Page 251 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 251

TUTOR                                       YEAR



 Ms. Soma Basu  Mr. Sunil Makwana
 IB Coordinator,   Assistant IB Coordinator
 Head of Sciences and MUN Director  IGCSE Math Subject Coordinator
                                          “Social wellbeing is                                 “Work on yourself
 From the IBDP Desk                      the practice of positive                             and watch the rest of
                                           relationships with
                                                                                              your life fall in line.”
                                           people in society.”
                                                                                                Aashna Parikh,
 The academic year 2021-22 was eventful for the challenges as well as the joys   Shaurya Goel,    Mr Erwin
 that comes when working with young adults. The journey, so far for our IBDP Year   Ms TJ Thomas’   Utchanah's
 11 and Year 12 students, has been one of focused attention to high academic goals, to   Tutor Group  Tutor Group
 immerse themselves in the high standards of teaching and learning involved in the IBD   Ms TJ Thomas’  Mr Erwin Utchanah’s
 Programme and most importantly enhance their personal and interpersonal development   Tutor Group  Tutor Group
 through experiential learning.
 As the pulse of life in physical school was back, the teachers were very impressed with the vibrant
 self- motivated group of Year 11. They made the classrooms, sports field and social area lively with
                                                                 “Social wellbeing
 their presence. The Class of 2022 is exceptionally a class apart.  Their determination and enthusiasm   “Put yourself at   is being content with
 triumphed over all odds they encountered the important last phase of high school journey. For a very long   the top of your to-do   your friends, relations,
 time, we kept ourselves connected through the digital platform, as this graduating batch spent their first   list every single day   your contribution
 year of their IBD Programme working online, during the pandemic lockdown. We resembled the carefully   and everything will be   to society and ability
 protected element inside a terrarium. We were inter-dependent, we adapted and we evolved together and   alright.”  to socialise.”
 successfully sustained ourselves in that system.  After the onset of physical school, there was never a dull   Nidaa Kagalwalla,   Manan Maheshwari,
 moment in the IB office as students of Year 11 and 12 could freely walk into the IB office with their queries and   Ms Shama Shaikh's   Mr Harry Martin's
 requests and we were more than happy to address them. We wore protective masks and followed safety   Tutor Group   Ms Shama Shaikh’s  Tutor Group   Mr Harry Martin’s
 protocols but our eyes could not hide the appreciation we felt for our students' efforts.
                                      Tutor Group                                          Tutor Group
 The IBD students were actively involved in many events and activities this year. As the senior-most class in the
 school, IBDP Year 12 students efficiently lead and executed the prestigious DAIMUN 2021 event exhibiting
 excellent planning and organizational skills. The CAS experience of the students continued to be earnest,   “Social wellbeing
 dedicated and continuous, even on the online platform. The IBDP Year 11 CAS projects in association with NGOs   is making an impact   “Social well-being is a
 strengthened the application skills and knowledge of the IB subject groups. Year 11 students also showed   on the community   state in a community
 exceptional teamwork in their ollaborative Group 4 projects.  The purpose of this project was to integrate the   and larger society   where everyone
 Group 4 sciences in an interdisciplinary approach to resolve prevalent environmental problems and address   while also staying true   accepts each other's
 issues of personal, local, and global significance. In IBDP Year 12, the students completed overall 10 CAS   to oneself.”  differences.”
 projects where all our students were completely immersed in community welfare. They were successful in   Aishi Basu,   Trayi Ajit,
 the inclusion of many fundraising ventures too. Our students are congratulated for their steadfast   Mr Sreeraman   Ms Pamela Colon's
 efforts in wholeheartedly experiencing the core of the IBD Programme.  Ramanathan's             Tutor Group
         Mr Sreeraman Ramanathan’s                               Ms Pamela Colon’s
 We often hear our students walk past the 6th floor IB office, busy in their chitter-chatter and   Tutor Group  Tutor Group   Tutor Group
 critical discussions. Now, this is what we will miss the most as the year has come to an
 end.  The Class of 2022 has graduated and secured placements in universities of their
 choice. The IB office feels proud of the achievements and potential of each IBDP   “For me, social well-
 student and we wish them the very best in all of their future endeavours.   being is the state of
            “Don't be afraid to                                being comfortable and
            prioritize your well-                               feeling content while
 Ms. Soma Basu  Mr. Sunil Makwana  being above all, it's        spending time with
 IB Coordinator,   Assistant IB Coordinator   your utmost       people and finding
 Head of Sciences and MUN Director  IGCSE Math Subject Coordinator  responsibility.”  happiness in engaging
                                                               with the community.”
            Kashvee Barjatya,
           Ms Shalini Ghosh's                                     Ashna Gupta,
              Tutor Group                                         Ms Carolina
                                   Ms Shalini Ghosh’s          Mondragon's Tutor    Ms Carolina Mondragon’s
                                      Tutor Group                    Group                 Tutor Group

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