Page 241 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 241

The Light at the End of the Tunnel
          She giggled, her petite form hidden behind a large oak tree. The constant gurgling of
          the stream that lay below her performed a background melody in her head. The sun
          played hide-and-seek, dancing among the gently swaying verdure leaves, leaving the
          water  to  appear  like  sharp  crystals  glistening  at  the  sudden  bursts  of  light.  An
          unexpected force lifted her, turning her giggles to squeals of laughter, begging her
          father to put her down as he yelled with triumph and pumped his other hand into the
          pale blue sky. His chocolate-brown eyes and crooked nose matched hers, but she got
          her auburn hair and freckles from her mother.
          The endless meadow stretched out, its long, thin grass coming up to the girl's waist.
          She ran about, beckoning to her father to catch her. The sweet scent from innocent
          joyous dandelions, the ticklish feel of clovers against skin, the chirps and whistles of
          nearby thrushes brought about a light and playful atmosphere completely in sync with
          the family. She was quite the sight. Not one to be tamed–her red hair sticking out,
          freckles visible brighter than ever on her snub nose–a wild grin was plastered across
          her face.
          A clash of thunder shook her out of her daze and she jolted back into reality. The
          flashbacks, the pain, the anxiety – they never ended. Tears dripped down her face,
          similar to the rain pelting away a few feet in front of her. Shivering, she stumbled on,
          pulling  on  the  remnants  of  her  coat,  desperately  seeking  warmth.  Fatigued  and
          numb, she barely had the will to advance. The last meal she had had was two days ago
          – a scrap of soggy burnt bread. She dug her bare feet into the wet gravel and   KEREN WADHWANI
          continued, embracing the pain.
          The streets were cold and eerie – not a soul to be seen. A bolt of lightning cracked the
 X B      foggy midnight sky into two, soon followed by a rumble of thunder. The wind howled
          in ear-piercing battle cries, thunder boomed and stampeded and the barrage of
 Dancing Away to Glory
          bullet-like raindrops mercilessly gunned down anything in sight. The sheer wall of icy
          water threatened to drown her. The dark menacing clouds, occasionally lit up by
 Tenth grade is an extremely busy year – with exams, tests, and all sorts of   sudden bright fork jabs, moved closer, pressing in, suffocating her. Staggering, she
 pressures weighing upon you. But like everyone, I needed an escape. So I   entered a tunnel. Unable to bear the pain, she collapsed, tiny rocks digging into her
 promised myself that even amid all the work I would have, I would make time   knees. A screeching light at the end of the tunnel was the last thing she saw.
 for the things that make me happy, especially doing the one activity that fills   Nikita Parera
 me with great joy – dance!
 As a kid, I hated dance. The embarrassing memories of me crying as my
 mother insisted to go to dance class remain vivid in my mind. However, when             REYA GAVASKAR
 I first witnessed a Bharatanatyam performance, I was taken aback by the   कल आज कल
 grace and beauty that surrounded this dance form. I decided that I wanted to
 give  dance  another  try,  and  so  I  started  this  journey  of  learning   कल जो हआ, वह इ तहास ह। कल  या होगा, यह एक रह य ह, ल कन आज एक उपहार ह;
 Bharatanatyam. This has been a decision I have never regretted. I never truly   इस लए हम  हमशा वतमान म  जीना चा हए। आपने यह कहावत सनी ह  होगी; ‘जीवन   Bonjour mes amis! Je veux partager une

 thought that Bharatanatyam would have such an influence on me, yet it has   अ  या शत ह।’ हम  कोई  नि चंतता नह ं ह  क हम कल तक जीएँग, इस लए हम  हर  दन को   petite  histoire  avec  mes  lecteurs.  La
 taught  me  valuable  life  skills  -  compromise,  time  management,  and     semaine dernière, je me rendais à l'école

 discipline.   अपना आ खर  मानना  चा हए,  य  क यह ह  जीवन का मज़दार और साह सक  वभाव ह।   à  pied  et  j'étais  déjà  assez  en  retard.
          अगर इस वि वक महामार  ने हम  कोई सीख द , तो वह  या ह?  क हर पल को वतमान म    Mais, j'ai vu une vieille dame tenant des

