Page 246 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 246


                                                                      Perhaps wellbeing is a farce. A comic creation of the
                                                                      evil capitalist overlords to sell more Lululemon. A late-
                                                                      stage glorification of trained manifestation and driven
                                                                      self-employment in order to reach the unattainable
                                                                      pedestals  of  success  and  happiness!  It  is,  now,
                                                                      everywhere;  in  the  $20  açai  bowls  with  rock-solid
                                                                      frozen fruits, in the marble-washed yoga mats of air-
                                                                      conditioned  studios,  in  the  mountains  of  minimally
                                                                      packaged, maximally profited skincare products, in the
                                                                      crude cellulose confines of fake leaves, sold, ironically,
                                                                      on  Amazon.  This  constant  shoveling  of  self-
                                                                      betterment propaganda down our throats promotes
                                                                      nothing  seriously  attainable.  Well-being,
                                                                      contrastingly, is a notoriously simple idea- do what                            Ms. Pritha Mukherjee                  Ms. Richa Dhawan
                                                                      makes you feel good. The ridiculous hedonism of this                                IGCSE Coordinator               Assistant IGCSE Coordinator
                                                                      idea  may  appear  somewhat  indulgent-  even
                                                                      detrimental. But the simplicity of this idea also lies in
                                                                      just that- it is perfectly open to interpretation, working
                                                                      on the giddy whim of your self-determination. Doing
                                                                      what makes you feel good may sound simple at first; a                                From the IGCSE Office
                                                                      quick  analysis  will  provide  you  with  a  few  easy
                                                                      answers. And you may do these things to maintain
                                                                      your  “well-being”  repeatedly.  But  therein  lies  a
                                                                      confusing dichotomy- humans are prone to tedium.                      The IGCSE office has always been a place with high rate of footfalls both from students
                                                                      Doing what makes you feel good will get old, very                   and teachers whether in online or offline spaces. This academic year has been no different!
                                                                      quickly- in a manner akin to what Huxley, the writer
                                                                      proposes, the eternal absence of a complete utopia               While the academic year 2021-22 started online, the year gone by has shown that teaching and
                                                                      owing to this human condition. Well-being therefore              learning can be seamless if students and teachers show passion and agency, as we moved from
                                                                      requires a more balanced approach, one that juggles                                          online to hybrid to physical school.
                                                                      that which you detest with what you adore.
                                                                                                    Kabir Parekh                     The nature of queries, resolution of day-to-day matters and celebration of student achievements have
                              KYRENE TANGRI                                                                                         been consistent and affirmative, be it Round Square and MUN conferences students attended online, or
                                                                                                                                     Student Council Investiture and Sports Day celebrated in physical school. This academic year, all Board
                                                                                                                                 Examinations were conducted (October, March and June sessions) with the greatest of safety measures, giving
          Stress and Mental Wellbeing                                                                                               students a well scaffolded exam experience, with a chance to fulfil their goals and realise their potential.
          The biggest obstacle to our mental wellbeing, for many people, is stress
          and  worry.  We  stress  over  multiple  things  in  our  lives;  school,  work,                                       The joy of returning to school early this year in 2022, was stamped in the faces of our students as their eyes
          friends, what to wear to a party and what to do over the weekend,                                                        danced with recognition and pleasure when they met peers and teachers, though their smiles remained
          selecting subjects, tests and grades, the list goes on and on. The Point                                                 hidden behind the House Colour Masks! The corridors were buzzing again after the eerie silence of the
          being,  there  are  multiple  things  that  can  cause  us  to  feel  stressed
          throughout our lives, and it is especially worse if there are several causes to                                            lockdown months! The morning prayer, the hustle and bustle of school day and the break time rush
          your stress, which can let it build up and over whelm you.                                                                      downstairs to play in the field confirmed in our minds that it is business as usual at last!
          As I am writing this, I think I need to clarify that I do not have a solution for
          stress. It does not even need one; stress is the brain's natural response to a                                           In April 2022 we welcomed pre 8ths into the folds of IGCSE Program, just as joyfully as we bid goodbye
          situation deemed dangerous or harmful, so do not expect something like
          that. Instead, I believe that the problem many of us face is the effects of                                               to IGCSE Batch of 2022 who enjoyed their farewell party, post which the batch slipped in to the much-
          stress: overthinking about situations and doubting ourselves, going into a                                                                    awaited IGCSE Board Exam after a furlough of two years!
          panic, or even numb us enough that we cannot do a single thing by the
          end of it. And these are very easily manageable.
                                                                                                                                        The IGCSE Office salutes the students who have shown us how to remain resilient in spite of
          Organisation is something that might help people. For example, setting a                                                      challenges along the way, the class teachers have remained the bulwark of pastoral strength
          dedicated schedule for each thing you have to do might help. For a long
          time, I always found it quite helpful to decide what specific papers to                                                            and support and the Heads continue to guide our paths and remain within reach for
          revise on what day or time. For others who will eventually fall sick of or                                                            counsel. Last, but not the least, we feel assured by the solid support of the
          simply forget to stick to the routine (like I did), it may help to split your
          tasks into manageable portions. Even though it wasn't properly under                                                                administrative and medical teams who make it possible to fulfil all our promises
          exam  conditions,  I  often  solved  papers  question-by-question,  with  a                                                                                   to the IGCSE community!
          shorter time that was determined by the marks of the question. It's a
          practice  that  also  helped  me  get  through  a  lot  of  coursework  and
          unrelated things.                                                                                                                                 Ms. Pritha Mukherjee         Ms. Richa Dhawan
          Other methods you might find helpful is to take a quick break every now                                                                                IGCSE Coordinator      Assistant IGCSE Coordinator
          and again; it never hurts to give your mind some rest, and think things out
          more clearly. Speaking of rest, sleep is also essential to maintain decent
          mental wellbeing outside of stress (although this is one piece of advice I
          will most likely never follow).
                                                      Karan Verma
                                                                                PRANAAYA JHAVERI

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