Page 254 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
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Aseema                                                                                                                                                                        Welfare of Stray Dogs

         The  Aseema  Charitable  Trust  is  a  non-governmental
         organization with a mission to equip children from marginalized                                                                                                               Welfare of Stray Dogs, or WSD, is a Mumbai based organization
         communities with high quality, value-based education, enabling                                                                                                                that aims to control the street dog population and eradicate
         the development of their limitless potential. Over the past 25                                                                                                                rabies in a humane, scientific way. Along with this, they also focus
         years, Aseema has worked extensively with children living in                                                                                                                  on  promoting  the  adoption  of  indies,  raising  awareness  on
         slum communities in Mumbai and remote tribal communities in                                                                                                                   general behaviour of dogs, and first-aid treatments.
         Igatpuri, Maharashtra.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Starting the year online, though we all shared a passion and love
         As a CAS initiative, DAIS students worked with Aseema. We
         taught students of grades 3 and 4 English, Mathematics and the                                                                                                                for working with animals, there was a lot of uncertainty and
         Sciences  through  45-minute  sessions  every  Friday.  To  make                                                                                                              apprehension as to what we could and would be expected to do.
         them  as  meaningful  as  possible,  with  regular  discussions  of                                                                                                           However, after several sessions spent brainstorming, we finally
         academic topics to get to know the students' level of learning.                                                                                                               came up with some ideas. Starting out with a fundraiser, a few of
         We  spent  time  getting  to  know  them  as  individuals.                                                                                                                    us set up a Ketto page raising Rs 50,000 to provide for food and
         Additionally, the sessions were made interactive through playing games at the end of every class to test their learning. This method of                                       other monthly rations. Additionally, we divided ourselves into
         teaching helped them learn effectively as well as understand the importance of what they are learning.                                                                        various  groups  to  ideate  creatives  for  the  WSD  social  media
         Overall, this service initiative not only helped the students of the NGO, but also helped us learn various skills through the planning,                                       account, from reels to posts. Our creatives ranged from reels for
         managing and conducting of these sessions. During CAS sessions, we worked in teams to solve problems we faced, making us better                                               Holi, Valentine's Day, and World Rabies Day to posts regarding
         collaborators and critical, creative thinkers. The joy we experienced when the                                                                                                adoptions, WSD merchandise, upcoming sales and others. We
         students smiled and waved “Hello!”is something we will never forget from this                                                                                                 also made a special campaign focused on sponsorships for the
         CAS experience.                                                “Social wellbeing is the gateway to living a longer,                                                           dogs at the kennel. Through this social media engagement, we
                                                                         fuller life through healthy relationships between                                                             were able to get sponsorships for all the dogs! A few of us also
                                                                                yourself and your community.”
                                                                                                                                                                                       made  brochures,  presentations  and  infographics  on  WSD,
           Parents, profs, et mes chers amis, bonjour!                               Tridha Haritwal                                                                                   sponsorship/adoption information.
                                                                                                                                                                                       We also had the privilege of interacting with the CEO of WSD,
           Avez-vous vu les œuvres d'art par les maîtres comme Leonardo de Vinci, Picasso, ou Monet ? Connaissez-vous leur talent de créer l'art                                       Mr. Abodh Aras, who educated us about dog behaviour and
           qui peut toucher l'âme, qui peut exprimer des opinions sincères, qui peut montrer la beauté de la vie et du monde ? Sinon, pas de   Toybank                                 the dos and don'ts – for dogs and humans – when giving first
           problème. Puisqu'aujourd'hui, je vous invite à voir des œuvres de nos propres maîtres d'art, et vous n'en croirez pas les yeux quand                                        aid. Thanks to the relaxation of Covid restrictions later in the
           vous verrez ces merveilles créées par vos propres enfants, élèves, et amis !                                                                                                year, several of us were also able to visit the kennel on our own
                                                                                                                                 Toybank is an organisation that aims to promote the mental
           Depuis des milliers d'années, les gens créent des œuvres artistiques. L'art visuel et la narration font partie intégrale de notre culture.                                  and finally interact with the dogs. We met those people who
           Les premiers gens ont peint sur les murs des grottes, et aujourd'hui nous dessinons sur des ordinateurs. Selon le peintre danois Gustav   well-being  and  healthy  socio-emotional  growth  of  at-risk   we  had  worked  online  with,  which  was  a  really  enjoyable
           Klimt. « À chaque siècle son art, à l'art sa liberté.» C'est la philosophie de notre exposition, et quand vous y mettrez les pieds, vous   children  in  both  urban  and  rural  India.  The  organisation  is   experience. Some of us who were initially slightly scared of the
           serez transportés dans un autre monde. Un monde avec du pop art à côté des dessins numériques et des peintures abstraites. Un   involved in promoting morally correct educational games and   dogs, found ourselves gaining confidence and comfort around
           monde avec des installations élaborées, du graffiti animé, des performances vives : une véritable réplique de l'art de la rue. Un monde   play.                              the dogs. We walked a few of them at the kennel! we also
           où tous types d'art cohabitent en harmonie et représentent la totalité de l'ingéniosité humaine.                                                                            worked  to  collaborate  with  the  Cookery  Club  at  school  to
                                                                                                                                 We  have  worked  closely  with  Toybank  over  the  past  year,
           Les étudiants de notre école ont consacré d'innombrables heures, en cours et à la maison, pour réaliser leurs visions artistiques. Ils ont                                  produce a batch of dog treats every month for the kennel and
           sué sang et eau, ils se sont investis corps et âme pour créer ces œuvres. J'espère que ceux d'entre vous qui aiment déjà l'art peuvent   interacting with the children of this organisation to help them   hope to continue visiting them in our own time.