 Over the last 6 months, I have been focusing on my Arangetram, a grand   संजोए ,  य  क कल, आप जो भी छोट -छोट  चीज़  भी करत ह , एक  वशषे ा धकार बन सकती   sacs lourds. Je venais de traverser la rue,
 stage performance, which is as a form of graduation for Bharatanatyam          mais j'ai attendu et je l'ai aidée à porter
 students. While I had started preparing for it back in early 2020, the sudden   ह।   les sacs. C'était une tâche simple, mais
 COVID restrictions made it difficult for me to practice properly. I could not   २०२० म , द नया को वड-१९ महामार  का  शकार बनी, िजसने लाख  लोग  को उनके  प रवार    qui ne m'a rien coûté. Ces activités sont
 help but feel disheartened, wondering if all my hard work would never come   स अलग कर  लया और द नया को अ नि चत काल क  लए घर म  नज़रबंद कर  दया।   très importantes pour instaurer un sens
 to fruition. Yet, I could not simply give up. I insisted my teacher continue   ‘वायरस’, ‘मा क’ और ‘सोशल  ड ट  सग’ जस श द हमार  रोज़मरा  क  भाषा का  ह सा बन   de service, en particulier pour ceux qui
 helping me practice online. I soon learnt to manage the dance rehearsals   गए, और हम  इस घातक बीमार  क  सार को कम करने क  लए एक ऑनलाइन  लटफॉम पर   en ont besoin.

 alongside studying and keeping up with schoolwork. It was a refreshing
 break from sitting at my desk. By January 2022, the restrictions eased, and so   अपनी  श ा को आग बढ़ाने क  लए मजबर  कया गया था। काश!  फर स  व यालय म  क ाएँ   À la maison, nous partageons des tâches
 the performance was no longer just a dream, it had become a reality.   लगनी श  हो जाएँ,  व यालय  फर स  श ा क भौ तक मा यम म  वापस जाने के    लए म  कछ   ménagères. Pendant que ma mère fait la
          भी करने को राज़ी हँ, ल कन यह अ नि चत ह  क यह कब संभव होगा।  या ल ह थे वे, जब   plupart du travail, j'aide en faisant les lits
 The event has become a joyful memory for me now. I look back upon it and       après  l'école  et  en  mettant  la  table.
 reminisce about everything, from the dance to laughing backstage; even the   हम अपने दो त  को हर रोज़ दख पात थे, जब हम एक साथ मदान म  फटबॉल खेलत े थे, और   J'aime cuisiner, donc je prépare le petit
 mistakes seem funny now. The days leading to the Arangetram had been   जब हम साथ म  हँसत भी थे और रोत भी थे। कहाँ गए वे  दन? अब हम कवल अपने घर म    déjeuner pour la famille le week-end.

 some of the most stressful, yet the excitement of performing overcame all of   क यटर क सामने परा  दन बठ रहत ह; कोई  यायाम नह ं, कोई ह सी-मज़ाक नह ं,  सफ
 that. Dance has become an important part of my life now, and with the event     त दन ड क पर बठकर    न को दखना। यह हमार बचपन क सबस अनमोल  दन ह, पर   Lorsque mon jeune frère a des difficultés
 over, I find myself missing the practice sessions, the laughing and connecting   इस महामार  क कारण हम इस  यथ कर रह ह । यह हमारे साथ  ह   य  हआ?  dans ses travaux scolaires, je lui apprends

 with  my  fellow  dancers.  For  us  students,  life  revolves  mostly  around   des  notions,  notamment  celles  des
 academics, and they often lose sight of other activities that make them   आग  या होगा इसक  भ व यवाणी करना असंभव ह। हम यह नह ं बता सकत  क ि थ त कब   mathématiques et des sciences. Mais, à
 happy. Indulging in activities other than academics are essential in fostering a   बहतर होगी या हम  व यालय म  कब लौट पाएँग। हम  नि चत  प स कवल इतना जानत ह    l'avenir,  j'aimerais  travailler  avec  les
                                     ु ू
 healthy mind and body. Bharatanatyam has surely done that for me, and I    क हम  इन क ठन प रि थ तय  क अनकल होना होगा और लचीलापन  दखाना होगा,  य  क   personnes âgées, car elles partagent des
 hope every student must find some passion to ensure their well-being  यह  एकमा  तर का ह, िजसस हम इस ि थ त स उबर पाएँग। े  conseils, qui sont toujours utiles.
 Dhrriti Yagnik                                                  वंश भा टया     Elisha Parikh
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