Page 256 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 256

“Happiness cannot be found
          Chère Madame Belaïch,                                                                                                   EdYouth Foundation                                                      when the strongest of bodies have
          J'espère que cette lettre vous trouvera en bonne santé. Je vous écris en réponse                                                                                                                    the weakest of minds.”
          à votre article concernant les personnes âgées ou seniors et leur contribution à                                                                                                                     Adeetya Upadhyay
          la société. Les "personnes âgées" dont vous parlez tant nous ont, en fait élevés                                                  “Don't expect to receive if you are not willing to give.”
          eux-mêmes  et  ont  travaillé  leur  part  dans  leur  jeunesse.  Malgré  cela,  les                                    Student Reflections: Our experience in the EdYouth Foundation has been very enriching,
          personnes âgées contribuent encore aujourd'hui au foyer, en aidant à la garde                                           and a learning curve for me. We have had these sessions almost every Friday, where we interact with the EdYouth students, discussing
          des enfants, en faisant les tâches ménagères et bien d'autres choses encore,                                            news and teaching them a wide range of subjects such as science, math, and basic grammar and logic.
          comme le ménage, etc. pour certains parents qui sont préoccupés. En outre,
          elles s'engagent également dans des activités bénéfiques pour leur entourage,                                            We decided to interact more with the students by asking them questions and encouraging them to reflect on a variety of topics. This
          comme la philanthropie, le travail environnemental et d'autres activités qui                                            made classes more enjoyable for not only students, but us as well. A skill I've improved upon is my command of Hindi, a language I was
          rapprochent la communauté et lui sont bénéfiques.
                                                                                                                                  not comfortable communicating in. As the leader for this CAS service, I have also become better at delegating work to my peers and
          Le problème sous-jacent à cet argument est que nous partons du principe que                                             ensuring that the classes are well-planned. Overall, I look forward to conducting these sessions every Friday as we not only teach the
          seules les personnes qui aident ou font partie du système peuvent en tirer les                                          students about a range of skills and subjects, but also learn a lot ourselves. -Ahaan J
          avantages. L'idée que les personnes âgées ne sont pas considérées comme
          utiles et ne peuvent donc pas récolter les avantages de la vie est une idée                                             I was able to not only gain a new perspective of the privileges of my education but also enjoy the opportunity to teach as much as learn
          incroyablement capitaliste et égocentrique qui amène à s'interroger sur le                                              with the Ed youth students. Along with our discoveries of profound skill and intellect within several of the students, we also came upon
          système dont elles font partie. Il est décourageant de savoir qu'en dépit du fait                                       a knack for forming bonds. Whether it be for Zeenat's ever willingness to not only answer but question the questioner or Rahul's
          qu'ils font beaucoup dans leur vieillesse et qu'ils ont travaillé pendant des                                           humorous bold takes on the IPL season that had us rolling on the floor. Our, sessions covered a variety of topics from political agendas
          années auparavant, on s'attend toujours à ce que les personnes âgées fassent                                            to origami Christmas trees, accompanied always by a cheerful Good Afternoon from Vidur sir. -Jai K
          beaucoup plus qu'elles ne le font déjà. Au lieu d'exiger d'eux qu'ils travaillent
          dès le départ, nous devrions leur permettre de se détendre après la retraite et                                         We conducted sessions for basic English verbal and communication skills, logic and critical thinking, maths, science and, occasionally,
          de récolter les fruits de leur travail. L'idée qu'une personne doit contribuer à la                                     arts and crafts. Besides being helpful for the students themselves, this entire journey has been just as enjoyable and enriching for me as
          société pour être jugée "utile" par les autres, est bouleversante, car ce sont ces                                      an individual as well. I was able to identify some of my own key strengths and develop them over a period. I also been able to develop
          personnes qui nous aiment et nous ont élevés depuis l'enfance jusqu'à ce que                                            teamwork and collaboration skills, which I think are very important. Furthermore, I think that it has been humbling to be a part of
          nous soyons devenus ce que nous sommes aujourd'hui. Nous devrions donner
          aux personnes âgées le temps et l'espace que leur âge exige, et leur permettre                                          something working towards to good social cause. Thus, the entire journey has been great overall. -Niharika N
          de passer leur temps comme elles l'entendent, sans restriction.                                                         In Edyouth our team teach children multiple things such as English, mathematics, current affairs, and many different things, out of the
          J'espère que cette lettre apportera une nouvelle perspective à votre opinion.                                           scope of their usual academics in school. Being a part of Edyouth gives me great joy and makes me feel proud to actually be able to
                                                                                                                                  bring some change in the lives of people. Every single session at Edyouth gives each of us an opportunity to learn so many things that
                                                                                                                                  we may not usually know about and also gives us a chance to a great time. In addition, Edyouth helps us develop our collaborative
                                                          Sanya Shah
                                                                                                                                                                                                         learning  and  leadership  skills.  All
                                                                                                                                                                                                         group  members  work  together,  to
           “Social well-being is a responsibility, not only to society but also to ourselves.                                                                                                            prepare  quality  lessons  for  the
            It involves an understanding, connecting, and sharing, which is what makes                                                                                                                   students  and  try  to  make  it  as
                                us human after all.”                                                                                                                                                     informative  as  possible,  up  taking
                                Advit Ranawade                                                                                                                                                           responsibilities and completing them
                                                                                                                                                                                                         on time. - Shreyas K
          मान सक  वा  य                                                  Jai Vakeel                                                                                                                      In Ed youth I have learnt many things
                                                                                                                                                                                                         like new words and news. The daily
          मान सक  वा  य म  हमारा भावना मक, मनोव ा नक और सामािजक क याण                                                                                                                                    news  that  we  conduct  during  the
          शा मल ह। यह  भा वत करता ह  क हम कस सोचत ह , महसस करत ह  और काय     Foundation                                                                                                                  class  helps  me  to  know  what  is
          करत ह  और यह भी  नधा  रत करत ह   क हम तनाव को कस संभालत सँभालत  े ह ,                                                                                                                          happening  in  the  world  and  helps
          दसर  स संबं धत ह , और   व थ जीवन  वक प बनात ह । लोग आमतौर पर यह भल                                                                                                                             me  to  understand  the  world  better.
                                                                         The Jai Vakeel Foundation CAS activity began in
          जात ह   क मन भी सम   प स हमार अि त व का एक मह वपण  ह सा ह, और                                                                                                                                  -Sayhan M
                                                                         August 2021. It has been over 7 months since DAIS
          इसक प रणाम व प, कई लोग अपने  दमागी सहत को नजरअदाज कर दत ह  और
                                                                         students have been pursuing this interaction on
          कवल अपनी शार  रक  वा  य पर  यान क     त करत ह ।
                                                                         Friday afternoons with the Foundation students.
          आज क  दन और यग म , यह हमारे  वचार  और काय  क साथ-साथ हमार द नक   We  have  experienced  many  changes,  from
          जीवन म  इसके  अ य धक योगदान क कारण चचा  का एक मह वपण  वषय बनता   switching between online and offline platforms.        Birsa Munda School
          जा रहा ह। इन सबक बावजद, इस  वषय को लकर अभी भी काफ  संशय ह।     Overall, the students have all strived very hard to
          मान सक बीमार  का मतलब यह नह ं ह  क कोई पागल हो रहा ह, और  नि चत  प   make the foundation students feel welcome and     We have been working with BMS over the past 7 months, teaching them various creative
                                                                                                                                 activities  like  storytelling,  dancing,  singing,  art  and  fitness.  Each  group  has  worked