           mieux apprécier les peintures vous verrez. Mais surtout, j'espère… non, je suis sûr ! Je suis sûr que les autres, pour qui l'art reste   develop the fundamental skills critical to their learning through   Volunteering for WSD in this last year has been a great learning
           ennuyeux et une perte de temps : vous découvrirez également l'essence et la beauté de l'art à notre exposition !      games. The concept of the Play2Learn kit videos was one in
                                                                                                                                                                                       experience for all involved. We pushed ourselves to be creative,
           L'artiste Pablo Picasso a si bien dit « Un tableau ne vit que par celui qui le regarde ». Et c'est vrai, car l'art est subtil, et on ne sait jamais   which we created simple tutorials explaining interesting games   more knowledgeable and even risk takers. We are proud that we
           l'intention de l'artiste. C'est à vous de décider ce que l'art vous dit, et je désire que vous appreniez quelque chose de nouveau en   to the children. The final videos were distributed to help the   created campaigns that had a positive effect on their livelihood.
           voyant cette exposition.                                                                                              children  understand  how  to  play  the  games  and  generate
           Selon William Burroughs, écrivain connu, « les artistes sont les véritables architectes du changement. » Aujourd'hui, nos jeunes   enthusiasm  in  them.  Through  storytelling,  we  taught  the
           artistes vont changer votre perception d'art. Je vous souhaite humblement les bienvenus à l'Exposition d'Art de 2022.   children about the different challenges in life, ways to overcome
           Merci beaucoup d'avoir m'écouté. Bonne visite !                                                                       them, and the lessons they could learn from them. Toybank also
                                                                                                                                 has a ‘Buddy Program’ where we interacted with the children as
                                                                                                  Aaryan Jagtap
                                                                                                                                 a 'buddy' to develop a relationship with them. We also raised
                                                                                                                                 awareness on different social media platforms about Toybank's
                                                                                                                                 work and raised funds through planned events and donations.
             “Well-being is ensuring to stay balanced in our pursuit of happiness, making
           memories that last a lifetime while also prioritising ourselves and our future goals.”                                Working with Toybank for almost a year has been a very fulfilling
                                      Anavi Kaul                                                                                 experience.  We  were  sensitized  to  the  various  issues  that
                                                                                                                                 children  from  these  backgrounds  experience  in  our  own
                                                                                                                                 localities.  The  Toybank  service  experience  taught  us  the
          Vida Saludable Para Adolescentes                                                                                       importance of collaborating with a group of peers with different
                                                                                                                                 skills working towards a common goal of helping children who
          Me llamo Arushi Maheshwari. Tengo diesisiete años y vivo en Mumbai. En mi opinión es                                   are underprivileged. Each game, while deceptively simple, had
          muy importante tener un estilo de vida saludable. Me levanto a las 7 en punto cada día y                               the unique ability to teach children useful academic and social
          duermo a las diez y media. Como muchas frutas y verduras pero no como carne. Me
          Encanto deportes y pasar tiempo con mis famila y amigos.                                                               skills and develop healthy communication.
          Es importante comer sano porque es bueno para las piernas, el corazón y los ojos.                                      The experience of working as a part of Toybank was one of a
          Adicionalmente, comer sano mejora su estado de ánimo, su concentración, motivación                                     kind  because  we  were  given  the  opportunity  to  have  a
          y la atención.                                                                                                         meaningful impact on the lives of these children. At the same
                                                                                                                                                                                         “Social well-being is finding a community and feeling the
          Os aconsejo hacer deporte, dormir bien y hacer yoga. Debes beber mucha agua y comer                                    time, this experience taught us so much in terms of creativity,   sense of belonging. It is finding a group of people who can
          muchas frutas y verduras.                                                                                              communication, collaboration, and organisation. Through the         uplift and support you.”
                                                          Anushi Maheshwari                                                      simple medium of games, Toybank touches many lives.                      Insha Kabir
                                                                                         AARNA SANGHAI

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