in satisfaction as I sat on the majestic throne,   and saw the hologram of the project he was working on. In shock and
 - an uncanny resemblance to the sound of an artist brush stroke. The   The rope attached to its top, now danced in the violent   raising my bejeweled hand holding the glass of wine   despair, he realized he had just made a terrible, terrible mistake.
 whole  meadow  smells  like  fresh  paint,  like  an  artistic  masterpiece   His manager eyed him while he furtively glanced about, trying to avoid eye
 wind. I'd been in the bay for less than a minute yet the   to my lips while gazing at the fierce battle unfolding
 waiting to come alive.    in front of my very eyes. A sinister smile coated my lips   contact. “Explain yourself.”, he asked, in the deep, intimidating, robotic
 chill was already running through my spine. I yanked
 In my Artopia, I am not alone for I am in the presence of the greatest   the rope and started to climb up. I pulled myself up with   as I watched my commander-general wielding the   rasp the Quozaks were famous for. “The purpose of our scientific mission is
 artists and artworks done in the centuries past. I can see the Mona Lisa   all my strength. Every pull made my muscles shriek in   red flag of my kingdom, yell out the bloodthirsty war   to understand how intelligent life and societies in the Universe functioned.
         cry  while  charging  forward  on  his  mighty  horse,
 looking at herself in a mirror, trying to force a smile on her face. The   utter pain – would they tear away any second? With   holding the sword as though it was the tool which   Not only did you neglect your duties, you have also endangered that one
 Scream or Der Schrei der Nature is a riot over the grass, clutching his   the  last  ounce  of  my  strength,  I  pulled  the  young,   would lead us to our reign of glory. I settled back into   project with too many modifications.  Now, further research is impossible.
 face trying to scream minus the sound. And Edward Munich running   pampered boy around whom I had tied a rope. Once   my throne as my silver eyes narrowed and the smile   Consider this a warning for next time.” The technician hurriedly left.
 after him trying to calm him down. At the corner of the meadow Van   my body realized my task was complete, my muscles   glazing over my mouth grew wider, watching the   The manager sighed. Destroying projects was one of his least favorite
 Gogh sits sipping his tea at the 'Cafe Terrace at Night' staring up at the   went limp, and I fainted.   destruction unravel in front of me. No matter the   things to do. Opening his trans receiver-communicator, he directed a team
 starry beauty of his creation. A glimpse of heaven on earth is found in   Today, twenty years later, with a faint smile on my face, I   consequences, our velvet red flag would be the one   of technicians to follow as the protocol dictated in this sort of situation.
 the lake beside the meadow where Claude Monet sits smelling the   hold a letter in my hand. Its reminds me how I woke up   raised in victory over the midnight blue of the enemy   Efficiently, the team worked to wind down the program. But before they
 'Water Lilies'.  kingdom.                             could finish, there was one bureaucratic rigmarole to go through.
 after two days on the cliff, with nothing but a student ID
 The place is bathed in artistic talent and inspiration. And all I can do is   of a young 'Muhammad Wang'. The son of a multi-  There was no shield strong enough to block the power   “Seeking  confirmation  for  termination  of  project.”,  warbled  the
 breathe it in, the paint, the art, everything!  Inspiration can be found in   billionaire, Wang had donated his wealth to charity and   of my empire, my crown. There was no doubt in my   technician's  voice  over  the  trans  receiver.  Giving  one  last  look  at  the
         mind that our victory was assured - after all, tonight
 the most absurd places and I find mine in my little Artopia. Whenever I   was now a simple millionaire. As always, with a shrug I   was the might night that even the midnight blue sky   hologram  which  still  gleamed  faintly.  “Confirmation  granted  for
 sit in front of a black canvas not sure of what to do next, just one visit to   picked up the letter and tossed it into the heap of over a   and the thickest of clouds could not hinder the blood   termination of Simulation-745823, also known as- “and here he paused,
 this magical land and the artist in me resurrects.    thousand letters which he had sent to me.    red moon from shining in all its glory and triumph.   because he always had difficulty saying that alien word, “Earth.”
 Varsha Sundar   Tanay Pachisia         Keya Vinay                                               Shashwat Singh

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