          स इसस श मदा होने क  कोई ज रत नह ं ह। हमार समाज को मान सक बीमार  या   comfortable.
                                                                                                                                 towards different CAS learning outcomes.
           वकार क बार म  अपनी धारणा बदलने क  वा तव म  आव यकता ह। ै
                                                                         We  started  with  introducing  our  school  and  its   Art: Every week, the art group worked with the children's artistic abilities. They have
          इन बात  क बावजद, मान सक बीमार  का इलाज सभव ह। बस एक द नक  दनचया म    activities such as Sports Day, Earth Day and Annual   focused on increasing the difficulty with each successive drawing. Their artworks included

          छोट-छोट बदलाव करक उ ह  दर   कया जा सकता ह। सबह क  सर, योग और  यान जस  े  Day,  and  went  on  to  teaching  topics  revolving   fruits, animals and sceneries.
           नय मत  यायाम बहतर न उपाय ह।    इन सब चीज  क अलावा आपक  लए सबस ज र    around Mahatma Gandhi varied birds and cultural   Music: The music group focused on different aspects of music with the children. The
          ह  क आप अ छा आहार और पया त नीद ल ।  यि त  वय का  यान रखकर मान सक   festivals in detail. Everything was communicated    children were exposed to different music forms such as folk songs as well as Hindustani

          रोग को आसानी स रोक सकता ह, िजस मधर सगीत सनन, अ धक सामािजक होन और   through presentations to use visual stimulus and    classical music. The music group aimed to work on expanding their knowledge on the
          शर र क  दखभाल करन स मन को शात  कया जा सकता ह। ै                then recapped by quizzes to see if the foundation       types of music as well as helping them sing it in correct ‘taal and sur.’
                                                                         students had comprehended everything taught.            Dance: The dance group worked on different types of choreography. From fast paced
          हम  यह समझने क  ज़ रत ह  क शार  रक और भावना मक  प स  व थ होना
                                                                                                                                 choreography to Hindi songs to slow paced classical dances, they've done it all! The
          जीवन क सभी पहलओ म  सफलता क  कजी ह। ब च  को मान सक  वा  य क     We were enterprising, warm, friendly, interactive       students enjoyed the sessions and had smiles on their faces.
          मह व क बार म   श  त  कया जाना चा हए, िजसस उ ह  मान सक  वा  य क   and each one took initiative by turn. DAIS students   Fitness:  The  fitness  group  ensured  that  the  children  remain  active  and  energetic
          आसपास क    ढ़य  को तोड़ने म  मदद  मलगी जो आज क समाज ने बनाई ह। यह   have worked on their oral Hindi speaking skills as   throughout the sessions. They focused on a variety of exercises that work different muscle groups. They also taught students the
          उ ह  मान सक  वा  य क म   स  नपटने म  भी मदद करगा और इस  कार, एक   that  was  the  main  medium  of  communication.     rationale behind warm-ups and the importance of remaining active.
           व थ जीवन जीएगा।                                               They  made  the  JVF  students  laugh,  dance,          Storytelling: The storytelling group focused on telling the children stories. Ranging from passages from classical books to fables, they've
                                                                         participate actively and feel included.                 ensured that all their sessions are engaging and enjoyable.  The students created imaginative story worlds that showed their creativity!
                                     नहा रका नाईक, क शा वमा , अ नका  सगी
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